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Showing words for HEADSTOCK using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Headstock


8 Letter Words for Headstock

cathodes, hotcakes, kathodes, sockhead, stockade

7 Letter Words for Headstock

cathode, cestoda, coasted, coheads, detachs, dockets, hoasted, hockets, hotcake, kathode, scathed, shacked, shocked, stacked, stocked, thacked

6 Letter Words for Headstock

achoke, atokes, cadets, cashed, casked, casket, casted, chased, chaste, cheats, chekas, choate, choked, chokes, coated, coates, cohead, coseat, coshed, costed, deaths, decast, deckos, decoat, detach, docket, estado, haceks, hacked, hasted, hocked, hocket, hosted, khedas, oathed, octads, sachet, sacked, sacket, scathe, scheat, sdeath, shacko, shaked, skated, sketch, soaked, socked, socket, staked, stoach, stocah, stoked, taches, tachos, tacked, tashed, tasked, tcheka, tesack, thacks, tocked, toshed

5 Letter Words for Headstock

ached, aches, acost, acted, actos, ascot, ashed, ashet, ashot, asked, atocs, atoke, atoks, cades, cadet, cados, cahot, caked, cakes, cased, caste, cates, catso, cesta, chads, chaos, chase, chats, cheat, cheka, chest, choak, chode, choke, chose, chota, coast, coate, coats, codas, codes, coeds, coked, cokes, cosed, coset, costa, coste, coted, cotes, cothe, coths, daces, dachs, dasht, datch, dates, datos, deash, death, decko, decks, decos, deota, desto, dhaks, doats, docht, docks, doeks, doest, doeth, doseh, dotes, dsect, ecads, ectad, escot, estoc, ethos, hacek, hacks, hades, hadst, hakes, haste, hated, hates, heads, heast, heats, hecks, hoaed, hoast, hocks, hoked, hokes, hosea, hosed, hosta, kades, kados, keach, keats, ketas, ketch, khats, kheda, khets, kosha, oaths, oches, octad, octas, odahs, okehs, oktas, oshac, oshea, sadhe, sated, scath, sceat, scoad, scoke, scote, shack, shade, shado, shake, shako, shakt, sheat, shoad, shoat, shock, shode, shote, skate, skeat, socht, sokah, stack, stade, stake, stead, steak, stech, stoae, stock, stoke, taces, tache, tacho, tachs, tacks, tacos, tacso, taked, takes, tasco, tchad, teach, teads, teaks, techs, thack, theca, theos, thoke, those, toads, tocks, todea, toeas, toked, tokes, tosca, tosed, tsade, tsked

4 Letter Words for Headstock

aced, aces, ache, acth, acts, adet, ados, ahed, aked, akes, asok, ated, ates, atoc, atok, cade, cads, cake, case, cash, cask, cast, cate, cath, cats, ceas, cest, chad, chao, chas, chat, chok, coak, coat, coda, code, cods, coed, coes, coke, cose, cosh, cost, cote, coth, cots, dace, daes, dahs, daks, dase, dash, dast, date, dato, deas, deck, deco, desc, desk, dhak, doat, dock, docs, doek, does, doha, doke, dosa, dose, dosh, dost, dote, doth, dots, each, east, eath, eats, ecad, echo, echt, ecod, ecto, edhs, esca, etas, etch, eths, hack, hade, hads, haec, haes, hake, hako, hask, hast, hate, hats, head, heat, heck, hest, hets, hoas, hock, hods, hoed, hoes, hoka, hoke, hose, host, hote, hots, kade, kaes, kath, kats, keas, keat, keds, kesh, kest, keta, keto, kets, khat, khet, khot, koae, koas, koda, kota, oaks, oast, oath, oats, ocas, oche, ochs, ocht, octa, odah, odas, odea, odes, ohed, okas, okeh, okes, oket, okta, osha, sack, saco, sade, sadh, sado, saek, sake, satd, sate, scad, scat, scet, scho, scot, sctd, seah, seak, seat, sech, seck, seco, sect, sekt, seta, seth, shad, shea, shed, shet, shod, shoe, shot, skat, sked, skeo, sket, soak, soca, soce, sock, soda, soka, soke, soth, stad, sted, stoa, stod, tace, tach, tack, taco, tade, tads, taed, take, taks, taos, tash, task, tche, tead, teak, teas, teca, tech, teck, teds, thae, thak, thea, thed, thos, tkos, toad, toch, tock, tocs, toda, tode, tods, toea, toed, toes, toke, tosa, tose, tosh, tosk

3 Letter Words for Headstock

ace, ach, ack, act, adc, ade, adh, ado, ads, aes, aho, ahs, ake, ako, ase, ash, ask, ast, ate, cad, cat, ceo, cha, che, cho, chs, cod, cos, cot, csk, cst, cte, cto, cts, dae, dah, dak, dao, das, dat, dca, dea, dec, des, det, dha, dks, doa, doc, doe, dos, dot, dso, ead, eas, eat, ech, eco, ect, edh, edo, eds, ehs, eos, esc, esd, est, eta, etc, eth, had, hae, hak, hao, has, hat, hed, heo, hes, het, hoa, hoc, hod, hoe, hos, hot, hts, kae, kas, kat, kea, ked, ket, kha, koa, kos, oad, oak, oas, oat, oca, och, ock, oct, oda, ode, ods, oes, ohs, oka, oke, ose, otc, sac, sad, sah, sao, sat, scd, sch, sct, sea, sec, sed, set, sha, she, sho, sht, ska, soc, sod, sok, sot, sta, std, stk, tad, tak, tao, tas, tch, tck, tea, tec, ted, tes, tha, thd, the, tho, tko, toa, toc, tod, toe, tos, tsh, tsk

Definitions for Headstock

[1] the part of a machine containing or directly supporting the moving or working parts, as the assembly supporting and driving the live spindle in a lathe.
[2] the part of a machine that supports and transmits the drive to the chuck Compare tailstock
[3] the wooden or metal block on which a church bell is hung

Words nearby Headstock

headspring, headsquare, headstall, headstand, headstay, headstock, headstone, headstream, headstrong, headwaiter, headwall

Origin of Headstock

First recorded in 1725–35; head + stock