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Showing words for HIERARCHY using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Hierarchy


8 Letter Words for Hierarchy


7 Letter Words for Hierarchy

archery, chairer, charier

6 Letter Words for Hierarchy

achier, archei, archer, archie, cahier, charer, charie, charry, cherry, chirre, crayer, eriach, harier, racier, reachy, rechar, rehair, rhachi, richea, richer

5 Letter Words for Hierarchy

acher, acier, aeric, aiery, airer, arche, archy, arrie, ayrie, carer, carey, carri, carry, ceria, chair, chare, charr, chary, cheir, chirr, chria, craie, crare, craye, crier, criey, echar, erica, eyrar, eyrir, hache, haire, hairy, harre, harry, hayer, herry, hiera, hirer, racer, rache, reach, reich, rheic, ricer, ricey, riche, yarer

4 Letter Words for Hierarchy

acer, ache, achy, acre, ahey, aire, airy, arch, arri, ayre, cair, care, carr, cera, chai, char, chay, cher, chia, chih, chry, cira, cire, cray, each, eira, eiry, eria, eric, eyah, eyra, haec, hair, hare, harr, haye, hear, hech, heir, hera, herr, hery, hire, hiya, iare, icer, iyar, race, rach, racy, rare, rear, rhea, rice, rich, ricy, rier, yahi, yair, yare, yarr, ycie, yeah, year, yech, yirr

3 Letter Words for Hierarchy

ace, ach, acy, aer, ahh, ahi, air, arc, are, arr, ary, aye, ayr, cai, car, cay, cer, cha, che, chi, cia, cie, cir, cry, ear, ech, eir, era, err, eyr, hae, hay, heh, hei, her, hey, hia, hic, hie, hir, hye, ice, ich, icy, ira, ire, rah, rai, ray, rea, rec, reh, rei, rha, rhe, rhy, ria, rie, rya, rye, yah, yar, yea, yeh, yer

Definitions for Hierarchy

[1] any system of persons or things ranked one above another.
[2] government by ecclesiastical rulers.
[3] the power or dominion of a hierarch.
[4] an organized body of ecclesiastical officials in successive ranks or orders: the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
[5] one of the three divisions of the angels, each made up of three orders, conceived as constituting a graded body.
[6] Also called celestial hierarchy. the collective body of angels.
[7] government by an elite group.
[8] Linguistics . the system of levels according to which a language is organized, as phonemic, morphemic, syntactic, or semantic.
[9] a system of persons or things arranged in a graded order
[10] a body of persons in holy orders organized into graded ranks
[11] the collective body of those so organized
[12] a series of ordered groupings within a system, such as the arrangement of plants and animals into classes, orders, families, etc
[13] linguistics maths a formal structure, usually represented by a diagram of connected nodes, with a single uppermost element Compare ordering, heterarchy, tree (def. 6)
[14] government by an organized priesthood

Words related to Hierarchy

ranking, position, pyramid, scale, grouping, placing

Words nearby Hierarchy

hieracosphinx, hierarch, hierarchical, hierarchism, hierarchize, hierarchy, hieratic, hiero-, hierocracy, hierodeacon, hierodule

Origin of Hierarchy

1300–50; < Medieval Latin hierarchia < Late Greek hierarchía rule or power of the high priest, equivalent to hier- hier- + archía -archy; replacing Middle English jerarchie < Middle French ierarchie < Medieval Latin ierarchia, variant of hierarchia

Other words from Hierarchy

an·ti·hi·er·ar·chy , noun, plural an·ti·hi·er·ar·chies, adjective

Word origin for Hierarchy

C14: from Medieval Latin hierarchia, from Late Greek hierarkhia, from hierarkhēs high priest; see hiero- , -archy

Synonyms for Hierarchy

pecking order, ranking, echelons, grouping, position, pyramid, scale, chain of command, due order, placing