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Showing words for HOMESTEADING using the English dictionary

12 Letter Words for Homesteading


10 Letter Words for Homesteading

endogamies, hegemonist, methadones, nasethmoid

9 Letter Words for Homesteading

ademonist, amidogens, amnestied, daemonies, deathsmen, demasting, dementias, demoniast, designate, dominates, egotheism, eightsman, eightsmen, eightsome, enghosted, ethamines, geminated, geminates, goshenite, haemonies, headnotes, headstone, hemateins, hematines, hematogen, hematoids, hematosin, hemogenia, homestead, isogamete, magnesite, magnetoid, mainsheet, mangeiest, methadone, misatoned, moistened, nematodes, semantide, seminated, something, somniated, staminode, stonehead, thanedoms, thomasing

8 Letter Words for Homesteading

adeeming, adhesion, admonish, aethogen, agnoites, amidogen, amidones, amniotes, andesite, andosite, anthemed, anthemis, antismog, astonied, daemones, daimones, damentis, deashing, demaines, dementia, dementis, demetons, demisang, demitone, demonish, demonist, demoting, desmogen, diagnose, diogenes, disthene, doatings, dogeates, dominate, dominees, donatism, edgeshot, egestion, emigated, emigates, emongest, endgames, endostea, entheasm, eosinate, esthonia, etamines, ethamine, ethenoid, ethmoids, gahnites, gainsome, gametoid, gedanite, geminate, gemonies, gemstone, genetoid, geodesia, geomants, gestonie, gisement, gnathism, goadsmen, godetias, goethean, goethian, hagstone, handiest, handsome, hastened, headiest, headings, headmost, headnote, headsmen, heatings, hedgiest, hedonism, hedonist, hedonsim, hegemons, hematein, hematine, hematins, hematoid, hematose, hemiones, hemitone, hindmost, histogen, hoasting, hoastmen, hogmanes, hoistman, hoistmen, homesite, hostaged, ingested, inmeshed, inseamed, isatogen, madstone, magnetod, magnetos, mangiest, manihots, masonite, matinees, mediants, mediates, meetings, megadont, megadose, megahits, megatons, mendigos, methanes, mintages, misagent, misatone, miseaten, mitogens, mohnseed, monished, montaged, montages, nematode, nematoid, nomadies, notehead, oghamist, sagenite, saintdom, sandmite, sedating, sedation, sediment, seething, semihand, seminate, semitone, shandite, shantied, sheading, sheeting, sidenote, sigmated, signeted, somegate, somniate, stagedom, stagemen, stamened, steading, steaming, steeding, steeming, stemhead, teamings, tedisome, thanedom, thegndom, thenages, tidesman, tidesmen

7 Letter Words for Homesteading

adenose, adonist, adonite, adsmith, aeonist, agented, agisted, agonied, agonies, agonist, amenest, amesite, amidone, amniote, amosite, aneides, angoise, anights, animose, aniseed, anomite, anthems, anthoid, antigod, asiento, asinego, astoned, atheism, athogen, atomies, atonies, daemons, daimons, damenti, damsite, dasheen, dashing, datings, deathin, deeming, degames, degamis, demaine, demains, demeans, dementi, dements, demeton, demihag, demoing, demotes, denotes, densate, desight, desmine, destain, destine, detains, dhoties, diasene, diastem, diatoms, digmeat, dinghee, dingoes, dinsome, diomate, disegno, dishome, distoma, distome, ditones, doating, doatish, dogates, dogeate, dogmeat, dogshit, domaine, domains, domiest, dominee, domines, donatee, donates, dotages, dotings, easting, eatings, edestan, edestin, edgeman, edgiest, edomite, egotism, emetins, emigate, emodins, emonges, emongst, emoting, endaseh, endgame, endgate, endites, endmost, enigmas, enodate, enshade, entamed, entames, entheos, estadio, estamin, estonia, etamine, etamins, etesian, ethanes, ethanim, ethions, ethmoid, ethmose, gadsmen, gahnite, gainest, gainset, gametes, gamiest, gamines, ganoids, gatemen, gemotes, genista, genoise, genomes, geodist, geomant, geoside, gestion, ghanese, ghasted, ghosted, gitanos, gnashed, gnomide, gnomish, gnomist, goateed, goatees, goatish, godetia, godsent, goeties, gondite, hagdens, hagdons, hagseed, handset, hasting, heading, headmen, headset, heating, hedeoma, heeding, hegemon, heisted, hematid, hematin, heminas, hemione, hemodia, hengest, hetmans, hidages, hiemate, histone, hoagies, hoaming, hoasted, hogmane, hogtied, hogties, hoidens, hoisted, homaged, homages, homiest, homines, homings, hongied, hongies, hoseman, hosemen, hostage, hosting, ideates, imagoes, ingates, ingesta, ingoted, inmates, inmeats, inshade, instead, insteam, iodates, madison, magneto, magnets, maidens, mainest, maneged, maneges, mangoes, manihot, manitos, mantids, manties, mantoid, mashing, masoned, masting, mastoid, matinee, matings, meanest, meanies, meanish, measing, meathes, medians, mediant, mediate, medinas, meeting, megahit, megaton, mehndis, menaged, menages, mendigo, menshed, mesange, meshing, mesnage, mesteno, mestino, metages, methane, methide, methine, methods, methone, mideast, midgets, mighted, mindset, mintage, misdate, misdone, misgone, mistend, mistone, mitogen, moating, modenas, modiste, mohegan, moisted, moisten, monades, mondsee, monesia, moneths, montage, monties, moshing, nathemo, needham, negated, negates, neighed, nemesia, nesiote, nestage, nidates, nidgets, nighest, nighted, noghead, nomades, oatseed, ohmages, ominate, onegite, oneidas, onetime, onsight, onstage, onstead, osamine, osmiate, ostemia, sainted, samnite, sandhog, satined, sdeigne, seaming, seating, seeding, seedman, seeming, segment, semeion, semigod, semihot, semoted, senaite, sentimo, sethead, shadine, shading, shaming, shedman, sheitan, shemite, shoeing, shoeman, shotman, sideage, sideman, sidemen, sighted, sighten, sigmate, signate, smidgen, smitane, smithed, sneathe, sodaine, sogdian, soignee, somaten, sondage, songhai, stadion, stagion, stained, stamnoi, standee, stanged, steamed, steamie, steaned, steding, steined, steming, stengah, sthenia, stinged, stonage, stonied, tameins, tamenes, tamines, tamings, tandems, tangies, tangoed, tashing, teadish, teaming, teasing, teeming, teenish, tegmina, temenos, temsing, tensome, thameng, theedom, theeing, theines, theming, thenage, thonged, toadies, toadish, togeman, tomines, tonemes, toshing, tsigane

6 Letter Words for Homesteading

adeems, adeste, adient, adighe, adight, admins, admits, adonis, aedegi, aedine, aethon, ageism, ageist, agenes, agents, agones, ahmedi, aidmen, amende, amends, amened, aments, amides, amidon, amigos, amines, amnios, anight, animes, anitos, anodes, anomie, antdom, anthem, anthos, antido, ashine, ashing, ashmen, asiden, asimen, astond, astone, athene, athens, athing, atimon, atoned, atones, daeing, daemon, dagesh, dagoes, daimen, daimon, daines, daisee, damine, damnit, damson, danios, danish, danism, daoine, daoism, dasein, dashee, dating, dation, deaths, deeing, degame, degami, deigns, deinos, demain, demans, demast, demean, dement, demies, demise, demist, demits, demons, demote, dename, denets, denies, denims, denote, dentes, deseam, design, desine, desman, desmon, destin, detain, dhotee, dhotie, dhotis, diatom, dienes, digest, dights, dimane, dingee, dinges, diotas, diseme, disman, ditone, doesnt, dogate, dogies, dogman, dogmas, dogmen, dogtie, doigte, doings, domage, domain, doment, domina, domine, doming, domite, domnei, donahs, donate, donees, dongas, donsie, dosage, dosain, dosing, dotage, doting, dotish, dsname, eadios, eadish, easing, easted, eating, edemas, edison, egesta, egoism, egoist, eident, eights, emdash, emends, emetia, emetin, emodin, emoted, emotes, enates, endash, endite, endome, enemas, enigma, enmesh, enmist, ensate, enseam, enseat, entame, enties, eoiths, eonism, eosate, eoside, eosine, eothen, estado, estang, etages, etamin, ethane, ethide, ethine, ethion, ethnog, ethnos, gadite, gained, gainst, gaited, gamene, gamest, gamete, gamine, gamins, gamond, gamone, gamont, gandhi, ganesh, ganoid, ganted, gashed, gasmen, gasted, geason, geisha, geison, gemote, gemots, geneat, genets, genies, genoas, genome, genoms, gentes, geodes, geoids, geosid, gesith, gested, gesten, gestio, ghaist, giants, gideon, ginete, gisant, gitano, gnatho, gnomae, gnomed, gnomes, goatee, godets, goethe, goetia, goiest, gonads, gosain, goshen, gotham, hading, haeing, hagden, hagdin, hagdon, hageen, hagein, hained, haints, haming, hamite, hamose, hanged, hangee, hangie, hansom, hanted, hasted, hasten, hating, heaste, heated, heaten, hedges, hemase, hemina, hemine, hemins, hemoid, henges, henism, hented, hestia, heting, hetman, hidage, higdon, himene, hinged, hinges, hinted, histed, histon, hoagie, hoaing, hodman, hodmen, hoeing, hogans, hogens, hogtie, hoiden, hoised, homage, homing, hondas, honest, hongis, hosing, hosted, hostie, idants, ideate, igname, ignote, imaged, imagen, images, imagos, ingate, ingest, ingoes, ingots, inhame, inmate, inmeat, inmesh, inmost, insame, inseam, inseem, inshoe, intoed, iodate, ionate, isagon, isogam, isogen, itemed, ithand, madges, maeing, magnes, magnet, magots, mahoes, mahone, maiden, mained, maison, manege, manehs, manged, manges, manies, manist, manito, mantes, mantid, mantis, mantos, maoist, mashed, mashie, masing, masted, mathes, maties, mating, matins, meaned, meanes, meanie, meased, meated, meathe, meaths, mediae, median, medias, medina, medine, medino, mehndi, meined, meiths, menage, menged, menges, menise, mensed, mentha, menthe, mentis, mentos, meseta, meshed, mesiad, mesian, mesion, mesode, metage, methid, method, methos, meting, midges, midget, mights, minged, minges, minhag, minted, misate, miseat, misted, mithan, moaned, moated, modena, modest, modish, modist, moeing, moiest, monads, monase, mondes, monest, moneth, mongst, monies, monish, monist, monsia, montes, months, montia, moshed, mosing, mothed, negate, neighs, nested, ngaios, nidate, nidget, nighed, nights, noised, nomade, nomads, noshed, nosite, oathed, oghams, ohmage, ointed, omegas, omened, omenta, omnist, oneida, oneism, onethe, onside, onsite, osamin, osmate, osmina, osmite, ostein, ostend, ostmen, othman, otides, sagene, sagoin, saigon, sained, sainte, saithe, samite, sandhi, sangei, santee, sateen, satine, sating, sation, sdaine, sdeath, sdeign, seadog, seahog, seamed, seamen, seaned, seated, seathe, sedate, sedent, seeing, seined, seitan, seiten, semang, semeia, sement, semian, semina, semita, semite, senage, senate, senega, sented, shamed, shanti, shedim, shined, shinto, shited, shonde, sieged, sighed, signed, signee, signet, simeon, singed, sithed, sithen, smeath, smeeth, smethe, smight, snaith, snathe, sneath, snight, snithe, sodain, soigna, soigne, somite, sontag, sotnia, stadie, staged, stagne, stamen, stamin, standi, staned, steane, steigh, stemed, stenia, stenog, sthene, stheno, stigma, stigme, stimed, stinge, stingo, stodge, stogie, stoned, taeing, taheen, taimen, tainos, tamein, tamine, taming, tamins, tamise, tandem, tanged, tangie, tangis, tangos, taoism, tashed, tashie, teades, teaing, teaish, teaism, teamed, teameo, teased, teeing, teends, tegmen, teinds, temsed, tenaim, tenges, teniae, tenias, tensed, thagis, thames, thamin, thanes, thegns, theine, theins, theism, themas, themed, themes, themis, thenad, things, thoman, thomas, thongs, tiedog, tienda, tigons, timons, tinage, tineas, tinged, tinges, tinosa, tisane, todies, toeing, togaed, toised, tomand, tomans, tomish, toneme, tongas, tonged, tonies, tonish, toshed, tosing

5 Letter Words for Homesteading

adeem, adige, adion, adios, adits, admen, admin, admit, aedes, aegis, agend, agene, agent, agete, agios, agist, agone, agons, ahems, ahent, ahind, ahing, ahint, ahong, aides, aidos, aimed, ainee, ameed, ameen, amend, amene, amens, ament, amide, amido, amids, amies, amigo, amine, amino, amins, amish, amnio, among, andes, angst, anigh, anime, animo, anise, anode, anted, antes, antis, asgmt, ashed, ashen, ashet, ashot, aside, atees, ating, atmid, atmos, atoms, atone, dagon, dagos, dahms, daine, daint, dames, damie, damns, damon, danes, dangs, danio, dante, dants, dashi, dasht, dasnt, dates, datos, deans, deash, death, deems, deens, deets, degas, deign, deism, deist, deman, demes, demit, demon, demos, demot, denat, denes, denet, denim, denom, dense, dents, deota, desma, desto, detin, dhoni, dhoti, diane, diego, diene, diets, dight, digne, dimes, dines, dinge, dingo, dings, dinos, dints, diose, diota, disme, disna, distn, ditas, dites, doats, doesn, doest, doeth, doges, dogie, dogma, doigt, doina, doing, doits, domes, donah, donas, donat, donee, donet, donga, dongs, donis, doseh, dotes, eaned, eased, eaten, eathe, edema, edges, edite, edith, edits, eemis, egads, egest, egmas, ehing, eidos, eight, eigne, emane, emden, emend, emits, emong, emote, enage, enami, enate, endia, eneid, enema, enets, engem, enhat, enode, entad, entea, entia, entom, entsi, eoith, eosin, eshin, etage, etang, etens, ethid, ethos, etiam, etnas, gades, gadis, gadso, gaids, gaine, gains, gaist, gaits, gamed, games, gamin, gants, gated, gates, gaths, geans, gease, geast, geats, geest, geisa, geist, geits, gemot, gemse, genae, genas, genes, genet, genie, genio, genit, genoa, genom, genos, gents, geode, geoid, geste, getah, getas, getid, ghain, ghast, ghats, ghees, ghest, ghost, giant, gites, gnash, gnast, gnats, gnide, gnome, goads, goats, godet, gonad, gondi, gonia, gonid, gosht, gotha, goths, hades, hadit, hadnt, hadst, haems, haine, hains, haint, hamed, hames, hands, hange, hangs, hanoi, hanse, hants, hasid, hasnt, haste, hated, hates, heads, heame, heast, heats, hedge, heeds, heids, heist, hemad, heman, hemen, hemes, hemin, henad, hends, henge, hents, hetes, hiant, hiate, hides, hiems, himne, hinds, hinge, hings, hints, hoaed, hoast, hodge, hogan, hogen, hoing, hoise, hoist, homed, homes, honda, honds, honed, hones, hongi, hongs, hosea, hosed, hosen, hosta, hotei, hoten, hsian, hsien, idaho, idant, ideas, idems, ident, idest, ideta, idgah, idose, igads, image, imago, ingem, ingot, inoma, insea, insee, inset, iotas, isnad, isthm, items, madge, mages, magot, mahdi, mahoe, maids, maine, mains, maint, maise, maist, mande, mandi, mands, maned, maneh, manei, manes, manet, mange, mangi, mango, mangs, manid, manie, manis, manit, manos, manse, mansi, manso, manto, mased, mashi, mason, mated, mates, mathe, matie, matin, matis, meads, meane, means, meant, mease, meath, meats, medea, media, medio, meeds, meeth, meets, meins, meint, meith, menat, mends, mened, menes, menge, mengs, mensa, mense, mensh, menta, mento, mesad, mesne, meson, mesto, metad, metae, metas, meted, metes, metho, meths, metis, midas, midge, midst, miens, might, minae, minah, minds, mined, mines, minge, mings, minos, minot, mints, misdo, misgo, mites, mnage, moans, moats, modes, modge, moise, moist, moits, monad, monas, monde, mongs, monie, monte, month, mosan, mosed, moste, moted, moten, motes, moths, naght, naish, named, names, naomi, nates, nathe, neath, neats, needs, neems, neigh, neist, nemas, nemos, netes, ngaio, ngoma, nides, nidge, nighs, night, niota, nitos, nodes, noemi, nohes, noise, nomad, nomas, nomes, nomia, nosed, nosig, noted, notes, nsaid, oaten, oaths, odahs, odism, odist, ogams, ogeed, ogees, ogham, ohias, ohing, oints, omani, omega, omens, omina, omits, omnes, onset, osage, oshea, oside, osmin, ostia, sadhe, sahme, saine, saint, saith, samen, saned, sangh, sango, sanit, santo, saone, sated, satem, satin, sdein, seame, sedan, sedge, segni, segno, seige, seine, semen, semie, semih, senam, sengi, senit, sente, senti, setae, seton, shade, shado, shame, shand, shant, sheat, sheen, sheet, shema, shend, sheng, shent, shide, shied, shina, shine, shita, shoad, shoat, shode, shogi, shone, shote, sidha, sidhe, sidth, siege, siena, sient, sieth, sight, sigma, signa, simon, sined, singe, singh, sitao, sited, sithe, smeth, smite, smith, smote, snath, snead, sneed, snide, snite, snoga, soget, soign, soman, somet, somne, sonde, sotie, stade, stage, staid, staig, stain, staio, stand, stane, stang, stead, steam, stean, stede, steed, steem, steen, stegh, steid, stein, stema, steme, stend, steng, steno, stied, stime, stine, sting, stion, stoae, stoai, stoga, stoma, stond, stone, stong, tahin, taigs, taino, tains, taise, taish, tamed, tames, tamin, tamis, tangi, tango, tangs, tanhs, teade, teads, teaed, teams, tease, tedge, teems, teend, teens, teind, teise, teman, temed, temes, temin, temse, tenai, tendo, tends, tenes, tenga, tenge, tenia, tenio, tense, tenso, thagi, thaim, thane, thans, theed, thees, thegn, theia, thein, thema, theme, thens, theos, these, thigs, thine, thing, thins, thisn, thone, thong, those, tiang, tides, tiens, tiges, tigon, timed, times, timon, tinds, tinea, tined, tines, tinge, tings, toads, todea, toeas, togas, toges, toise, toman, tomes, tomia, tomin, tondi, toned, tones, tonga, tongs, tosed, tsade, tsadi, tsine

4 Letter Words for Homesteading

aden, adet, adit, admi, adon, ados, aged, agee, agen, ages, aget, agin, agio, agit, agni, agon, agos, agst, ahed, ahem, aide, aids, aims, aine, ains, aint, aion, aith, aits, amdt, amen, amid, amie, amin, amis, amit, amon, amos, ands, anes, anet, ango, anim, anis, ansi, ante, anti, ants, asem, asgd, asin, asio, ated, ates, atis, atmo, atom, daes, dago, dags, dahs, dain, dais, dame, damn, dams, dane, dang, dans, dant, dase, dash, dasi, dast, date, dato, dean, deas, deem, deen, dees, deet, deia, deis, deme, demi, demo, dene, deni, dens, dent, desi, deti, detn, dhai, dhan, diag, diam, dian, dias, diem, dies, diet, digs, dime, dims, dine, ding, dino, dins, dint, disa, dish, dist, dita, dite, dits, doat, doen, does, doge, dogs, doha, doit, dome, domn, doms, dona, done, dong, doni, dons, dont, dosa, dose, dosh, dost, dote, doth, dots, eadi, eans, ease, east, eath, eats, edam, edea, eden, edge, edhs, edit, egad, egma, egos, ehed, eide, eigh, eine, emda, emes, emit, emos, enam, ende, endo, ends, ened, enes, engs, ense, ento, eoan, eons, esne, etas, eten, ethe, eths, etna, eton, gade, gadi, gads, gaen, gaes, gaet, gaid, gain, gait, game, gams, gane, gant, gash, gast, gate, gath, gats, gean, geat, geds, geed, gees, geet, gein, geit, gems, gena, gene, gens, gent, geod, geom, geos, gest, geta, gets, ghat, ghee, gids, gied, gien, gies, gins, gios, gise, gish, gism, gist, gite, gith, gits, gnat, goad, goas, goat, gode, gods, goen, goes, gois, gome, gond, gone, gons, gosh, gote, goth, hade, hads, haen, haes, hagi, hags, hain, hait, hame, hami, hams, hand, hang, hani, hans, hant, hasn, hast, hate, hats, head, heat, hede, heed, heid, heme, hems, hend, heng, hens, hent, hest, hete, hets, hide, hied, hies, hims, hind, hine, hing, hins, hint, hisn, hist, hits, hoas, hods, hoed, hoes, hoga, hogs, hoin, hoit, home, hond, hone, hong, hons, hont, hose, host, hote, hoti, hots, iago, idea, idee, idem, ideo, ides, igad, iman, inde, inga, ingo, inst, inta, into, iode, ions, iota, isdn, ised, isnt, isth, itas, item, itmo, made, mado, mads, maed, maes, mage, magh, magi, mags, maid, main, mand, mane, mang, mani, mano, mans, mant, maoi, mase, mash, mast, mate, math, mats, mdnt, mdse, mead, mean, meas, meat, mede, meds, meed, meet, mega, megs, mein, meio, mend, mene, meng, meno, mens, ment, mesa, mese, mesh, meso, mest, meta, mete, meth, mets, mhos, miae, mian, mias, mide, midn, mids, mien, migs, mind, mine, ming, mino, mins, mint, miso, mist, mite, mnas, moan, moas, moat, mode, modi, mods, moed, moes, moet, mogs, moha, moid, moit, mona, mone, mong, mons, mont, mose, mosh, most, mota, mote, moth, mots, mtge, nagi, nags, naid, naig, naio, nais, name, nams, naoi, naos, nash, nasi, naso, nast, nato, nats, neat, neds, need, neem, neet, negs, nema, nemo, nese, nesh, nest, nete, neth, neti, nets, ngai, nide, nids, nied, nies, nigh, nims, niog, nist, nito, nits, noah, node, nodi, nods, noes, nogs, noma, nome, noms, nose, nosh, nota, note, nots, oast, oath, oats, odah, odas, odea, odes, odin, ogam, ogee, ohed, ohia, ohms, oime, oint, oman, omen, omit, omni, ones, onst, osha, otis, sade, sadh, sadi, sado, sage, sago, said, saim, sain, same, samh, sami, sand, sane, sang, sant, satd, sate, sati, seah, seam, sean, seat, seed, seem, seen, sego, seit, seme, semi, sena, send, sene, sent, seta, seth, shad, shag, sham, shan, shea, shed, shee, shem, shet, shia, shim, shin, shit, shmo, shod, shoe, shog, shot, shtg, siam, sian, sida, side, sidh, sien, sigh, sign, sima, sime, sina, sind, sine, sing, sinh, sion, sita, site, sith, smee, smog, snag, sned, snee, snig, snit, snod, snog, snot, soam, soda, soma, some, sond, sone, song, soth, stad, stag, stam, sted, steg, stem, sten, stge, stid, stie, stim, stoa, stod, stog, tade, tads, taed, taen, tags, taig, tain, tais, tame, tams, tane, tang, tanh, tans, taos, tash, tead, team, tean, teas, teds, teed, teem, teen, tees, tega, tegs, teme, tems, tend, tene, teng, tens, thae, thai, than, thea, thed, thee, them, then, thig, thin, thio, this, thon, thos, tiao, tide, tids, tied, tien, ties, tige, tigs, time, tind, tine, ting, tins, toad, toda, tode, tods, toea, toed, toes, toga, toge, togs, tome, toms, tone, tong, tons, tosa, tose, tosh, tshi, tsia

3 Letter Words for Homesteading

ade, adh, adm, ado, ads, aes, age, ago, ags, agt, ahi, aho, ahs, aid, aim, ain, ais, ait, ame, ami, amt, and, ane, ans, ant, ase, asg, ash, ast, ate, atm, dae, dag, dah, dam, dan, dao, das, dat, dea, dee, deg, dei, dem, den, des, det, dha, dia, die, dig, dim, din, dis, dit, dna, doa, doe, dog, dom, don, dos, dot, dso, ead, eam, ean, eas, eat, edh, edo, eds, eeg, een, ego, ehs, eme, emo, ems, end, ene, eng, ens, eom, eon, eos, esd, ese, esm, est, eta, eth, gad, gam, gan, gas, gat, gds, ged, gee, gem, gen, geo, get, gid, gie, gim, gin, gio, gis, git, gmt, gns, goa, god, goi, gon, gos, got, gtd, gte, had, hae, hag, ham, han, hao, has, hat, hed, hee, hei, hem, hen, heo, hes, het, hgt, hia, hid, hie, him, hin, his, hit, hmo, hoa, hod, hoe, hog, hoi, hom, hon, hos, hot, hts, iao, ida, ide, ido, ids, ign, ihs, imo, ind, ing, ins, int, ion, ios, ise, ish, ism, isn, iso, ist, ita, itd, its, mad, mae, mag, man, mao, mas, mat, mea, med, mee, meg, meh, mei, men, mes, met, mgd, mgt, mhg, mho, mia, mid, mig, min, mis, mit, mna, moa, mod, moe, mog, moi, mon, mos, mot, msg, msh, mst, mtd, mtg, mtn, mts, nad, nae, nag, nah, nam, nas, nat, nea, ned, nee, neg, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nig, nim, nis, nit, noa, nod, nog, noh, nom, nos, not, nth, oad, oam, oas, oat, oda, ode, ods, oes, ohm, ohs, oie, ois, oms, ona, one, oni, ons, ont, ose, osi, sad, sag, sah, sai, sam, san, sao, sat, sea, sed, see, seg, sei, sem, sen, set, sgd, sha, she, shi, sho, sht, sie, sig, sim, sin, sit, sma, sod, sog, som, son, sot, sta, std, stg, stm, tad, tag, tai, tam, tan, tao, tas, tea, ted, tee, teg, tem, ten, tes, tgn, tha, thd, the, thm, tho, tid, tie, tig, tim, tin, tis, tmh, tng, toa, tod, toe, tog, toi, tom, ton, tos, tsh, tsi

Definitions for Homesteading

[1] an act or instance of establishing a homestead.
[2] Also called homesteading program, urban homesteading. a federal program to improve deteriorating urban areas by offering abandoned or foreclosed houses to persons who agree to repair them and live in them for a specified number of years.
[3] a dwelling with its land and buildings, occupied by the owner as a home and exempted by a homestead law from seizure or sale for debt.
[4] any dwelling with its land and buildings where a family makes its home.
[5] a tract of land acquired under the Homestead Act.
[6] a house in an urban area acquired under a homesteading program.
[7] to acquire or settle on (land) as a homestead: Pioneers homesteaded the valley.
[8] to acquire or settle on a homestead: They homesteaded many years ago.
[9] a scheme whereby council tenants are enabled to buy derelict property from the council and renovate it with the aid of Government grants (as modifier ) a homesteading scheme
[10] a house or estate and the adjoining land, buildings, etc, esp a farm
[11] (in the US) a house and adjoining land designated by the owner as his fixed residence and exempt under the homestead laws from seizure and forced sale for debts
[12] (in western Canada) a piece of land, usually 160 acres, granted to a settler by the federal government
[13] Australian and NZ the owner's or manager's residence on a sheep or cattle station; in New Zealand the term includes all outbuildings

Words related to Homesteading

travel, exodus, migration, gardening, cultivation, culture, production, breeding, agriculture, grazing, ranching, plow, reap, tend, graze, sow, cultivate, operate, harvest, grow

Words nearby Homesteading

homestay, homestead, homestead act, homestead law, homesteader, homesteading, homestretch, homestyle, hometown, homeward, homeware

Origin of Homesteading

before 1000; Old English hāmstede (not found in ME). See home, stead

Synonyms for Homesteading

colonization, crossing, defection, departure, displacement, exile, exodus, expatriation, journey, leaving, march, movement, peregrination, relocation, removal, resettlement, settling, shift, transplanting, travel, trek, voyage, wandering, moving, reestablishment, uprooting