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Showing words for HIE using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Hie
hei, hie
Definitions for Hie
[1] to hasten; speed; go in haste.
[2] to hasten (oneself): Hie yourself down to this once-in-a-lifetime sale!
[3] archaic , or poetic to hurry; hasten; speed
[4] (in Scotland) Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Words related to Hie
rush, hurry, speed, expedite, scurry, haste
Words nearby Hie
hidroschesis, hidrosis, hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, hidy, hidy-hole, hie, hielamon, hieland, hiemal, hier-, hieracosphinx
Origin of Hie
before 900; Middle English hien, hyen, Old English hīgian to strive; cognate with Dutch hijgen to pant, Greek kíein to go; Latin ciēre to cause to go
Words that may be confused with Hie
Word origin for Hie
Old English hīgian to strive