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Showing words for HIDE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Hide
3 Letter Words for Hide
Definitions for Hide
[1] to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered: Where did she hide her jewels?
[2] to obstruct the view of; cover up: The sun was hidden by the clouds.
[3] to conceal from knowledge or exposure; keep secret: to hide one's feelings.
[4] to conceal oneself; lie concealed: He hid in the closet.
[5] British . a place of concealment for hunting or observing wildlife; hunting blind.
[6] hide out , to go into or remain in hiding: After breaking out of jail, he hid out in a deserted farmhouse.
[7] the pelt or skin of one of the larger animals (cow, horse, buffalo, etc.), raw or dressed.
[8] Informal . the skin of a human being: Get out of here or I'll tan your hide! safety or welfare: He's only worried about his own hide.
[9] Australia and New Zealand Informal . impertinence; impudence.
[10] Informal . to administer a beating to; thrash.
[11] to protect (a rope, as a boltrope of a sail) with a covering of leather.
[12] a unit of land measurement varying from 60 to 120 acres (24 to 49 hectares) or more, depending upon local usage.
[13] to put or keep (oneself or an object) in a secret place; conceal (oneself or an object) from view or discovery to hide a pencil ; to hide from the police
[14] (tr) to conceal or obscure the clouds hid the sun
[15] (tr) to keep secret
[16] (tr) to turn (one's head, eyes, etc) away
[17] British a place of concealment, usually disguised to appear as part of the natural environment, used by hunters, birdwatchers, etc US and Canadian equivalent: blind
[18] the skin of an animal, esp the tough thick skin of a large mammal, either tanned or raw
[19] informal the human skin
[20] Australian and NZ informal impudence
[21] (tr) informal to flog
[22] an obsolete Brit unit of land measure, varying in magnitude from about 60 to 120 acres
Words related to Hide
plant, shield, camouflage, shelter, cover, mask, protect, stash, withhold, disguise, suppress, obscure, bury, smuggle, stifle, squirrel, harbor, screen, cache, eclipse
Words nearby Hide
hidden agenda, hidden hand, hidden tax, hidden unemployment, hiddenite, hide, hide and seek, hide nor hair, neither, hide one's face, hide one's head in the sand, hide one's light under a bushel
Origin of Hide
3before 900; Middle English; Old English hīd(e ), hīg(i)d portion of land, family; akin to Latin civis citizen, Greek keîmai to lie, abide
Other words from Hide
hid·a·ble , adjective
hid·a·bil·i·ty , noun
hid·er , noun
hide·less , adjective
Word origin for Hide
Old English hīgid; related to hīw family, household, Latin cīvis citizen
Synonyms for Hide
bury, camouflage, cover, disguise, hole up, mask, obscure, plant, protect, shelter, shield, smuggle, stash, suppress, tuck away, withhold, adumbrate, cache, cloak, curtain, dissemble, ditch, duck, eclipse, ensconce, harbor, reserve, screen, secrete, shadow, shroud, squirrel, stifle, veil, blot out, go into hiding, go underground, hold back, hush up, keep from, keep secret, lie low, lock up, not give away, not tell, put out of the way, salt away, stow away, take cover