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Showing words for HOLDALL using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Holdall
5 Letter Words for Holdall
ahold, aldol, allod, dholl, holla
4 Letter Words for Holdall
allo, alod, dahl, dalo, dhal, dhol, doha, dola, doll, hall, halo, hola, hold, holl, lall, lalo, load, loll, odah, odal, olla
3 Letter Words for Holdall
adh, ado, aho, ald, all, alo, dah, dal, dao, dha, doa, dol, had, hao, hdl, hld, hoa, hod, hol, lad, lah, lao, ldl, lhd, lld, loa, lod, oad, oda, ola, old
Definitions for Holdall
[1] a container for holding odds and ends.
[2] British a large strong bag with handles Usual US and Canadian name: carryall
Words related to Holdall
briefcase, backpack, purse, sack, kit, pocket, packet, gear, suitcase, handbag, pouch, pack, case, poke, tote, pocketbook, satchel, sac, knapsack, rucksack
Words nearby Holdall
hold up, hold water, hold with, hold your, hold-up, holdall, holdback, holddown, holden, holder, holder in due course
Origin of Holdall
First recorded in 1850–55; hold1 + all
Synonyms for Holdall
backpack, briefcase, gear, handbag, kit, pack, packet, pocket, pouch, purse, sack, suitcase, carryall, case, duffel, haversack, knapsack, pocketbook, poke, rucksack, sac, saddlebag, satchel, tote, attaché, carry-on