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Showing words for HEARTY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Hearty
5 Letter Words for Hearty
4 Letter Words for Hearty
3 Letter Words for Hearty
Definitions for Hearty
[1] warm-hearted; affectionate; cordial; jovial: a hearty welcome.
[2] genuine; sincere; heartfelt: hearty approval; hearty dislike.
[3] completely devoted; wholehearted: hearty support.
[4] exuberant; unrestrained: hearty laughter.
[5] violent; forceful: a hearty push; a hearty kick.
[6] physically vigorous; strong and well: hale and hearty.
[7] substantial; abundant; nourishing: a hearty meal.
[8] enjoying or requiring abundant food: a hearty appetite.
[9] (of soil) fertile.
[10] a brave or good fellow, especially with reference to a shipmate.
[11] a sailor.
[12] warm and unreserved in manner or behaviour
[13] vigorous and enthusiastic a hearty slap on the back
[14] sincere and heartfelt hearty dislike
[15] healthy and strong (esp in the phrase hale and hearty )
[16] substantial and nourishing
[17] a comrade, esp a sailor
[18] a vigorous sporting man a rugby hearty
Words related to Hearty
cordial, generous, genuine, heartfelt, genial, warm, exuberant, cheery, passionate, sincere, ebullient, robust, glowing, nourishing, affable, animated, ardent, avid, cheerful, deep
Words nearby Hearty
heartstrings, heartthrob, heartwarming, heartwood, heartworm, hearty, heat, heat barrier, heat capacity, heat cramp, heat cramps
Origin of Hearty
First recorded in 1350–1400, hearty is from the Middle English word herti. See heart, -y1
Words that may be confused with Hearty
Other words from Hearty
heart·i·ness , noun
o·ver·heart·i·ness , noun
o·ver·heart·y , adjective
qua·si-heart·y , adjective
su·per·heart·i·ness , noun
su·per·heart·y , adjective
un·heart·y , adjective
Synonyms for Hearty
cheery, cordial, ebullient, exuberant, generous, genial, genuine, heartfelt, passionate, sincere, warm, affable, animated, ardent, avid, back-slapping, cheerful, deep, deep-felt, deepest, devout, eager, earnest, effusive, frank, friendly, gay, glad, gushing, honest, impassioned, intense, jolly, jovial, neighborly, profuse, real, responsive, true, unfeigned, unreserved, unrestrained, vivacious, warmhearted, wholehearted, zealous