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Showing words for HOSPITABLE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Hospitable


9 Letter Words for Hospitable

basophile, bishoplet, hospitale

8 Letter Words for Hospitable

asbolite, basophil, bioplast, epiblast, haplites, helistop, hoplites, hospital, isopleth, poisable, postable, potables, sebolith, spoilate, spoliate, tapholes

7 Letter Words for Hospitable

ableist, abolish, aeolist, albites, aleshot, aliptes, alpiste, apeshit, aplites, apostil, apostle, aseptol, astilbe, atopies, besplit, bestial, betoils, biphase, blastie, boatels, boaties, boatlip, bolshie, bothies, elohist, eoliths, ethiops, halites, haplite, hastile, heliast, holiest, hoplite, hospita, hostile, isobath, isolate, labiose, lapiths, leipoas, lepiota, libates, lithops, loathes, lobipes, obelias, oblasti, oblates, opalish, ophelia, ophites, opiates, optable, paliest, pastile, patible, pelotas, peltish, peshito, phobias, phobies, phobist, piolets, pistole, pithole, plashet, ploesti, polista, posable, potable, sahlite, sepiola, shiplet, shoplet, stabile, talipes, taphole, teashop, thesial, thibles, thlaspi, topsail

6 Letter Words for Hospitable

ablest, ablets, abseil, absoil, aeolis, albeit, albite, alephs, alepot, alioth, alphos, alpist, apiole, apiols, apiose, aplite, apoise, ashpit, aslope, baltei, baltis, basote, bastle, bathes, bathos, beaths, belahs, belash, belast, bepats, beslap, besoil, bespat, bespit, bespot, betail, betoil, biotas, bisalt, bishop, blaest, bleats, bletia, bliest, blites, blithe, bloats, boatel, boatie, boheas, boites, boleti, bolita, boshta, bostal, botels, bothie, elisha, eoiths, eolith, epoist, espial, estoil, ethals, ethiop, habile, habits, hailes, hailse, halebi, halest, halite, haoles, haslet, helios, helots, heptal, hestia, hobits, holies, holist, hostal, hostel, hostie, hostle, hotels, hpital, isabel, isohel, labite, laiose, laithe, lapies, lathes, lathie, lathis, latish, leipoa, lhotse, libate, liepot, lipase, lisboa, lithes, lithos, loathe, lobate, lotahs, lotase, obeahs, obeish, obelia, obital, oblast, oblate, ophite, opiate, osteal, ostial, palest, palets, palish, pashto, pastel, pastie, pastil, patesi, pathol, pathos, patios, patise, patois, pelias, pelota, peltas, petals, petsai, phiale, phials, philos, phobia, pholas, pholis, photal, pibals, pietas, pilate, pilose, pilots, piolet, pisote, pistle, pistol, pithes, pithos, plaits, plaste, plates, platie, pleats, ploats, poisha, poleis, polies, polish, polite, postal, postea, postel, postie, postil, potail, potash, potsie, saithe, salite, saltie, saphie, sapote, sebait, septal, shalot, shebat, sheila, shelta, soapie, sobeit, solate, sophia, sophta, sopite, spathe, spatio, spilth, spital, splite, sploit, spolia, stable, staple, stelai, stipel, stolae, tables, tahsil, talose, tasbih, tashie, teaish, tehsil, tepals, thapes, thible, thiols, thisbe, tholes, tilpah, tobies, toiles, tophes

5 Letter Words for Hospitable

abets, abies, abilo, ables, ablet, aboil, abote, absit, aholt, aisle, aleph, alhet, aliet, alish, aliso, alisp, alist, alite, aloes, alose, altos, aphis, apiol, apios, apish, ashet, ashot, aslop, astel, atelo, athel, atole, bahoe, bahts, baile, bailo, bails, baith, baits, balei, bales, balti, basel, basho, basil, basle, baste, basti, basto, batel, bates, bathe, baths, batis, beast, beath, beati, beats, behap, beisa, belah, belap, belat, belts, bepat, besat, besit, besot, betas, beths, betis, betso, bhels, biles, bilos, bilsh, biose, biota, bites, bitos, blaes, blahs, blase, blash, blast, blate, blats, bleat, blets, blips, blist, blite, bloat, blote, blots, boast, boats, bohea, boils, boise, boist, boite, bolas, boles, bolis, bolti, bolts, bosie, botas, botel, btise, eblis, elaps, elops, eoith, ephas, ephoi, epist, eplot, esbat, estab, estop, ethal, ethos, habet, habit, hable, hails, hales, halos, halse, halte, halts, haole, haste, hatel, hates, heals, heaps, heast, heats, heils, heist, helas, helio, helis, helos, helot, helps, hiate, hibla, hilsa, hilts, hoast, hoise, hoist, holes, holia, holts, hopes, hopis, hosea, hosel, hosta, hotei, hotel, ibota, iotas, islet, islot, istle, labis, laeti, laith, lapis, lapse, lapsi, lathe, lathi, laths, leaps, leapt, leash, least, leath, leats, leish, lepas, lepta, lesbo, liesh, liest, lipse, litas, lites, lithe, litho, liths, loast, loath, lobes, loipe, lopes, lotah, lotas, lotes, oaths, obeah, obeli, obias, obits, oblat, ohias, olpes, opahs, opals, osela, oshea, ostia, pablo, pahos, pails, paise, paleo, pales, palet, palis, paoli, paseo, paste, pasto, patel, pates, paths, patio, peals, peats, pebas, pelas, pelta, pelts, pesah, pesto, petal, petas, petos, phaet, phase, pheal, phial, phies, phose, phots, pibal, piest, pieta, piets, pilea, piles, pilot, piste, pitas, piths, plait, plash, plast, plate, plato, plats, pleas, pleat, plebs, pleis, plesh, plias, plies, ploat, plote, plots, poets, poils, poise, poles, polis, polit, polts, posit, potes, psoae, psoai, sable, sabot, sahib, saith, salep, salet, salop, salto, sapit, saple, sebat, selah, sepal, sepia, septa, setal, shale, shalt, shape, sheal, sheat, shela, sheol, shiel, shipt, shita, shoal, shoat, shola, shole, shope, shote, sieth, sitao, sithe, slait, slape, slate, slath, slept, slipe, slipt, slite, sloat, slope, slote, sloth, soapi, solah, solea, solei, sophi, sotie, spahi, spail, spait, spale, spalt, spate, spath, speal, speat, speil, spial, spiel, spile, spite, splat, splet, split, spoil, spole, stail, staio, stale, staph, steal, steil, stela, stilb, stile, stipa, stipe, stipo, stoae, stoai, stoep, stola, stole, stopa, stope, tabel, tabes, tabis, table, tahil, tails, taipo, taise, taish, tales, talio, talis, tapes, tapis, teals, teils, telia, teloi, telos, tepal, tepas, tesla, theia, theol, theos, thiol, thole, tholi, those, tiles, tiple, toeas, toile, toils, toise, tolas, toles, topas, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topia, topsl

4 Letter Words for Hospitable

abel, abet, abit, able, abls, abos, aiel, aile, ails, aith, aits, albe, albs, alep, ales, aloe, alop, alps, also, alto, alts, aoli, apes, apio, apis, apse, apts, asio, asop, ates, atip, atis, atle, atli, atop, baho, bahs, baht, bail, bait, bale, bali, bals, baps, bapt, base, bash, bast, bate, bath, bats, beal, beat, bela, bels, belt, besa, best, beta, beth, bets, bhat, bhel, bias, bile, bilo, biol, bios, bish, bist, bite, bito, bits, blae, blah, blas, blat, blea, bleo, blet, blip, blit, blot, boas, boat, bohs, boil, bola, bole, bolt, bops, bose, bosh, bota, bote, both, boti, bots, east, eath, eats, eila, elhi, elts, epha, epil, epit, epos, esop, etas, eths, haes, hail, hait, hale, halo, halp, hals, halt, haps, hasp, hast, hate, hats, heal, heap, heat, heil, hela, heli, helo, help, heps, hept, hesp, hest, hets, hies, hila, hile, hilt, hipe, hips, hipt, hist, hits, hoas, hobs, hoes, hoit, hola, hole, holi, holp, hols, holt, hope, hopi, hops, hose, hosp, host, hote, hoti, hots, htel, ilea, ilot, ilth, iota, ipse, ipso, isba, isle, isth, ital, itas, itel, labs, laet, lahs, lait, laos, lapb, laps, lase, lash, last, late, lath, lati, lats, leap, leas, leat, leis, leos, lepa, leps, lest, leto, lets, lias, libs, lies, lipa, lipe, lips, lish, lisp, list, lite, lith, lits, lobe, lobi, lobs, lope, lops, lose, losh, lost, lota, lote, loti, lots, oast, oath, oats, obas, obes, obia, obis, obit, obli, ohia, oils, olea, oles, olpe, opah, opai, opal, opes, opts, osha, otis, pahi, paho, pahs, pail, pais, pale, pali, pals, palt, pase, pash, pasi, paso, past, pate, path, pato, pats, peai, peal, peas, peat, peba, peho, pehs, pela, pelt, pesa, peso, pest, peta, peto, pets, phat, phil, phis, phit, phos, phot, pial, pias, pies, piet, pila, pile, pisa, pise, pish, piso, pist, pita, pith, pits, plat, plea, pleb, plia, plie, plot, poas, pobs, poet, poha, pohs, poil, pois, pole, pols, polt, pose, posh, post, pote, poti, pots, psha, psia, ptah, sabe, sail, saip, sale, salp, salt, sapo, sate, sati, seah, seal, seat, seil, seit, selt, sept, seta, seth, shab, shap, shea, shet, shia, ship, shit, shoe, shop, shot, shpt, sial, sila, sile, silo, silt, siol, sipe, sita, site, sith, slab, slap, slat, slip, slit, slob, sloe, slop, slot, soap, soba, soil, sola, sole, sope, soph, soth, spae, spat, spet, spie, spit, spot, stab, stap, step, stib, stie, stoa, stob, stop, tabi, tabs, tael, tail, tais, tale, tali, taos, tape, taps, tash, tbsp, teal, teap, teas, teil, tela, teli, tels, tepa, thae, thai, thea, theb, thio, this, thob, thos, tiao, ties, tile, tils, tipe, tips, tobe, toea, toes, toil, tola, tole, tope, toph, topi, tops, tosa, tose, tosh, tshi, tsia

3 Letter Words for Hospitable

abl, abo, abp, abs, abt, aes, ahi, aho, ahs, ail, ais, ait, alb, ale, alo, alp, als, alt, aob, ape, aph, apl, apt, asb, ase, ash, asl, asp, ast, ate, atp, bae, bah, bai, bal, bap, bas, bat, bel, bes, bet, bhp, bio, bis, bit, blo, bls, blt, boa, boe, boh, bol, bop, bos, bot, bpi, bps, bpt, bsh, btl, eas, eat, ebs, ehs, ela, elb, eli, els, elt, eos, epa, epi, esp, est, eta, eth, hab, hae, hao, hap, has, hat, hei, hel, heo, hep, hes, het, hia, hie, hip, his, hit, hoa, hob, hoe, hoi, hol, hop, hos, hot, hts, iao, iba, ihp, ihs, ile, ilo, ios, iph, ipl, ipo, ips, ise, ish, isl, iso, ist, ita, its, lab, lah, lai, lao, lap, las, lat, lbs, lea, lei, leo, lep, les, let, lhb, lib, lie, lip, lis, lit, loa, lob, loe, lop, los, lot, lst, oas, oat, oba, obe, obi, obl, obs, oes, ohs, oie, oil, ois, ola, ole, olp, opa, ope, ops, opt, ose, osi, pah, pal, pas, pat, pbs, pea, peh, pel, pes, pet, phi, pho, pht, pia, pie, pil, pis, pit, pli, poa, pob, poh, poi, pol, pos, pot, psi, pst, pta, pte, pts, sab, sah, sai, sal, sao, sap, sat, sbe, sea, sei, sel, sep, set, sha, she, shi, sho, shp, sht, sib, sie, sil, sip, sit, sla, sle, slt, sob, sol, sop, sot, spa, spl, spt, sta, tab, tai, tal, tao, tap, tas, tbs, tea, tel, tes, tha, thb, the, tho, tib, tie, til, tip, tis, tlo, toa, tob, toe, toi, tol, top, tos, tph, tpi, tps, tsh, tsi, tsp

Definitions for Hospitable

[1] receiving or treating guests or strangers warmly and generously: a hospitable family.
[2] characterized by or betokening warmth and generosity toward guests or strangers: a hospitable smile.
[3] favorably receptive or open (usually followed by to ): to be hospitable to new ideas; a climate hospitable to the raising of corn.
[4] welcoming to guests or strangers
[5] fond of entertaining
[6] receptive hospitable to new ideas

Words related to Hospitable

congenial, courteous, friendly, neighborly

Words nearby Hospitable

hosier, hosiery, hosing, hosp., hospice, hospitable, hospital, hospital bed, hospital corner, hospital formulary, hospital gangrene

Origin of Hospitable

1560–70; < Latin hospitā(re ) to receive as guest (compare Latin hospitārī to be a guest; see hospitium) + -ble

Other words from Hospitable

hos·pi·ta·ble·ness , noun
hos·pi·ta·bly , adverb

Word origin for Hospitable

C16: from Medieval Latin hospitāre to receive as a guest, from Latin hospes guest, host 1

Synonyms for Hospitable

congenial, courteous, friendly, neighborly