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Showing words for HORRIFYING using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Horrifying
7 Letter Words for Horrifying
6 Letter Words for Horrifying
5 Letter Words for Horrifying
4 Letter Words for Horrifying
3 Letter Words for Horrifying
Definitions for Horrifying
[1] to cause to feel horror; strike with horror: The accident horrified us all.
[2] to distress greatly; shock or dismay: She was horrified by the price of the house.
[3] causing feelings of horror in; awful; terrifying;
[4] dismaying or greatly shocking; dreadful
[5] to cause feelings of horror in; terrify; frighten
[6] to dismay or shock greatly
Words related to Horrifying
horrifydismay, intimidate, frighten, alarm, shock, appall, sicken, disgust, shake, outrage, daunt, petrify, terrify, consternate, affright, terrorize
Words nearby Horrifying
horrifyhorrible, horribly, horrid, horrific, horrified, horrify, horrifying, horripilate, horripilation, horror, horror show
Origin of Horrifying
1785–95; < Latin horrificāre to cause horror, equivalent to horri- (combining form of horrēre to bristle with fear; see horrendous) + -ficāre -fy
Other words from Horrifying
hor·ri·fi·ca·tion , noun
hor·ri·fy·ing·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Horrifying
alarm, appall, daunt, disgust, dismay, frighten, intimidate, outrage, petrify, shake, shock, sicken, terrify, affright, consternate, terrorize, chill off, scare to death