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Showing words for HARPIES using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Harpies

harpies, sephira, shapier, sharpie

6 Letter Words for Harpies

ashier, aspire, hairse, hepars, paires, paries, parish, perais, perish, persia, phares, phaser, phrase, praise, raphes, raphis, reship, rhapis, saphie, seraph, seriph, shaper, sheria, sherpa, shrape, sirpea, sphaer, sphear, spirae, spirea

5 Letter Words for Harpies

aesir, apers, aphis, apish, apres, aries, arise, arish, asher, ashir, asper, earsh, ephas, epris, haire, hairs, hares, harps, heaps, hears, heirs, hepar, hiera, hiper, hires, hirse, paire, pairs, paise, pares, paris, parse, parsi, pears, perai, peris, pesah, phare, phase, phies, piers, prase, presa, pries, raise, rapes, raphe, reais, reaps, repas, rheas, rhies, ripes, sapir, sarip, sepia, serai, shape, share, sharp, shear, shier, shire, shrap, shrip, siper, spaer, spahi, spair, spare, spear, speir, spier, spira, spire

4 Letter Words for Harpies

aire, airs, aper, apes, apis, apse, ares, aris, ears, eira, epha, eras, eria, eris, ersh, haes, hair, haps, hare, harp, hasp, heap, hear, heir, heps, hera, herp, hers, hesp, hies, hipe, hips, hire, iare, ipse, ires, irpe, pahi, pahs, pair, pais, pare, pari, pars, pase, pash, pasi, peai, pear, peas, pehs, perh, peri, pers, pesa, phar, phis, pias, pier, pies, pirs, pisa, pise, pish, pres, prie, psha, psia, rahs, rais, rape, raps, rash, rasp, reap, rehs, reps, resp, rhea, rias, ries, ripa, ripe, rips, rise, risp, saip, sair, sare, sari, seah, sear, seir, shap, shea, sher, shia, ship, shir, shri, sier, sipe, sire, spae, spar, spie

3 Letter Words for Harpies

aer, aes, ahi, ahs, air, ais, ape, aph, apr, are, ars, ase, ash, asp, ear, eas, ehs, eir, epa, epi, era, ers, esp, esr, hae, hap, has, hei, hep, her, hes, hia, hie, hip, hir, his, hrs, ihp, ihs, iph, ipr, ips, ira, ire, irs, ise, ish, pah, par, pas, pea, peh, per, pes, phi, phr, pia, pie, pir, pis, pre, prs, psi, rah, rai, rap, ras, rea, reh, rei, rep, res, rha, rhe, ria, rie, rip, rps, sah, sai, sap, sar, sea, sei, sep, ser, sha, she, shi, shp, shr, sie, sip, sir, spa, sri

Definitions for Harpies

[1] Classical Mythology . a ravenous, filthy monster having a woman's head and a bird's body.
[2] (lowercase ) a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman; shrew.
[3] (lowercase ) a greedy, predatory person.
[4] a cruel grasping woman
[5] Greek myth a ravenous creature with a woman's head and trunk and a bird's wings and claws

Words related to Harpies

Harpyshrew, vixen, virago, nag, hag, swindler, shark, Shylock, Xanthippe

Origin of Harpies

Harpy< Latin Harpȳia, singular of Harpȳiae < Greek Hárpȳiai (plural), literally, snatchers, akin to harpázein to snatch away

Other words from Harpies

harp·y·like , adjective

Word origin for Harpies

yC16: from Latin Harpyia, from Greek Harpuiai the Harpies, literally: snatchers, from harpazein to seize

Synonyms for Harpies

hag, nag, shrew, virago, vixen, Xanthippe