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Showing words for HAIRY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Hairy
4 Letter Words for Hairy
3 Letter Words for Hairy
Definitions for Hairy
[1] covered with hair; having much hair.
[2] consisting of or resembling hair: moss of a hairy texture.
[3] Informal . causing anxiety or fright: a hairy trip through the rapids. full of hardship or difficulty: a hairy exam; a hairy illness.
[4] having or covered with hair
[5] slang difficult or problematic scaring, dangerous, or exciting
Words related to Hairy
furry, shaggy, woolly, fuzzy, unshaven, scary, hirsute, bearded, bristly, bushy, downy, fleecy, flocculent, fluffy, rough, tufted, pilose, bewhiskered, lanate, pileous
Words nearby Hairy
hairstyle, hairtail, hairweave, hairweaving, hairworm, hairy, hairy cell, hairy cell leukemia, hairy frog, hairy heart, hairy leukoplakia
Origin of Hairy
First recorded in 1250–1300, hairy is from the Middle English word heeri. See hair, -y1
Other words from Hairy
hair·i·ness , noun
un·hair·i·ness , noun
un·hair·y , adjective
Synonyms for Hairy
furry, fuzzy, shaggy, unshaven, woolly, hirsute, bearded, bewhiskered, bristly, bushy, downy, fleecy, flocculent, fluffy, lanate, pileous, piliferous, pilose, pubescent, rough, stubbly, tufted, unshorn, villous, whiskered