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Showing words for HOSER using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Hoser

hoers, horse, hoser, shore

4 Letter Words for Hoser

eros, ersh, hero, hers, hoer, hoes, hore, hors, hose, ores, rehs, rheo, rhos, roes, rose, seor, sero, sher, shoe, shor, sore

3 Letter Words for Hoser

ehs, eos, ers, esr, heo, her, hes, hoe, hor, hos, hrs, oer, oes, ohs, ore, ors, ose, reh, res, rhe, rho, roe, ros, ser, she, sho, shr

Definitions for Hoser

[1] a person who is considered unintelligent or uncouth, especially a beer-drinking man.
[2] US slang a person who swindles or deceives others
[3] Canadian slang an unsophisticated, esp rural, person

Words related to Hoser

crook, swindler, hustler, mountebank, faker, fake, sharp, whip, counterfeit, actor, cheat, counterfeiter, sham, humbug, phony, bum, pretender, fraud, impostor, pseudo

Words nearby Hoser

hose, hosea, hosecock, hosein, hosel, hoser, hosey, hoshana rabbah, hosier, hosiery, hosing

Synonyms for Hoser

actor, bum, charlatan, cheat, counterfeit, counterfeiter, fake, faker, four-flusher, fraud, humbug, impostor, mountebank, phony, playactor, pretender, pseudo, put-on, sham, shammer, shark, sharp, simulator, slicker, whip, bunco artist, con artist, flimflammer, quacksalver