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Showing words for HAMLET using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Hamlet

hamelt, hamlet

5 Letter Words for Hamlet

alhet, almeh, amlet, athel, ethal, halte, hamel, hatel, hemal, lathe, leath, mathe, meath, metal, thema

4 Letter Words for Hamlet

ahem, alem, alme, amel, atle, eath, hale, halm, halt, hame, hate, heal, heat, hela, helm, heml, htel, html, laet, lame, late, lath, leam, leat, male, malt, mate, math, meal, meat, mela, melt, meta, meth, tael, tale, tame, teal, team, tela, thae, thea, them

3 Letter Words for Hamlet

ale, alt, ame, amt, ate, atm, eam, eat, ela, elm, elt, eta, eth, hae, ham, hat, hel, hem, het, lah, lam, lat, lea, lem, let, ltm, mae, mal, mat, mea, meh, mel, met, tal, tam, tea, tel, tem, tha, the, thm, tmh

Definitions for Hamlet

[1] a small village.
[2] British . a village without a church of its own, belonging to the parish of another village or town.
[3] any of various sea basses of the family Serranidae, found in the warm waters of the western Atlantic Ocean, especially the Nassau grouper.
[4] (italics ) a tragedy (first printed 1603) by Shakespeare.
[5] the hero of this play, a young prince who avenges the murder of his father.
[6] a small village or group of houses
[7] (in Britain) a village without its own church

Words related to Hamlet

suburb, district, community, crossroads

Words nearby Hamlet

hamishah asar bishevat, hamite, hamitic, hamiticized, hamito-semitic, hamlet, hamlin, hamlisch, hamlyn, hamm, hammal

Origin of Hamlet

2First recorded in 1950–55; origin obscure

Word origin for Hamlet

C14: from Old French hamelet, diminutive of hamel, from ham, of Germanic origin; compare Old English hamm plot of pasture, Low German hamm enclosed land; see home

Synonyms for Hamlet

community, crossroads, district, suburb, small town