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Showing words for HAMITE using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Hamite


5 Letter Words for Hamite

etiam, hiate, mathe, matie, meath, meith, thaim, theia, thema

4 Letter Words for Hamite

ahem, aith, amie, amit, eath, emit, hait, hame, hami, hate, heat, item, mate, math, meat, meta, meth, miae, mite, tame, team, thae, thai, thea, them, time

3 Letter Words for Hamite

ahi, aim, ait, ame, ami, amt, ate, atm, eam, eat, eta, eth, hae, ham, hat, hei, hem, het, hia, hie, him, hit, ita, mae, mat, mea, meh, mei, met, mia, mit, tai, tam, tea, tem, tha, the, thm, tie, tim, tmh

Definitions for Hamite

[1] a descendant of Ham. Gen. 10:1, 6–20.
[2] a member of any of various peoples of northern and eastern Africa, as the ancient Egyptians and modern Berbers.
[3] a member of a group of peoples of N Africa supposedly descended from Noah's son Ham (Genesis 5:32, 10:6), including the ancient Egyptians, the Berbers, etc

Origin of Hamite

First recorded in 1635–45; Ham + -ite1