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Showing words for HEROIC using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Heroic
[1] Also he·ro·i·cal . of, relating to, or characteristic of a hero or heroine.
[2] suitable to the character of a hero in size or concept; daring; noble: a heroic ambition.
[3] having or displaying the character or attributes of a hero; extraordinarily bold, altruistic, determined, etc.: a heroic explorer.
[4] having or involving recourse to boldness, daring, or extreme measures: Heroic measures were taken to save his life.
[5] dealing with or describing the deeds, attributes, etc., of heroes, as in literature.
[6] of, relating to, or characteristic of the heroes of antiquity: heroic mythology.
[7] used in heroic poetry. Compare heroic verse.
[8] resembling heroic poetry in language or style; grandiloquent.
[9] (of style or language) lofty; extravagant; grand.
[10] larger than life-size: a statue of heroic proportions.
[11] Usually heroics . heroic verse.
[12] heroics, flamboyant or extravagant language, sentiment, or behavior, intended to seem heroic. heroic action or behavior.
[13] of, like, or befitting a hero
[14] courageous but desperate
[15] relating to or treating of heroes and their deeds
[16] of, relating to, or resembling the heroes of classical mythology
[17] (of language, manner, etc) extravagant
[18] prosody of, relating to, or resembling heroic verse
[19] (of the arts, esp sculpture) larger than life-size; smaller than colossal
[20] RC Church held to such a degree as to enable a person to perform virtuous actions with exceptional promptness, ease and pleasure, and with self-abnegation and self-control heroic virtue performed or undergone by such a person the heroic witness of martyrdom
Words related to Heroic
gallant, noble, daring, fearless, gutsy, valiant, grand, epic, courageous, bold, elevated, classic, dauntless, doughty, exaggerated, grandiose, gritty, high-flown, inflated, intrepid
Words nearby Heroic
herod antipas, herod the great, herodian, herodias, herodotus, heroic, heroic age, heroic couplet, heroic drama, heroic poem, heroic quatrain
Origin of Heroic
1540–50; < Latin hērōicus < Greek hērōïkós of, pertaining to a hero; compare late Middle English heroical, heroicus; see hero, -ic
Other words from Heroic
he·ro·i·cal·ly , adverb
he·ro·i·cal·ness , he·ro·ic·ness , he·ro·ic·i·ty [heer-oh-is -i-tee] /ˌhɪər oʊˈɪs ɪ ti/ , noun
non·he·ro·ic , adjective
non·he·ro·i·cal , adjective
non·he·ro·i·cal·ly , adverb
non·he·ro·i·cal·ness , noun
non·he·ro·ic·ness , noun
pseu·do·he·ro·ic , adjective
pseu·do·he·ro·i·cal , adjective
pseu·do·he·ro·i·cal·ly , adverb
qua·si-he·ro·ic , adjective
qua·si-he·ro·i·cal·ly , adverb
su·per·he·ro·ic , adjective
su·per·he·ro·i·cal·ly , adverb
un·he·ro·ic , adjective
un·he·ro·ic·ness , noun
un·he·ro·i·cal , adjective
un·he·ro·i·cal·ly , adverb
un·he·ro·i·cal·ness , noun
Synonyms for Heroic
bold, courageous, daring, epic, fearless, gallant, grand, gutsy, noble, valiant, classic, elevated, bigger than life, dauntless, doughty, exaggerated, fire-eating, grandiose, gritty, gutty, high-flown, impavid, inflated, intrepid, lion-hearted, mythological, stand tall, stouthearted, unafraid, undaunted, valorous