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Showing words for HARMONIZATION using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Harmonization


12 Letter Words for Harmonization

ornithomania, romanization

11 Letter Words for Harmonization


10 Letter Words for Harmonization

maintainor, marination, minoration

9 Letter Words for Harmonization

amination, anamirtin, animation, anthozoan, anthramin, arizonian, inamorato, mozartian, nitramino, nominator, oinomania, oniomania, onomantia, rhizomata, rhizotomi

8 Letter Words for Harmonization

amanitin, amatorio, aminoazo, amnionia, amniotin, animator, anthozoa, antiarin, arizonan, arminian, harmonia, himation, hominian, horatian, horation, maintain, manation, marathon, miniator, monition, montaria, moration, nitramin, noration, northman, oomantia, ornation, ornithon, rimation, romanian, tamanoir, tironian, trainman, triamino, zarontin, zoiatria, zonation, zoomania

7 Letter Words for Harmonization

ahriman, amanori, amation, amianth, amninia, amniota, amorant, amorini, amorino, amotion, anatron, animant, animato, antiair, antiman, antonio, anziani, aration, arizona, athanor, azimino, haitian, hamotzi, harmoot, hatiora, hazanim, hiation, himatia, hoatzin, honiton, horizon, hormion, hornito, intaria, iranian, ironman, izanami, mahonia, manihot, manroot, maranon, marathi, martian, martini, matzoon, mohatra, monario, monitor, montana, monthon, moonrat, namatio, nanomia, nizamat, norimon, omniana, ontario, oration, orthian, otarian, othonna, rantoon, rhinion, rhizoma, romania, romanza, rotaman, tamarin, tannaim, thiazin, thionin, thorina, thronoi, tinhorn, tormina, triamin, trianon, triazin, tromino, zairian, zamorin

6 Letter Words for Harmonization

airman, aition, amarin, amazon, amhran, amiant, amnion, amrita, anhima, anoint, anomia, anorth, anotia, antiar, antrin, aonian, arhant, aroint, atazir, atimon, atonia, azimin, azotin, haiari, harman, harmin, hartin, hazmat, himati, hoazin, homona, homrai, inamia, intima, intron, ionian, mahant, mahzor, mainor, manati, manini, manito, manoao, manoir, manton, mantra, marian, marina, marita, mariti, maroon, martha, martin, matina, matrah, matron, matzoh, mazair, minion, minoan, minora, mithan, mithra, mizrah, mohair, mohria, moirai, monont, montia, monton, morian, morion, motion, motrin, mozart, nahoor, naiant, namtar, nation, natron, nintoo, nomina, nonair, nonart, norito, norman, notion, oarman, ohioan, orihon, ornith, ortman, otaria, othman, ramona, ramoon, rantan, ratina, ration, ratoon, romana, romani, romano, ronion, roomth, tahina, tahini, tahona, taihoa, tamari, tannah, tannia, tanoan, tarman, tarzan, thairm, thamin, thanan, thanna, thiram, thoman, thoria, thoron, thrain, tinman, tirana, tomorn, torana, torino, trazia, triazo, ziarat, zinnia, zoaria, zonnar, zorino

5 Letter Words for Harmonization

aaron, ahint, ainoi, airan, airth, amain, amani, amant, amati, amhar, amini, amino, amnio, amora, amort, amrit, anima, animi, animo, anion, anmia, annam, annat, annot, anoia, anorn, antar, antra, aorta, arain, arati, arhat, arian, ariot, arith, armin, armit, aroma, aroon, artha, arzan, athar, atman, atria, azoth, haint, haiti, haman, hamza, hanna, hanoi, haoma, haori, haram, harim, hazan, hiant, honan, honor, ihram, imari, imino, inarm, inion, innit, inoma, intra, intro, ionia, iortn, irani, irian, mahar, mahat, maint, manat, mania, manit, manna, manor, manta, manto, maori, marah, maria, maron, matai, matha, matin, matra, matza, matzo, minah, minar, minor, minot, mirin, mirth, mirza, mitra, mizar, mohar, moira, month, moorn, mooth, morat, moria, morin, moron, morta, morth, moton, motor, motza, naira, namaz, nantz, naomi, nazim, nazir, niata, nihon, ninth, niota, niton, nitro, nizam, noint, nomia, nomoi, noria, norit, norma, norna, north, notan, omaha, omani, omina, omrah, onion, orant, orion, ortho, raita, ramin, ramon, ramta, ratan, ratha, ratio, ratoo, razoo, rhamn, rhino, riant, riata, rohan, roman, ronin, rooti, rotan, rozit, tahar, tahin, taino, taira, tairn, tamin, tanan, tanha, tania, tanna, tanoa, tarin, tazia, thaim, thana, tharm, thoom, thorn, thoro, thram, tiara, timar, timon, timor, tiraz, tirma, toman, tomia, tomin, toona, toran, torii, torma, train, trama, trina, trona, trooz, zaman, zamia, zhomo, ziara, zihar, zirai, ziram, zonar, zonta, zoona

4 Letter Words for Harmonization

aina, aint, aion, airn, airt, aith, amah, amar, amia, amin, amit, amon, amor, amra, anam, anan, anat, anim, anna, anni, anno, anoa, anon, anta, anti, aona, aria, arna, arni, arno, atar, atma, atmo, atom, azan, azon, haar, hain, hair, hait, hami, hani, hant, harm, harn, haro, hart, hint, hiro, hoar, hoin, hoit, homo, hont, hoom, hoon, hoot, hora, horn, hort, hoti, hrzn, iman, imit, inia, init, inro, inta, inti, into, intr, iota, iran, iron, itai, itmo, izar, maar, maat, maha, maia, main, mair, mana, mani, mano, mant, maoi, mara, mari, maro, mart, mata, math, maza, mian, mini, mino, mint, miri, miro, moan, moat, moha, moho, mohr, moio, moir, moit, mona, mono, mont, mooi, moon, moor, moot, mora, morn, moro, mort, mota, moth, mozo, mrna, naam, naan, nain, naio, nana, nant, naoi, nato, natr, nazi, nina, nito, noah, noir, noma, nona, noon, nori, norm, norn, nota, oath, ohia, ohio, oint, oman, omao, omit, omni, onto, onza, oont, oran, orna, orth, orzo, raia, rain, rait, rama, rami, rana, rann, rant, rata, rath, rato, rima, riot, rita, ritz, riza, roam, roan, roin, roit, roma, ront, room, roon, root, rota, roti, roto, taar, taha, tahr, tain, tana, tanh, tara, tari, tarn, taro, thai, than, thar, thin, thio, thir, thon, thoo, thor, thro, tiao, tiar, tiza, toho, tonn, toom, toon, tori, torn, toro, trah, tram, trim, trin, trio, trna, tron, zaar, zain, zama, zant, zari, zati, zion, zira, ziti, zona, zoom, zoon, zori

3 Letter Words for Harmonization

aah, aam, aha, ahi, aho, aia, aim, ain, air, ait, ama, ami, amt, ana, ann, ant, aor, ara, arm, arn, art, atm, azo, azt, ham, han, hao, hat, hia, him, hin, hir, hit, hmo, hoa, hoi, hom, hon, hoo, hor, hot, iaa, iao, ihi, imi, imo, inn, int, ion, ira, ita, maa, man, mao, mar, mat, mho, mhz, mia, min, mir, mit, miz, mna, moa, moi, mon, moo, mor, mot, moz, mri, mtn, naa, nah, nam, nar, nat, nim, nit, noa, noh, nom, non, noo, nor, not, nth, oam, oar, oat, ohm, oho, oii, ona, oni, ono, ont, ooh, oom, oon, oor, oot, ora, ort, oto, rah, rai, ram, ran, rat, rha, rho, ria, rim, rin, rio, rit, riz, rna, roi, rom, ron, roo, rot, rti, taa, tai, tam, tan, tao, tar, tha, thm, tho, tim, tin, tmh, toa, toi, tom, ton, too, tor, tra, tri, trm, zar, zat, zho, zin, zit, zoa, zoo

Definitions for Harmonization

[1] to bring into harmony, accord, or agreement: to harmonize one's views with the new situation.
[2] Music . to accompany with appropriate harmony.
[3] to be in agreement in action, sense, or feeling: Though of different political parties, all the delegates harmonized on civil rights.
[4] to sing in harmony.
[5] the act of harmonizing
[6] a system, particularly used in the EU, whereby the blue-collar workers and the white-collar workers in an organization have similar status and any former differences in terms and conditions of employment are levelled up
[7] to make or become harmonious
[8] (tr) music to provide a harmony for (a melody, tune, etc)
[9] (intr) to sing in harmony, as with other singers
[10] to collate parallel narratives

Words related to Harmonization

harmonizeadjustment, accession, compatibility, compliance, arbitration, affinity, accord, alliance, accordance, amity, bargaining, affiliation, compromise, chime, arrangement, accommodation, co

Words nearby Harmonization

harmonizeharmonious, harmonist, harmonistic, harmonium, harmonization, harmonize, harmonizer, harmony, harmost, harmotome, harmsworth

Origin of Harmonization

e1475–85; earlier armonise < Middle French harmoniser. See harmony, -ize

Other words from Harmonization

har·mo·niz·a·ble , adjective
har·mo·ni·za·tion , noun
har·mo·niz·er , noun
re·har·mo·nize , verb (used with object), re·har·mo·nized, re·har·mo·niz·ing.
un·har·mo·nize , verb (used with object), un·har·mo·nized, un·har·mo·niz·ing.

Synonyms for Harmonization

accession, adjustment, compatibility, compliance, accommodation, accord, accordance, affiliation, affinity, alliance, amity, approving, arbitration, arrangement, assenting, bargaining, chime, co, compromise, acceding, acknowledging, authorizing, complying