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Showing words for HABITUATE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Habituate
8 Letter Words for Habituate
7 Letter Words for Habituate
6 Letter Words for Habituate
5 Letter Words for Habituate
4 Letter Words for Habituate
3 Letter Words for Habituate
Definitions for Habituate
[1] to accustom (a person, the mind, etc.), as to a particular situation: Wealth habituated him to luxury.
[2] Archaic . to frequent.
[3] to cause habituation, physiologically or psychologically.
[4] to accustom; make used (to)
[5] US and Canadian archaic to frequent
Words related to Habituate
discipline, school, adjust, inure, confirm, season, devote, acclimate, acclimatize, harden, train, addict, tolerate, familiarize, condition, endure
Words nearby Habituate
habitat, habitation, habited, habitual, habitual abortion, habituate, habituation, habitude, habitus, habitué, haboob
Origin of Habituate
1520–30; < Late Latin habituātus conditioned, constituted, (past participle of habituāre ), equivalent to habitu(s ) habit1 + -ātus -ate1
Other words from Habituate
un·ha·bit·u·at·ed , adjective
Synonyms for Habituate
acclimate, acclimatize, addict, adjust, condition, confirm, devote, discipline, endure, familiarize, harden, inure, school, season, tolerate, train, break in, make used to, take to