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Showing words for HICCUP using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Hiccup
[1] a quick, involuntary inhalation that follows a spasm of the diaphragm and is suddenly checked by closure of the glottis, producing a short, relatively sharp sound.
[2] Usually hiccups. the condition of having such spasms: She got the hiccups just as she began to speak.
[3] Informal . a minor difficulty, interruption, setback, etc.: a hiccup in the stock market.
[4] to make the sound of a hiccup: The motor hiccuped as it started.
[5] to have the hiccups.
[6] Informal . to experience a temporary decline, setback, interruption, etc.: There was general alarm when the economy hiccuped.
[7] a spasm of the diaphragm producing a sudden breathing in followed by a closing of the glottis, resulting in a sharp sound Technical name: singultus
[8] the state or condition of having such spasms
[9] informal a minor difficulty or problem
[10] (intr) to make a hiccup or hiccups
[11] (tr) to utter with a hiccup or hiccups
Words related to Hiccup
Words nearby Hiccup
hibiscus, hic, hic et ubique, hic jacet, hic requiescit in pace, hiccup, hichens, hick, hick-joint pointing, hickey, hickok
Origin of Hiccup
1570–80; alteration of hocket, hickock, equivalent to hic + -ock; akin to Low German hick hiccup; see hocket
Other words from Hiccup
hic′ cup null v.
Word origin for Hiccup
C16: of imitative origin