13 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
12 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
heterophoric, theromorphic
11 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
hemotrophic, phorometric, theomorphic, theriomorph, thermophore, trichophore
10 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
chemotroph, chirometer, hemotrophe, hemotropic, horopteric, phorometer, rheometric, rheophoric, rheotropic, theophoric, theromorph, thiochrome, trichopore
9 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
chiropter, coemperor, coheritor, compotier, cooperite, corometer, criophore, ectomorph, emporetic, hemitrope, horometer, microphot, micropore, morphetic, morphotic, orometric, orthoepic, peritroch, picometer, poromeric, porometer, preheroic, procerite, receiptor, rheophore, rheotrope, theoremic, topchrome, torchiere, trichrome
8 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
chertier, chromier, chromite, cipherer, coemptio, coemptor, comether, competer, comptoir, coproite, hectorer, hemipter, hemoptoe, heretoch, hermetic, herpetic, homeotic, homeport, homerite, homopter, hormetic, horopter, importee, importer, meteoric, morticer, motherer, octoreme, oometric, orometer, phoretic, phthoric, poechore, portiere, premerit, preremit, promerit, promoter, receptor, recooper, reimport, reophore, repermit, rheotome, rhetoric, tireroom, torchere, torchier, trichome, trimorph
7 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
cheerio, cheroot, chimere, chirper, chomper, cimeter, coherer, cohitre, compeer, compere, compert, compete, comport, compote, compter, comptie, coomier, corpore, coterie, crepier, crimper, ecphore, emperor, emporte, emptier, ephetic, ephoric, epithem, epitome, erector, ereptic, erethic, etheric, hemiope, hempier, heptoic, heretic, heritor, heteric, hitcher, hoihere, homeric, hootier, hopeite, hoptree, iceroot, impetre, merchet, meriter, meropic, metopic, miterer, mochier, moieter, moither, moocher, moorier, mopeier, moriche, morphic, morrice, mortier, mothier, motoric, oometer, oporice, percher, perotic, picotee, piercer, pierrot, pitcher, pochoir, pochote, poother, porotic, porrect, portico, portier, potcher, potiche, potrero, precite, premier, preomit, prerich, preriot, preterm, pretire, pretrim, primero, prithee, procere, proctor, proheim, promote, prootic, proteic, protome, protore, receipt, reciter, remoter, repitch, reprice, reprime, richter, romeite, roomier, roopier, rootier, rotchie, techier, teicher, tempore, theorem, theoric, thermic, torcher, trireme, trochee, trooper, tropeic, trophic
6 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
cepter, ceptor, ceriph, cerite, cermet, cerote, certie, cheero, cherem, cherie, cherte, chimer, chirre, chithe, chomer, choree, chorei, chorio, chrome, chromo, cipher, cither, coempt, coheir, cohere, cohert, cohort, cometh, comite, comper, compot, compte, coopee, cooper, cooree, coorie, cooter, cootie, copier, copter, correo, corrie, cremor, echoer, either, emerit, emetic, emoter, empire, emptio, emptor, ephori, epimer, epirot, epoche, eremic, erotic, errite, etcher, ethiop, etrier, hector, hempie, herero, hereto, heriot, hermit, heroic, herpet, hetero, hether, hirtch, hither, homier, hooper, hooter, hormic, imphee, impoor, import, mercer, merice, meteor, mether, metier, metope, metric, micher, mither, mochie, mootch, mooter, mopier, morice, morpho, mother, motier, octroi, omotic, oorier, ophite, optime, oretic, orphic, orrice, orthic, pecite, peirce, perche, perite, permic, permit, perrie, perter, pether, petrie, phemic, photic, photom, phthor, picote, piecer, pierce, pierre, piroot, poemet, poetic, poorer, pooter, porier, porite, porret, porter, portio, potche, pother, premio, premit, preter, pretor, pricer, primer, pritch, promic, promit, protei, pteric, recept, rechie, rechip, recipe, recite, recrop, rector, reecho, reemit, rehire, rehoop, reiter, remore, remote, reomit, report, reroot, rerope, rether, retier, retime, retire, retore, retrim, retrip, rhetor, rhotic, richer, rioter, rocher, rochet, rocroi, roemer, romero, rompee, romper, roomer, roomie, roomth, roopit, rooter, ropier, rotche, rother, techie, tempeh, temper, tempre, tercer, tercio, termer, termor, terrie, themer, therme, thermo, thoric, thorpe, threep, threip, threpe, thrice, thrimp, thrope, tierce, tierer, tipree, tocher, tocome, toeier, toomer, toorie, torero, torpor, tremie, tremor, tricep, trimer, troche, trochi, trompe, troper, trophi, tropic
5 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
cerer, cheep, cheer, cheet, cheir, chemo, chere, chert, cheth, chime, chimo, chimp, chirm, chiro, chirp, chirr, chirt, choir, chomp, choom, choop, chore, chort, cipro, citee, citer, cohoe, comer, comet, compo, compt, comte, cooee, cooer, coopt, cooth, copei, coper, corer, cothe, creem, creep, creme, crepe, crept, crete, crier, crime, crimp, cripe, crith, crome, crore, ctimo, eimer, emote, eoith, ephoi, ephor, epoch, eprom, erect, erept, ermit, ether, ethic, hecht, hecte, hemic, herem, hermi, heroe, hicht, hiper, hiree, hirer, hitch, hithe, homer, hooch, hoper, horme, hotch, hotei, hothr, ichor, ichth, imper, impot, ither, meech, meeth, meith, merce, merch, merci, merer, merit, merop, meter, metho, metic, metoo, metro, mhorr, miche, micht, micro, mirth, mitch, miter, moche, moier, moire, mooch, moore, mooth, moper, moric, moroc, moror, morph, morro, morth, moter, motor, mpret, mtier, ocher, ochro, ocote, ohmic, oomph, oorie, ophic, ophir, opter, optic, ormer, orpit, ortho, other, pecht, peert, perce, perch, perit, perth, peter, petre, petri, petro, pheer, photo, picot, piece, piert, pirot, pitch, poche, poire, pooch, poori, poort, porch, porer, poret, porte, porto, potch, poter, price, prich, prier, prime, primo, prior, proem, promo, prore, prote, proto, recip, recit, recpt, recti, recto, reech, rehem, rehoe, reice, reich, remet, remit, remop, repic, repot, repro, retch, retem, rethe, retie, retip, retro, rheic, rheme, rhime, ricer, riche, richt, rimer, riper, rithe, roche, romeo, romic, rooti, roper, roric, rorie, rotch, roter, rotor, tempe, tempo, tepor, terce, terre, theer, theic, their, theme, theor, there, therm, thoom, thore, thoro, thorp, three, thrip, throe, ticer, timer, timor, tirer, toher, topee, toper, tophe, tophi, topic, topoi, torch, toric, trice, trier, trior, tripe, troch, troco, troic, tromp, troop, trope
4 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
cepe, cere, cero, cert, cete, ceti, chee, chem, cher, chih, chip, chit, chop, cipo, cire, cite, cito, coho, coir, coit, come, comp, comr, coom, coop, coot, cope, copr, copt, core, corm, corp, corr, cort, cote, coth, coto, crim, crip, crit, croh, crop, crpe, eche, echo, echt, ecto, eech, eire, emer, emic, emir, emit, empt, epic, epit, erer, eric, erie, erme, erth, etch, ethe, etic, hech, heep, heer, heir, heme, hemp, hept, here, herm, hero, herp, herr, hert, hete, heth, himp, hipe, hipt, hire, hiro, hoch, hoer, hoho, hoit, home, homo, hoom, hoop, hoot, hope, hopi, hore, hort, hote, hoth, hoti, icer, icho, irpe, itch, item, iter, itmo, mech, meer, meet, meio, merc, mere, meri, mero, mete, meth, mice, mico, mire, miro, mite, moch, moco, moet, moho, mohr, moio, moir, moit, mooi, moop, moor, moot, mope, moph, more, moro, mort, mote, moth, oche, ocht, oeci, ohio, oime, omer, omit, opec, orch, oreo, orth, otic, otoe, pech, peer, peho, pere, perh, peri, perm, pert, pete, peto, phit, phoh, phoo, phot, pice, pich, pico, pict, pier, piet, pirr, pith, poco, poem, poet, pome, pomo, pooh, poor, poot, porc, pore, porr, port, pote, poti, prec, pree, prem, pret, prie, prim, prio, proc, prom, proo, rcpt, rect, reem, reet, reim, reit, repo, repr, rept, rete, rheo, rhet, rice, rich, riem, rier, rime, riot, ripe, ript, rite, roch, roer, roit, rome, romp, room, roop, root, rope, rort, rotc, rote, roti, roto, tche, tchr, tech, teem, teer, tehr, teme, temp, tepe, term, terp, terr, thee, them, thio, thir, thoo, thor, thro, tice, tich, tier, time, tipe, tire, tirr, toch, toco, toho, tome, toom, toop, tope, toph, topi, topo, torc, tore, tori, toro, torr, tree, trie, trim, trio, trip, trop
3 Letter Words for Heteromorphic
cee, ceo, cep, cer, che, chi, chm, cho, cie, cir, cit, com, coo, cop, cor, cot, cpi, cpm, cpo, cpr, cpt, cro, crt, cte, cto, ctr, ech, ecm, eco, ect, eec, eer, eir, eme, emo, emp, eom, epi, ere, err, ert, etc, eth, hee, heh, hei, hem, heo, hep, her, het, hic, hie, him, hip, hir, hit, hmo, hoc, hoe, hoh, hoi, hom, hoo, hop, hor, hot, ice, ich, ihp, imo, imp, iph, ipm, ipo, ipr, ire, mee, meh, mei, mer, met, mho, mic, mir, mit, moc, moe, moi, moo, mop, mor, mot, mph, mri, och, oct, oer, ohm, oho, oie, ooh, oom, oop, oor, oot, ope, opt, orc, ore, ort, otc, oto, pci, pcm, pct, pec, pee, peh, per, pet, phi, pho, phr, pht, pic, pie, pir, pit, pmt, poh, poi, pom, poo, por, pot, prc, pre, pro, pte, rct, rec, ree, reh, rei, rem, rep, rhe, rho, rie, rim, rio, rip, rit, roc, roe, roi, rom, roo, rot, rpm, rpt, rte, rti, tch, tcp, tec, tee, tem, ter, the, thm, tho, tic, tie, tim, tip, tmh, toc, toe, toi, tom, too, top, tor, tph, tpi, tpm, tri, trm, trp
Definitions for Heteromorphic
[1] Biology . dissimilar in shape, structure, or magnitude.
[2] Entomology . undergoing complete metamorphosis; possessing varying forms.
[3] differing from the normal form in size, shape, and function
[4] (of pairs of homologous chromosomes) differing from each other in size or form
[5] (esp of insects) having different forms at different stages of the life cycle
Words related to Heteromorphic
unusual, unexpected, irregular, exceptional, unnatural, atypical, anomalous, uncommon, peculiar, extraordinary, strange, weird, odd, aberrant, bizarre, curious, deviant, deviate, deviating, divergent
Words nearby Heteromorphic
heteromerous, heterometabolous, heterometaplasia, heterometric autoregulation, heterometropia, heteromorphic, heteromorphosis, heteromorphous, heteronomous, heteronomy, heteronormative
Origin of Heteromorphic
First recorded in 1860–65; hetero- + -morphic
Other words from Heteromorphic
het·er·o·mor·phism , het·er·o·mor·phy , noun
Synonyms for Heteromorphic
aberrant, anomalous, atypical, bizarre, exceptional, extraordinary, irregular, odd, peculiar, strange, uncommon, unexpected, unnatural, unusual, weird, anomalistic, curious, deviant, deviate, deviating, divergent, eccentric, fantastic, funny, grody, gross, heteroclite, heterodox, off-base, off-color, out of line, preternatural, queer, screwy, spastic, unorthodox