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Showing words for HANGUP using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Hangup
5 Letter Words for Hangup
4 Letter Words for Hangup
3 Letter Words for Hangup
Definitions for Hangup
[1] a preoccupation, fixation, or psychological block; complex: His hang-up is trying to outdo his brother.
[2] a source of annoying difficulty or burden; impediment; snag: The most serious hang-up the project has is a shortage of funds.
[3] a fixture, object, or decoration that can be affixed to a wall, ceiling, other objects, etc.: He brightened up the room with flower baskets and other hang-ups.
Words related to Hangup
hang-upinhibition, predicament, disturbance, dilemma, thing, restraint, impasse, difficulty, problem, obsession, block, reserve
Words nearby Hangup
hang-uphang up, hang with, hang, hanged, hang-glider, hang-on, hang-up, hangar, hangbird, hangchow, hangdog, hanged for a sheep as a lamb, might as well be
Origin of Hangup
-upFirst recorded in 1955–60; noun use of verb phrase hang up
Synonyms for Hangup
reticence, self-consciousness, shyness, bar, barrier, blockage, check, embargo, interdict, interference, obstacle, prevention, prohibition, reserve, restraint, sublimation, suppression