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Showing words for HORSESHOER using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Horseshoer
9 Letter Words for Horseshoer
7 Letter Words for Horseshoer
6 Letter Words for Horseshoer
5 Letter Words for Horseshoer
4 Letter Words for Horseshoer
3 Letter Words for Horseshoer
Definitions for Horseshoer
[1] a U -shaped metal plate, plain or with calks, nailed to a horse's hoof to protect it from being injured by hard or rough surfaces.
[2] something U -shaped, as a valley, river bend, or other natural feature: We picnicked in the middle of a horseshoe of trees.
[3] horseshoes, (used with a singular verb ) a game in which horseshoes or other U -shaped pieces of metal, plastic, etc., are tossed at an iron stake 30 or 40 feet (9 or 12 meters) away in order to encircle it or to come closer to it than one's opponent.
[4] to put a horseshoe or horseshoes on.
[5] having the shape of a horseshoe; U -shaped: a horseshoe bend in the river.
[6] a piece of iron shaped like a U with the ends curving inwards that is nailed to the underside of the hoof of a horse to protect the soft part of the foot from hard surfaces: commonly thought to be a token of good luck
[7] an object of similar shape
[8] (tr) to fit with a horseshoe; shoe
Words related to Horseshoer
horseshoetrajectory, arc, arch, contour, loop, swerve, sweep, hairpin, crook, bend, whorl, ambit, concavity, circle, quirk, curvature, festoon, bight, compass, circumference
Words nearby Horseshoer
horseshoehorsepox, horseradish, horseradish peroxidase, horseradish tree, horseshit, horseshoe, horseshoe arch, horseshoe back, horseshoe bat, horseshoe crab, horseshoe fern
Origin of Horseshoer
1350–1400; Middle English. See horse, shoe
Other words from Horseshoer
horse·sho·er , noun