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Showing words for HEEDLESS using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Heedless
7 Letter Words for Heedless
6 Letter Words for Heedless
5 Letter Words for Heedless
4 Letter Words for Heedless
3 Letter Words for Heedless
Definitions for Heedless
[1] careless; thoughtless; unmindful: Heedless of the danger, he returned to the burning building to save his dog.
[2] taking little or no notice; careless or thoughtless
Words related to Heedless
inattentive, reckless, feckless, foolhardy, impetuous, imprudent, inadvertent, incautious, inconsiderate, neglectful, negligent, oblivious, precipitate, rash, slapdash, sloppy, thoughtless, uncaring, unmindful, unthinking
Words nearby Heedless
hedrocele, hedy, heebie-jeebies, heed, heedful, heedless, heehaw, heel, heel bar, heel bone, heel breast
Origin of Heedless
First recorded in 1570–80; heed + -less
Other words from Heedless
heed·less·ly , adverb
heed·less·ness , noun
Synonyms for Heedless
inattentive, reckless, asleep at the switch, daydreaming, disregardful, fast and loose, feckless, foolhardy, goofing off, impetuous, imprudent, inadvertent, incautious, inconsiderate, irreflective, neglectful, negligent, oblivious, out to lunch, precipitate, rash, slapdash, sloppy, thoughtless, uncaring, unmindful, unobservant, unthinking, unwary