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Showing words for HOAGIE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Hoagie
4 Letter Words for Hoagie
agio, eigh, hagi, hoga, iago, ohia
3 Letter Words for Hoagie
age, ago, ahi, aho, ego, geo, gie, gio, goa, goi, hae, hag, hao, hei, heo, hia, hie, hoa, hoe, hog, hoi, iao, oie
Definitions for Hoagie
[1] a hero sandwich.
[2] US a sandwich made with a long, narrow bread roll
Words related to Hoagie
hoagysandwich, hero, submarine
Words nearby Hoagie
hoagyhoabinhian, hoactzin, hoad, hoagie, hoagland, hoagy, hoar, hoard, hoarding, hoare, hoarfrost
Origin of Hoagie
y1965–70, Americanism ; a number of anecdotal hypotheses have been advanced as to the orig. of the word, most claiming it to be derivative of hog, either in reference to pork as an ingredient, or as an epithet for a person capable of eating such a sandwich, or alluding to Hog Island, an industrial and shipping area of South Philadelphia; but corroborating evidence is lacking; see -ie
Word origin for Hoagie
C20: of uncertain origin