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Showing words for HIJRAH using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Hijrah


5 Letter Words for Hijrah


4 Letter Words for Hijrah

hair, jari

3 Letter Words for Hijrah

ahh, ahi, air, haj, hia, hir, ira, jah, jai, jar, rah, rai, raj, rha, ria

Definitions for Hijrah

[1] the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution a.d. 622: regarded as the beginning of the Muslim Era.
[2] the Muslim Era itself.
[3] a variant of Hegira
[4] (in India) a person who adopts a gender role that is neither male nor female

Origin of Hijrah

HijraFrom the Arabic word hijrah flight, departure

Word origin for Hijrah

Urdu: eunuch