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Showing words for HACKAMORE using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Hackamore


7 Letter Words for Hackamore

achroma, chakram, comaker, komarch, machera

6 Letter Words for Hackamore

achoke, acorea, acreak, acream, amorce, arache, areach, caeoma, camera, ceroma, chakar, chakra, chamar, charka, choker, chokra, chomer, chorea, chroma, chrome, comake, earock, hacker, harace, hocker, horace, kareao, machar, maraco, marche, mocker, morcha, ochrea, orache, ramack, remock

5 Letter Words for Hackamore

achar, acher, achor, acker, acoma, amhar, amoke, amora, arace, arach, arake, arame, arcae, arche, areca, arock, aroma, caker, cakra, cameo, caroa, carom, chaka, chama, chara, chare, chark, charm, cheka, chemo, choak, choke, chore, coker, comae, comer, corah, coram, corke, crake, crame, creak, cream, croak, crome, echar, ekaha, hacek, hakam, hakea, haoma, haram, harem, harka, herma, hoker, homer, horme, kacha, kahar, kamao, karch, karma, keach, kerch, khmer, korea, korec, korma, krama, krome, macao, macer, mache, macho, macro, mahar, mahoe, makar, maker, marae, marah, march, marco, marka, maroc, marok, meach, merch, mocha, moche, mohar, morae, oaker, ocher, ocker, ocrea, ohare, omaha, omrah, orach, rache, reach, rhema, roach, roche

4 Letter Words for Hackamore

acer, ache, acme, acor, acre, aero, ahem, aker, akha, akra, amah, amar, amok, amor, amra, arak, arca, arch, arco, area, caam, cake, came, camo, care, cark, cera, cero, chaa, cham, chao, char, chem, cher, chok, coak, coke, coma, come, comr, cora, core, cork, corm, cram, croh, each, echo, haak, haar, hack, haec, haka, hake, hako, hame, hare, hark, harm, haro, hear, heck, hera, herm, hero, hoar, hock, hoer, hoka, hoke, home, hora, hore, kaha, kama, kame, kara, karo, kera, kero, khar, khor, koae, kora, kore, kram, maar, mace, mach, maco, maha, make, mako, mara, marc, mare, mark, maro, meak, mear, mech, meck, merc, merk, mero, moca, moch, mock, moha, mohr, moke, mora, more, oche, okeh, oker, okra, omer, orae, orca, orch, raca, race, rach, rack, rake, rakh, rama, rame, reak, ream, reck, rhea, rheo, roak, roam, roch, rock, roka, roke, roma, rome

3 Letter Words for Hackamore

aah, aam, ace, ach, ack, aer, aha, aho, aka, ake, ako, ama, ame, aor, ara, arc, are, ark, arm, cam, car, ceo, cer, cha, che, chm, cho, com, cor, cro, eam, ear, ech, ecm, eco, emo, eom, era, erk, hae, hak, ham, hao, hem, heo, her, hmo, hoa, hoc, hoe, hom, hor, kae, kam, kea, kha, koa, kor, kra, maa, mac, mae, mak, mao, mar, mea, meh, mer, mho, moa, moc, moe, mor, oak, oam, oar, oca, och, ock, oer, ohm, oka, oke, ora, orc, ore, rah, ram, rea, rec, reh, rem, rha, rhe, rho, roc, roe, rok, rom

Definitions for Hackamore

[1] a simple looped bridle, by means of which controlling pressure is exerted on the nose of a horse, used chiefly in breaking colts.
[2] Western U.S. any of several forms of halter used especially for breaking horses.
[3] US and NZ a rope or rawhide halter used for unbroken foals

Words related to Hackamore

control, deterrent, leash, curb, restraint, rein, check, headstall, halter

Words nearby Hackamore

hack, hack board, hack hammer, hack house, hack off, hackamore, hackathon, hackberry, hackbut, hackensack, hacker

Origin of Hackamore

1840–50, Americanism ; alteration (by folk etymology) of Spanish jáquima headstall < Arabic shaqīmah

Word origin for Hackamore

C19: by folk etymology from Spanish jáquima headstall, from Old Spanish xaquima, from Arabic shaqīmah

Synonyms for Hackamore

check, control, curb, deterrent, halter, headstall, leash, rein, restraint, trammels