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Showing words for HONEST using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Honest
5 Letter Words for Honest
4 Letter Words for Honest
3 Letter Words for Honest
Definitions for Honest
[1] honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair: an honest person.
[2] showing uprightness and fairness: honest dealings.
[3] gained or obtained fairly: honest wealth.
[4] sincere; frank: an honest face.
[5] genuine or unadulterated: honest commodities.
[6] respectable; having a good reputation: an honest name.
[7] truthful or creditable: honest weights.
[8] humble, plain, or unadorned.
[9] Archaic . chaste; virtuous.
[10] not given to lying, cheating, stealing, etc; trustworthy
[11] not false or misleading; genuine
[12] just or fair honest wages
[13] characterized by sincerity and candour an honest appraisal
[14] without pretensions or artificial traits honest farmers
[15] archaic (of a woman) respectable
[16] honest broker a mediator in disputes, esp international ones
[17] honest Injun (interjection) school slang genuinely, really
[18] honest to God or honest to goodness (adjective) completely authentic (interjection) an expression of affirmation or surprise
[19] make an honest woman of to marry (a woman, esp one who is pregnant) to prevent scandal
Words related to Honest
virtuous, genuine, straightforward, fair, impartial, decent, sincere, trustworthy, authentic, equitable, conscientious, proper, honorable, reliable, forthright, true, direct, ethical, frank, high-minded
Words nearby Honest
honduran, honduras, hone, honecker, honegger, honest, honest broker, honest injun, honest john, honest to god, honest-to-goodness
Origin of Honest
1250–1300; Middle English honeste < Middle French < Latin honestus honorable, equivalent to hones- (variant stem of honōs ) honor + -tus adj. suffix
Other words from Honest
hon·est·ness , noun
o·ver·hon·est , adjective
o·ver·hon·est·ly , adverb
o·ver·hon·est·ness , noun
qua·si-hon·est , adjective
qua·si-hon·est·ly , adverb
Word origin for Honest
C13: from Old French honeste, from Latin honestus distinguished, from honōs honour
Synonyms for Honest
authentic, conscientious, decent, equitable, fair, forthright, genuine, honorable, impartial, proper, reliable, sincere, straightforward, true, trustworthy, virtuous, above-board, bona fide, direct, ethical, fair and square, frank, high-minded, ingenuous, just, law-abiding, lay it on the line, like it is, no lie, on the level, on the up and up, open, outright, plain, real, reputable, scrupulous, straight, true blue, trusty, undisguised, unfeigned, upfront, upright, veracious, what you see is what you get