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Showing words for GYNECOMORPHOUS using the English dictionary

14 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous


13 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous


12 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

chromogenous, cynomorphous

11 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous


10 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

chromogens, cosmogoner, gonophores, gymnospore, gynophores, hygroscope, hypogenous, mesophryon, monocerous, morphogens, morphogeny, myophorous, neuropsych, proeconomy, pyrogenous

9 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

chromogen, chrysogen, composure, coregonus, cornhouse, cosmogeny, cosmogony, eponymous, geochrony, geomorphy, gonophore, gonopores, gymnosoph, gynophore, gynospore, gyroscope, hemoscopy, heroogony, homospory, horoscope, horoscopy, houseroom, hypogeous, hypomeron, monoceros, monoscope, monospore, morphogen, myogenous, neomorphs, oeconomus, oncomouse, osmophore, ouroscopy, phoronomy, poorhouse, pyogenous, roughsome, sophomore, sporogeny, sporogone, sporogony, spurmoney, surgeoncy

8 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

chemurgy, chompers, choregus, chromone, chromous, chrysome, coehorns, composer, comrogue, congrues, consperg, consumer, cophouse, cormogen, corneous, cornmuse, corpsmen, coryphes, coughers, croupons, cryogens, cygneous, cynosure, egophony, enormous, enroughs, eponymus, euphonym, gemshorn, geoscopy, gerocomy, gonomery, gonopore, gonosome, gopherus, groschen, grouches, gumpheon, gunrooms, guyropes, hencoops, homespun, homogeny, homogone, homogony, homogyne, honeycup, honorous, hormogon, hormones, humogens, hyperons, hyperoon, hypocone, hypogeum, hyponome, merogony, mongoose, moochers, moorhens, morosoph, morpheus, morphous, mouchers, mucrones, munchers, mungoose, murgeons, myophore, myoscope, necropsy, nemorous, neomorph, ocherous, osophone, pomeroys, pouncers, prochoos, prognose, punchers, pyrogens, pyrosome, roughens, rynchops, schooner, schooper, scophony, scrounge, scroungy, smoocher, smoucher, sompnour, soochong, souchong, sporogen, spoucher, sunporch, surgency, sycomore, unhooper, unmorose, uroscopy, youngers

7 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

ceroons, cherups, chesoun, chomper, chooser, choregy, choreus, chorous, choryos, chouser, chromes, chromos, chymous, chypres, coehorn, cohorns, cohunes, comoros, comourn, compers, compone, compony, compose, compreg, congers, congery, congous, congrue, conspue, consume, consumo, conures, conusor, conyger, coopers, coopery, coprose, cormose, cormous, corneum, coryphe, coshery, cougher, coupers, coupons, coursey, coypous, crepons, croupes, croupon, crumens, cryogen, cuprose, curneys, cyperus, economy, ecphory, enoughs, enrough, ephorus, eponyms, eryngos, euphons, euphony, euphory, geopony, gonophs, gooneys, goosery, gophers, gorhens, gorsoon, goschen, gosmore, groucho, grouchy, grumose, grumphs, grumphy, gumshoe, gunroom, gunshop, gurneys, guyrope, gymnure, hemocry, hencoop, heroons, hognose, homogen, hoopers, hoopmen, hoopoes, hormone, hugsome, humogen, humpens, humpers, hungers, hymners, hyperon, hypnums, mongers, mongery, mongoes, monoecy, moocher, mooches, mooners, moonery, moorhen, moresco, morgens, morgues, moroncy, morones, morphon, morphos, moucher, mouches, mousery, msource, muncher, munches, mungoes, mungoos, murgeon, muscone, myogens, nephros, noshery, noysome, numeros, nymphos, ochones, ochrous, oncomes, onerous, onshore, onymous, oophore, ooscope, ooscopy, oosperm, oospore, operons, ophryon, orgones, orogens, orogeny, orpheon, orpheum, orpheus, phenoms, phoners, phooeys, phoresy, phorone, phrensy, pocosen, pocoson, pogroms, pomeroy, pomroys, ponchos, pongoes, pooches, poogyes, poonces, porches, pouches, pouncer, pounces, precony, presong, procyon, progeny, proynes, psychon, puceron, puchero, puncher, punches, pyoners, pyrogen, pyrones, recoups, repugns, repunch, rouches, roughen, rounces, roynous, rumshop, runches, ruspone, scooper, scopone, scourge, scrooge, scrouge, scrumpy, scrunge, seymour, shopmen, smoochy, snocher, snooper, sompner, sooreyn, sorehon, sorghum, soroche, sougher, soupcon, sponger, spooner, spooney, sprogue, sunroom, supremo, surgeon, synchro, syncope, uncopes, unhoops, unhorse, unmoors, unperch, unrhyme, unroomy, unropes, unshore, upcomes, uphroes, upshore, urgency, urocyon, urosome, younger, youpons

6 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

censor, cepous, ceroon, cerous, chemos, cherup, cheson, cheung, chomer, chomps, chooms, choose, choosy, chores, chorus, chosen, choson, chouse, chrome, chromo, chromy, chumps, chumpy, chupon, churns, chuser, chymes, chypre, cogmen, cogons, cogues, cohens, cohoes, cohogs, cohorn, cohune, comers, comose, comous, comper, compos, coneys, conger, conges, congos, congou, conrey, conure, cooers, cooeys, cooner, cooper, coosen, cooser, copens, copers, coreys, cormus, cornus, corone, coroun, corpse, corpsy, corpus, coryph, cosher, coughs, couper, coupes, coupon, coures, course, coypou, coypus, coyure, crepon, cromes, crones, cronus, croons, croose, crosne, croupe, croups, croupy, crouse, crumen, crumps, crumpy, cuerpo, cupmen, curney, cursen, cygnus, cymose, cymous, cypres, cyprus, empory, encomy, encoop, enough, ephors, epochs, eponym, eproms, eprosy, erugos, eryngo, eumops, eunomy, euonym, euphon, euryon, gemony, genoms, genros, geomys, gepoun, germon, gersum, geryon, gnomes, gomers, goners, gonoph, goonch, gooney, goosey, gopher, gorhen, goshen, goupen, grones, grooms, groomy, groose, gropes, grouch, groups, groupy, grouse, grousy, grumes, grumph, grumps, grumpy, grunch, gryces, grypes, gunyeh, gurney, gusher, guyers, gypsum, gyrons, gyrose, gyrous, henrys, herons, heroon, hogens, hogpen, homers, homeys, honers, honeys, honors, hooeys, hooper, hoopoe, hopers, hormes, hormos, horsey, horson, hounce, houser, housey, humors, humpen, humper, hunger, hungry, hymens, hymner, hypers, hypnum, mensch, mergus, merops, moeurs, moguey, mohurs, moneys, monger, mongoe, mongos, monose, monosy, monroe, mooner, moorup, moosey, mopers, mopery, mopsey, morgen, morgue, mornes, morone, morong, morons, morose, morpho, morphs, mosher, mouche, mourns, mouser, muches, mucors, mucose, mucros, munchy, munger, mungey, mungos, murchy, murphy, musery, musher, mycose, myogen, myopes, myopus, negros, neomys, neosho, noecho, nomeus, nooser, nosher, nouche, noyous, numero, nympho, nymphs, ochers, ochery, ochone, oengus, ohones, oncers, oncome, onrush, oogeny, oogone, oomphs, operon, ophrys, orchen, oregon, oremus, orgone, orgues, orogen, osophy, osperm, ospore, osprey, ouches, ounces, ouphes, pechys, pengos, pensum, penury, person, phenom, pheons, phoner, phones, phonos, phooey, pogeys, pogrom, pomeys, pomroy, ponces, poncho, poneys, pongos, poogye, poonce, porges, pornos, porose, porous, poseur, posher, poucer, poucey, pouchy, pounce, pouncy, pouser, poyous, poyson, procne, proems, progne, progun, promos, prones, prongs, prongy, proyne, proyns, prunes, psyche, psycho, punces, punchy, punger, pungey, purges, pusher, pyoner, pyrgom, pyrone, recons, recopy, recoup, regnum, regush, rehoop, rehung, repugn, reshun, reyson, rheums, rheumy, rhones, rhymes, rhynes, roches, rogues, romeos, romney, roncho, roncos, roneos, roscoe, rouche, rouens, rouges, roughs, roughy, rounce, rouncy, rounge, roynes, ruches, rugose, rumens, rumney, rushen, schemy, scherm, schone, schoon, scorny, scoury, scroop, scrump, scryne, scunge, scungy, secohm, senhor, senryu, sercom, sermon, seroon, shogun, shypoo, smooch, smooge, smouch, snoopy, snouch, socmen, somner, sompne, songer, sooner, sooper, sopher, sorghe, sorgho, souchy, souper, soupon, source, souren, spency, spermy, speron, sphery, sponge, spongy, spoony, spoorn, spreng, sprong, spruce, sprucy, sprung, spunch, spunge, spurge, spurne, sumner, sumper, sumphy, syncom, synroc, sypher, ugsome, uncome, uncoop, uncope, uncore, unesco, unhero, unhome, unhoop, unhope, unhose, unmesh, unmoor, unpegs, unrope, unshoe, unshop, unsome, unsore, upcome, upgoes, upgone, uphroe, uproom, uprose, urochs, ursone, yercum, youngs, youpon, yrnehs, yupons

5 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

ceros, chego, chemo, cheng, chomp, chons, choom, choop, chops, chore, chose, choup, chous, chron, chugs, chump, chums, chung, churm, churn, chuse, chyme, coeno, cogon, cogue, cohen, cohoe, cohog, cohos, cohue, comer, comes, compo, comps, comus, coner, cones, conge, congo, conoy, consy, conus, cooer, cooey, cooms, coomy, coons, coony, coops, copen, coper, copes, copse, copsy, copus, cores, corey, corge, corms, corno, corns, cornu, corny, corpn, corps, corse, corso, corsy, cosen, cosey, cosmo, cough, coupe, coups, coure, cours, coyer, coyos, coypu, crepy, crome, crone, crony, croon, crops, crose, croup, crues, crump, cruse, crush, crusy, cunye, cures, curns, curny, curse, cushy, cymes, cymru, cypre, cyrus, ecrus, emong, emony, emory, encup, enoch, enorm, ephor, epoch, eprom, epsom, ergon, erugo, erump, escry, esrog, eughs, euros, genom, genos, genro, genus, genys, germs, germy, geums, ghoom, gnome, goers, gomer, goner, goney, gonys, gooey, goons, goony, goops, goopy, goors, goose, goosy, gorce, gores, gorms, gormy, gorps, gorse, gorsy, goury, greco, grens, grone, groom, groop, grope, group, grues, grume, grump, grush, gruys, gryce, grype, gryph, gumps, gurns, gursh, guser, gushy, guyer, guyse, gymps, gyres, gyron, gyros, gyrus, hemps, hempy, henry, herms, herns, heron, hocus, hoers, hogen, homer, homes, homey, homos, honer, hones, honey, hongs, honor, hooey, hoons, hoops, hoose, hooye, hoper, hopes, horme, horns, horny, horse, horus, hosen, hoser, hosey, hours, house, housy, huers, huger, humor, humps, humpy, huron, hyens, hymen, hymns, hyper, hypes, hypos, hyrse, hyson, mecon, mengs, mensh, menus, merch, mercs, mercy, mergh, merop, meros, meshy, meson, moche, mochs, mochy, mogos, mohos, mohrs, mohur, moner, money, mongo, mongs, monos, mooch, moong, moons, moony, moops, moore, moorn, moors, moory, moose, moper, mopes, mopey, mopsy, mopus, mores, morne, morns, moroc, moron, morph, morse, morus, mosey, mouch, moues, moups, mourn, mouse, mousy, moyen, mucho, mucor, mucro, mugho, munch, munge, mungo, mungs, mungy, muons, mures, muser, mushy, myope, myops, myron, necro, negro, negus, nehru, nemos, neums, nohes, nomes, nomos, noops, noose, nopes, noreg, norge, norms, norse, noser, noups, noyes, numps, nurse, nursy, nymph, ocher, oches, ochro, ochry, ogres, ohone, omens, omers, omnes, oncer, onces, oncus, oners, onery, oomph, opens, orcus, orgue, ornes, osone, ounce, ouphe, ouphs, oyers, pechs, pecos, peghs, pengo, pensy, peons, peony, perch, perms, perns, pheon, phone, phono, phons, phony, phose, phren, pneum, poche, pocus, poems, poesy, pogey, pogos, pomes, pomey, pomos, ponce, poncy, pones, poney, pongo, pongs, pongy, ponos, pooch, poohs, poons, porch, pores, porge, porgo, porgy, porno, porns, porny, poros, porus, poser, posey, posho, pouce, pouch, poucy, pours, pousy, poyou, poyse, premy, preys, proem, progs, promo, proms, prone, prong, proos, prose, proso, prosy, proyn, pruhs, prune, pryse, psych, pucer, puces, puers, pughs, punce, punch, pungs, pungy, purey, purge, purse, pursy, pushy, pyche, pynes, pyres, pyros, pyrus, recon, regos, remop, remus, repos, resun, resup, rheum, rhone, rhyme, rhyne, roche, rogue, roguy, rohun, romeo, romps, rompu, rompy, ronco, roneo, rones, rooms, roomy, roons, roops, roopy, roose, ropes, rouen, roues, rouge, rough, rougy, roums, roups, roupy, rouse, royne, royou, ruche, rumen, rumes, rumps, rumpy, runch, runes, rungs, runsy, rushy, schmo, scone, scoog, scoon, scoop, scope, score, scorn, scoug, scoup, scour, scrog, scroo, scrum, secno, segno, segou, senor, sepoy, sermo, seron, serum, seugh, sheng, shone, shoop, shoor, shope, shore, shoyu, shrog, shrug, shune, shure, shyer, smoor, smore, snerp, snoop, snore, snurp, soger, somne, sonce, soncy, songy, sooey, soony, sophy, sopor, sorgo, souce, sough, soupy, sperm, spong, spoom, spoon, spoor, spore, sprog, sprue, sprug, spume, spumy, spung, spurn, spyer, sucre, sumen, sumer, sumph, super, surge, surgy, sycon, synop, syren, syrup, umphs, unces, uncos, uncoy, unpeg, unshy, upcry, upher, upsey, urges, urson, usher, yechs, ympes, yoghs, yomer, yomps, yoops, yores, young, youre, yourn, yours, youse, ypres, yrneh, yumps, yupon

4 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

cens, ceps, cern, cero, chem, chen, cher, chge, chmn, chon, chop, chou, choy, chry, chug, chum, chun, coes, cogs, coho, come, comp, comr, coms, cone, cong, cons, cony, coom, coon, coop, coos, cope, copr, cops, copy, core, corm, corn, corp, cors, cory, cose, cosh, coue, coup, cour, coyn, coyo, coys, cpus, cres, croh, crop, croy, crpe, crue, crum, crup, crus, csmp, cues, cump, cums, cuon, cups, cure, curn, curs, cury, cush, cusp, cyme, cyon, echo, econ, ecru, ecus, egos, emos, emus, emys, ency, engr, engs, eons, epos, ergo, ergs, erns, eros, ersh, eruc, esop, espy, eugh, euro, gems, gens, genu, geom, geos, germ, gers, gery, geum, gneu, gnus, goen, goer, goes, gome, gone, gons, gony, goon, goop, goor, goos, gore, gorm, gorp, gory, gosh, goup, goys, gren, gros, grue, grum, grun, grus, gues, guhr, gump, gums, guns, gups, gurn, gurs, gush, guys, gymp, gyms, gyne, gype, gyps, gyre, gyro, gyse, hemp, hems, heng, hens, heps, herm, hern, hero, herp, hers, hery, hesp, heys, hoer, hoes, hoey, hogo, hogs, home, homo, hone, hong, hons, hoom, hoon, hoop, hoos, hope, hops, hore, horn, hors, hory, hose, hosp, hour, hoys, huer, hues, huge, hugo, hugs, hugy, hump, hums, hung, huns, hups, huse, huso, hyen, hyes, hymn, hyne, hype, hypo, hyps, mech, megs, meng, meno, mens, menu, meny, merc, mero, mesh, meso, meus, mhos, moch, moco, mocs, moes, mogo, mogs, moho, mohr, mone, mong, mono, mons, mony, moon, moop, moor, moos, mope, moph, mops, more, morg, morn, moro, mors, mose, mosh, moue, moun, moup, mous, moyo, moys, msec, much, mugs, mung, muns, muon, mure, muse, mush, muso, mycs, negs, nemo, neps, nesh, neum, noes, nogs, nome, noms, noop, nope, nore, norm, nose, nosh, nosy, noup, nous, noys, nsec, nump, nurs, nyes, oche, ochs, ogpu, ogre, ogum, ohms, ohos, ohoy, omen, omer, once, oner, ones, onus, onym, oohs, ooms, oons, oops, oory, oose, oosy, opec, open, opes, opsy, opus, orch, orcs, oreo, ores, orgy, ouch, ough, ouph, oups, ourn, ours, oyer, oyes, pech, pecs, pegh, pegs, peho, pehs, peng, pens, peon, perh, perm, pern, pers, peru, peso, phon, phoo, phos, phys, pmsg, pnce, poco, poem, pogo, pogy, pohs, pome, pomo, poms, pone, pong, pons, pony, pooh, poon, poor, poos, porc, pore, porn, pory, pose, posh, posy, pour, prec, prem, pres, prey, proc, prog, prom, pron, proo, pros, pruh, prys, psec, puce, puer, pugh, pugs, pumy, pung, puns, puny, pure, purs, push, puys, pyes, pyne, pyre, pyro, recs, rego, regs, rehs, rems, reno, reny, repo, reps, resp, rgen, rheo, rhos, rhus, roch, rocs, roes, roey, rome, romp, roms, rone, rong, room, roon, roop, roos, rope, ropy, rose, rosy, roue, roum, roun, roup, rous, rsum, rucs, ruen, rues, rugs, rume, rump, rums, rune, rung, runs, ruse, rush, ryen, ryes, ryme, rype, scho, scog, scop, scry, scug, scum, scun, scup, scur, scye, sech, seco, secy, sego, seor, sepg, sepn, serg, sero, shem, sher, shmo, shoe, shog, shoo, shop, shor, shou, shug, shun, smog, smug, smur, snog, snop, snug, snum, snup, snur, snye, soce, soco, soho, some, sone, song, soom, soon, soop, sope, soph, sore, sorn, sory, soum, soup, sour, spec, spor, spry, spue, spug, spun, spur, such, suer, suey, sugh, sumo, sump, sune, sung, supe, supr, sure, surg, syce, syen, sync, syne, sype, syph, syre, ueys, ughs, umph, umps, umpy, unce, unco, uncs, upgo, upon, upsy, ures, urge, urns, uroo, urps, user, yech, yens, yeom, yeps, yern, yeso, ygoe, ympe, yogh, yoho, yomp, yoop, yore, youp, your, yous, yuch, yugs, yump, yups

3 Letter Words for Gynecomorphous

cen, ceo, cep, cer, cgm, cgs, che, chg, chm, chn, cho, chs, cns, cog, com, con, coo, cop, cor, cos, coy, cpm, cpo, cpr, cps, cpu, cro, crs, cru, cry, csp, cue, cum, cun, cup, cur, cyp, ecg, ech, ecm, eco, ecu, ego, ehs, emo, emp, ems, emu, enc, eng, ens, eom, eon, eos, erg, ern, ers, esc, esm, esp, esr, esu, eyn, eyr, gem, gen, geo, ger, gey, gnp, gns, gnu, gon, goo, gop, gor, gos, gou, goy, gph, gpm, gps, gro, grs, gry, gue, gum, gun, gup, gur, gus, guy, gye, gym, gyn, gyp, hem, hen, heo, hep, her, hes, hey, hmo, hny, hoc, hoe, hog, hom, hon, hoo, hop, hor, hos, hoy, hrs, hue, hug, hum, hun, hup, hye, hyp, mcg, meg, meh, men, mer, mes, meu, mgr, mhg, mho, moc, moe, mog, mon, moo, mop, mor, mos, mou, moy, mpg, mph, mrs, msg, msh, mug, mun, mus, myc, myg, mys, nco, neg, neo, nep, nog, noh, nom, noo, nor, nos, noy, num, nur, nus, nye, nys, och, oer, oes, ohm, oho, ohs, oms, one, ono, ons, ony, ooh, oom, oon, oop, oor, oos, ope, ops, orc, ore, org, ors, ory, ose, oup, our, ous, oye, oys, pcm, pec, peg, peh, pen, per, pes, pho, phr, phu, pms, poh, pom, pon, poo, por, pos, poy, prc, pre, prn, pro, prs, pry, pug, puh, pun, pur, pus, puy, pye, pyr, rec, reg, reh, rem, rep, res, rhe, rho, rhy, rms, roc, roe, rog, rom, ron, roo, ros, rpm, rps, ruc, rue, rug, rum, run, rye, sch, scr, sec, seg, sem, sen, sep, ser, sey, she, sho, shp, shr, shy, sny, soc, sog, som, son, sop, sou, soy, spy, sue, sum, sun, sup, sur, sye, sym, syn, syr, uey, ugh, ugs, uhs, ume, ump, ums, unc, ung, unh, unp, uns, upo, ups, ure, urn, urp, urs, use, ush, yeh, yen, yeo, yep, yer, yes, ygo, yoe, yom, yon, yor, yos, you, yrs, yue, yug, yuh, yum, yup, yus

Definitions for Gynecomorphous

[1] having the form, appearance, or attributes of a female.

Words nearby Gynecomorphous

gynecoid pelvis, gynecol., gynecologist, gynecology, gynecomastia, gynecomorphous, gynecopathy, gynephobia, gynergen, gyniatrics, gyno-

Origin of Gynecomorphous

From the Greek word gynaikómorphos, dating back to 1860–65. See gyneco-, -morphous