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Showing words for HOKEY using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Hokey


4 Letter Words for Hokey

hoey, hoke, hyke, okeh, okey, yoke

3 Letter Words for Hokey

heo, hey, hoe, hoy, hye, key, kye, oke, oye, yeh, yeo, yoe, yok

Definitions for Hokey

[1] overly sentimental; mawkish: Two glasses of wine and he gets unbearably hokey; it's hard to believe he's a highly paid executive!
[2] obviously contrived, especially to win popular appeal or support; phony: The hokey stories of his impoverished childhood always surface at election time.
[3] corny; sentimental
[4] contrived; phoney

Words related to Hokey

banal, commonplace, dull, feeble, hackneyed, mawkish, old-fashioned, sentimental, shopworn, stale, trite

Words nearby Hokey

hoity-toity, hojo, hoka, hokan, hoke, hokey, hokey cokey, hokey-pokey, hoki, hokiang, hokinson

Origin of Hokey

1945–50; irregular hok(um) + -y1

Other words from Hokey

hok·ey·ness , hok·i·ness , noun

Word origin for Hokey

C20: from hokum

Synonyms for Hokey

banal, commonplace, dull, feeble, hackneyed, mawkish, old hat, old-fashioned, sentimental, shopworn, stale, trite