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Showing words for HAMMERHEAD using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Hammerhead
8 Letter Words for Hammerhead
7 Letter Words for Hammerhead
6 Letter Words for Hammerhead
5 Letter Words for Hammerhead
4 Letter Words for Hammerhead
3 Letter Words for Hammerhead
Definitions for Hammerhead
[1] the part of a hammer designed for striking.
[2] a shark of the genus Sphyrna, especially S. zygaena, having the head expanded laterally so as to resemble a double-headed hammer, sometimes dangerous to swimmers.
[3] Also called ham·mer·kop [ham -er-kop] /ˈhæm ərˌkɒp/ . a brown heronlike African bird, Scopus umbretta, having the head so crested as to resemble a claw hammer.
[4] flatheaded borer.
[5] Slang . blockhead; dunce; lout.
[6] any shark of the genus Sphyrna and family Sphyrnidae, having a flattened hammer-shaped head
[7] a heavily built tropical African wading bird, Scopus umbretta, related to the herons, having a dark plumage and a long backward-pointing crest: family Scopidae, order Ciconiiformes
[8] a large African fruit bat, Hypsignathus monstrosus, with a large square head and hammer-shaped muzzle
Words nearby Hammerhead
hammer throw, hammerbeam, hammercloth, hammered, hammerfest, hammerhead, hammerless, hammerlock, hammersmith, hammersmith and fulham, hammerstein
Origin of Hammerhead
First recorded in 1525–35; hammer + head
Other words from Hammerhead
ham·mer·head·ed , adjective