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Showing words for HIGHBORN using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Highborn
7 Letter Words for Highborn
6 Letter Words for Highborn
borghi, boring, hohing, orbing, robing
5 Letter Words for Highborn
bingo, boing, borgh, bring, brogh, ghbor, giron, groin, hoing, hongi, inorb, inorg, ohing, rhino, robin
4 Letter Words for Highborn
bing, binh, bino, biog, bion, birn, biro, bong, borg, borh, bori, born, brig, brin, brio, brog, girn, giro, gobi, gorb, grin, high, hing, hiro, hogh, hoin, hong, horn, ingo, inro, iron, nigh, niog, noir, nori, orig, ring, roin, rong
3 Letter Words for Highborn
big, bin, bio, bog, boh, bon, bor, bro, gib, gin, gio, gob, goi, gon, gor, gro, hin, hir, hob, hog, hoh, hoi, hon, hor, ign, ing, ion, nbg, nib, nig, nob, nog, noh, nor, obi, oni, orb, org, rbi, rhb, rho, rib, rig, rin, rio, rob, rog, roi, ron
Definitions for Highborn
[1] of high rank by birth.
[2] of noble or aristocratic birth
Words related to Highborn
aristocratic, elite, gentle, highbred, imperial, kingly, patrician, thoroughbred, queenly, titled, wellborn
Words nearby Highborn
high-water mark, high-wire act, high-wrought, highball, highbinder, highborn, highboy, highbred, highbrow, highbush blueberry, highbush cranberry
Origin of Highborn
Middle English word dating back to 1250–1300; see origin at high, born
Synonyms for Highborn
aristocratic, blue-blooded, elite, gentle, highbred, imperial, kingly, patrician, queenly, thoroughbred, titled, upper-class, wellborn