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Showing words for HEMOFLAGELLATE using the English dictionary
14 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
10 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
9 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
aetheogam, fathomage, flageolet, folletage, lamellate
8 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
allamoth, allegate, ellagate, fellagha, fellatee, flagella, flamelet, floatage, gamelote, hallmote, helotage, homefelt, lamellae, malellae, malleate, meatloaf, melogale, thallome
7 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
agamete, agemate, alamoth, allheal, allotee, emgalla, etalage, fallage, feetage, fellage, fellata, fellate, flaglet, floatel, flotage, galeate, gallate, galleta, gametal, gheleem, hagmall, hallage, helmage, hematal, holgate, homelet, lamella, leafage, leaflet, legatee, letgame, loaflet, maleate, malella, malleal, mehalla, mellate, meltage, oatmeal, tallage, talloel, theelol, tollage
6 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
afetal, aflame, afloat, agleaf, agleam, alahee, algate, allege, allele, althea, amatol, amelet, eaglet, eatage, elemol, fallal, fatale, fathom, fellah, felloe, female, flathe, flotel, folate, fotmal, gallah, gallet, gamahe, gamete, gelate, gelato, geleem, gemote, gloeal, goalee, goatee, goethe, gomlah, gotham, haglet, hallel, halloa, hallot, hamate, hamelt, hamfat, hamlet, helmet, heloma, homage, latham, lathee, leegte, leetle, legate, legato, leglet, lethal, lethee, loathe, loglet, lomata, malate, mallee, mallet, maltha, maltol, meatal, meathe, mellah, melote, metage, metall, methol, mollah, oflete, oglala, ohmage, oleate, ollamh, omelet, taleae, tallol, tamale, teagle, teameo, telega, tellee, telome
5 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
aflat, afoam, agate, agete, aglee, aglet, aholt, alamo, alate, aleft, alfet, algae, algal, algol, alhet, allah, allee, allel, allot, almah, almeh, aloft, aloha, aloma, amalg, amate, amlet, amole, atame, atelo, athel, atlee, atole, atoll, eagle, eathe, egall, elate, eleme, eloge, emote, etage, ethal, ethel, fagot, faham, falla, fatal, fehme, fella, femal, fetal, flame, fleam, fleet, flegm, fleme, float, flota, flote, fogle, fohat, galah, galea, galee, galet, galla, gelee, gemel, gemot, getah, ghole, gleam, gleet, gloam, gloat, gloea, glome, golee, golem, golet, gotha, halal, halfa, halma, halte, hamal, hamel, haole, haoma, hatel, heame, hefte, hegel, hello, helot, hemal, hemol, holla, holme, hotel, lamel, latah, lathe, leath, lefte, legal, legoa, lemel, lethe, llama, loath, lomta, lotah, magot, mahal, mahat, mahoe, malee, maleo, malta, malto, matha, mathe, matlo, meath, meeth, melee, metae, metal, metel, metho, metol, mohel, molal, molet, molla, molle, motel, oelet, oflag, ogham, omaha, omega, omlah, tagel, tagma, talao, talea, talma, tamal, tehee, teleg, thala, thelf, thema, theme, theol, thole
4 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
agal, agee, aget, agha, agla, agma, ahem, alae, alee, alef, alem, alfa, alga, allo, alma, alme, aloe, alto, amah, amal, amel, amla, atef, atle, atma, atmo, atom, eale, eath, egal, egma, egol, elem, elle, eole, ethe, fage, fala, fall, fame, fate, fath, feal, feat, feel, feet, fehm, fele, fell, felt, feme, feta, fete, flag, flam, flat, flea, flee, fleg, flet, floe, flog, flot, foal, foam, foge, fole, foll, fthm, gaea, gael, gaet, gala, gale, gall, galt, gama, game, gata, gate, gath, geal, geat, geet, gell, geol, geom, geta, ghat, ghee, glam, glee, glom, goaf, goal, goat, goel, gola, gole, golf, goll, gome, gote, goth, haaf, haft, hala, hale, half, hall, halm, halo, halt, hame, hate, heaf, heal, heat, heel, heft, hela, hele, hell, helm, helo, heme, heml, hete, hoga, hola, hole, holl, holm, holt, home, hote, htel, html, laet, laft, lall, lalo, lama, lame, lata, late, lath, leaf, leal, leam, leat, leef, leet, left, lege, leme, lete, leto, lgth, loaf, loam, loft, loge, loll, loma, lome, lota, lote, maat, mafa, mage, magh, maha, mala, male, mall, malo, malt, mata, mate, math, meal, meat, meet, mega, mela, mele, mell, melt, meta, mete, meth, mgal, moat, moet, moha, mola, mole, moll, molt, mota, mote, moth, mtge, oath, ogam, ogee, ogle, olam, olea, olla, taal, tael, taha, tala, tale, tall, tame, teal, team, teel, teem, tega, tela, tele, tell, teme, thae, thea, thee, them, thof, toea, toga, toge, tola, tole, toll, tome
3 Letter Words for Hemoflagellate
aah, aal, aam, aft, aga, age, ago, agt, aha, aho, ala, ale, alf, alg, all, alo, alt, ama, ame, amt, ate, atm, eam, eat, eeg, eel, efl, eft, ego, ehf, ela, elf, ell, elm, elt, eme, emf, emo, eof, eom, eta, eth, fag, fah, fam, fao, fat, fee, feh, fem, fet, fha, fll, flo, flt, fmt, foe, fog, foh, fol, fot, fth, gal, gam, gat, gee, gel, gem, geo, get, glt, gmt, goa, gol, got, gte, hae, haf, hag, ham, hao, hat, hee, hel, hem, heo, het, hgt, hmo, hoa, hoe, hog, hol, hom, hot, laa, lag, lah, lam, lao, lat, lea, lee, leg, lem, leo, let, llm, loa, loe, lof, log, lot, ltm, maa, mae, mag, mal, mao, mat, mea, mee, meg, meh, mel, met, mfa, mfg, mgt, mhg, mho, moa, moe, mog, mol, mot, mtg, oaf, oam, oat, oft, ohm, ola, ole, olm, taa, tag, tal, tam, tao, tea, tee, tef, teg, tel, tem, tha, the, thm, tho, tlo, tmh, toa, toe, tog, tol, tom
Definitions for Hemoflagellate
[1] a flagellate protozoan, especially of the genera Trypanosoma and Leishmania, that is parasitic in the blood.
Words nearby Hemoflagellate
hemodialyzer, hemodilution, hemodynamics, hemoendothelial placenta, hemofiltration, hemoflagellate, hemofuscin, hemogenesis, hemogenia, hemogenic, hemoglobin
Origin of Hemoflagellate
First recorded in 1905–10; hemo- + flagellate