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Showing words for GUISE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Guise
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3 Letter Words for Guise
Definitions for Guise
[1] general external appearance; aspect; semblance: an old principle in a new guise.
[2] assumed appearance or mere semblance: under the guise of friendship.
[3] style of dress: in the guise of a shepherd.
[4] Archaic . manner; mode.
[5] to dress; attire: children guised as cowboys.
[6] Scot. and North England . to appear or go in disguise.
[7] Fran·çois de Lor·raine [fr ahn -swa duh law-r en ] /frɑ̃ˈswa də lɔˈrɛn/ , 2nd Duc de, 1519–63, French general and statesman.
[8] his son Hen·ri I de Lorraine [ahn -r ee ] /ɑ̃ˈri/ , Duc de, 1550–88, French general and leader of opposition to the Huguenots.
[9] semblance or pretence under the guise of friendship
[10] external appearance in general
[11] archaic manner or style of dress
[12] obsolete customary behaviour or manner
[13] dialect to disguise or be disguised in fancy dress
[14] (tr) archaic to dress or dress up
Words related to Guise
disguise, fashion, show, color, mask, demeanor, shape, aspect, facade, air, dress, simulacrum, mien, cloak, role, semblance, form, showing, pose, front
Words nearby Guise
guipure, guiro, guisard, guisarme, guiscard, guise, guising, guitar, guitarfish, guitarist, guitguit
Origin of Guise
1175–1225; (noun) Middle English g(u)ise < Old French < Germanic; see wise2: (v.) Middle English gisen, derivative of the noun
Words that may be confused with Guise
Word origin for Guise
C13: from Old French guise, of Germanic origin; see wise ²
Synonyms for Guise
disguise, air, aspect, behavior, cloak, color, cover, demeanor, dress, facade, face, fashion, form, front, mask, mien, mode, pose, posture, role, semblance, shape, show, showing, simulacrum, disguisement, false front, false show, seeming