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Showing words for HACKLE using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Hackle
[1] one of the long, slender feathers on the neck or saddle of certain birds, as the domestic rooster, much used in making artificial flies for anglers.
[2] the neck plumage of a male bird, as the domestic rooster.
[3] hackles, the erectile hair on the back of an animal's neck: At the sound of footsteps, the dog raised her hackles. anger, especially when aroused in a challenging or challenged manner: with one's hackles up.
[4] Angling . the legs of an artificial fly made with feathers from the neck or saddle of a rooster or other such bird. hackle fly.
[5] a comb for dressing flax or hemp.
[6] Angling . to equip with a hackle.
[7] to comb, as flax or hemp.
[8] raise one's hackles , to arouse one's anger: Such officiousness always raises my hackles.
[9] to cut roughly; hack; mangle.
[10] any of the long slender feathers on the necks of poultry and other birds
[11] angling parts of an artificial fly made from hackle feathers, representing the legs and sometimes the wings of a real fly short for hackle fly
[12] a feathered ornament worn in the headdress of some British regiments
[13] a steel flax comb
[14] to comb (flax) using a hackle
Words related to Hackle
splinter, chop, nick, crack, hack, whack, cleave, cube, divide, mince, slash, bathe, scrub, soak, dredge, mop, flush, scrape, sweep, wash
Words nearby Hackle
hackery, hackette, hackie, hacking, hacking jacket, hackle, hackle fly, hackleback, hackles, hackly, hackman
Origin of Hackle
21570–80; hack1 + -le; cognate with Middle Dutch hakkelen
Other words from Hackle
hack·ler , noun
Word origin for Hackle
C15: hakell, probably from Old English; variant of heckle ; see hatchel
Synonyms for Hackle
chop, clip, fell, gash, hew, lacerate, mangle, mutilate, notch, slash, whack