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Showing words for HOSPITALLER using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Hospitaller
10 Letter Words for Hospitaller
hospitaler, paleoliths, sliphalter, trophesial
9 Letter Words for Hospitaller
aeroliths, allophite, aphrolite, apostille, astrophel, astrophil, atrophies, epilators, epistolar, heliports, horsetail, hospitale, isotheral, loathlier, paleolith, plethoras, posterial, postiller, preallots, prelatish, prothalli, psarolite, saprolite, tephrosia
8 Letter Words for Hospitaller
aerolith, airholes, aphorist, earlship, epilator, epistlar, haplites, harelips, heliport, helistop, hilltops, hoariest, hollaite, holliper, hoplites, hospital, isopleth, isoptera, lashlite, literals, loathers, palliest, palliser, parolist, pastille, pearlish, pelorias, perillas, petiolar, petrosal, phallist, philters, phorates, pilaster, pilhorse, pillaret, plaister, plaiters, plashier, plethora, poitrels, polestar, polisher, polleras, pollster, portsale, postiler, potshare, preallot, priestal, prohaste, prolates, psilatro, ratholes, reallots, repolish, reposall, rosehill, rostella, saltorel, sharpite, shellpot, shoalier, soterial, splather, splother, spoilate, spoliate, striolae, talliers, tapholes, thallose, thillers, traphole, tresillo, trilloes, triphase, trollish, trophies
7 Letter Words for Hospitaller
aeolist, airhole, airplot, airpost, airshot, airstop, aleshot, aletris, aliptes, alpiste, altrose, apeshit, aphrite, aplites, apostil, apostle, arsoite, aseptol, asthore, athrill, atopies, earlish, earshot, elohist, eoliths, ephoral, esparto, estriol, ethiops, hailers, hairlet, haliers, halites, hallier, halloes, halters, haplite, harelip, harlots, haroset, harpies, harpist, harslet, hastier, hastile, hastler, heliast, heriots, hersall, hillers, hilloas, hilloes, hilltop, hipster, hirples, hoister, holiest, hollers, hollies, holster, hoplite, hospita, hostile, hostler, illapse, isolate, lapiths, lathers, lathier, leipoas, lepiota, lethals, listera, literal, lithops, litoral, loather, loathes, loiters, lorilet, oariest, oillets, olestra, opalish, ophelia, ophites, opiates, oralist, ortalis, osteria, otaries, pailles, paliest, pallets, pallier, pallies, pallors, palsier, palster, palters, parlies, parlish, paroles, parotis, parties, partile, pasillo, pastier, pastile, pastler, patrole, patrols, peloria, pelotas, peltish, perilla, periost, persalt, pertish, peshito, petrols, petrosa, phallis, philter, philtra, phorate, piaster, pillars, piolets, pirates, pistler, pistole, pithole, plaiter, plasher, plashet, plaster, platers, platier, ploesti, poister, poitrel, polaris, polista, politer, pollera, pollers, pollies, pollist, polster, poriest, portail, portals, pothers, praties, prolate, prostie, proteas, psalter, pterois, ptloris, rallies, rapeoil, rapillo, raspite, rathole, realist, reallot, rehoist, rellish, replait, replial, replots, repolls, reposal, reposit, resplit, retails, rialtos, rillets, riposte, ropiest, rosehip, rosella, rosilla, rotella, sahlite, sallier, saltier, saltire, seaport, seorita, sephira, sepiola, seriola, shalier, shallop, shallot, shapier, sharpie, sheriat, shiller, shillet, shiplet, shoaler, shoplet, shortia, sitella, slather, slatier, slither, slopier, soapier, spaller, sparthe, spartle, spheral, spiller, spillet, spirale, spirate, spirole, spirtle, spoiler, spraith, spreath, staller, stapler, stellar, stellio, stiller, storial, striola, strophe, tailers, tailles, tailors, talipes, tallero, tallier, tallies, tallish, taphole, tapiser, tarlies, teashop, tellars, tephras, thalers, theoria, therial, thesial, thiller, thlaspi, thorias, thorpes, thralls, threaps, thrills, thripel, tillers, tiresol, toilers, tollers, tollies, toprail, topsail, torsile, toshier, traipse, trapish, traship, trellis, triples, trophal
6 Letter Words for Hospitaller
aeolis, ahorse, airest, airths, alephs, alepot, alerts, alioth, aliter, allies, allose, allots, alphol, alphos, alpist, alters, aorist, apiole, apiols, apiose, aplite, apoise, areito, ariels, ariole, ariose, ariste, aristo, artels, arthel, arties, artois, ashier, ashler, ashore, ashpit, aslope, aspire, asport, astore, astrol, atolls, earths, elator, elisha, elisor, ellops, eoiths, eolith, ephori, ephors, epirot, epitra, epoist, erolia, espial, esprit, estall, estoil, estral, ethals, ethiop, hailer, hailes, hailse, hairse, hairst, halers, halest, halier, halite, hallot, halper, halser, halter, haoles, haoris, haptor, harlot, haslet, haster, haters, hearst, hearts, heirlo, helios, hellos, helots, hepars, heptal, heriot, herola, hestia, hieros, hiller, hillet, hilloa, hillos, hirple, hirsel, hirsle, hister, hitler, hoarse, holier, holies, holist, hollas, holler, hopers, horste, hosier, hostal, hostel, hoster, hostie, hostle, hotels, hpital, illest, illths, ishtar, isohel, israel, lahore, laiose, laiser, laithe, lapels, lapies, lapser, lasher, laster, lather, lathes, lathie, lathis, latish, leipoa, lepras, lethal, lhotse, liepot, lipase, liplet, lirate, liroth, lisper, listel, lister, liters, lither, lithes, lithol, lithos, loathe, loiter, lopers, lorate, loreal, lorels, lories, lotahs, lotase, oaters, oilers, oillet, ollari, operas, operla, ophite, opiate, opters, orates, oriels, orites, orthal, osella, osteal, ostial, ostler, ostrea, others, paires, pairle, palest, palets, palier, palish, pallet, pallor, palter, pareil, pareos, paries, pariet, parish, parles, parole, paroli, parols, partes, partie, partis, pashto, pastel, paster, pastie, pastil, pastor, patesi, pathol, pathos, patios, patise, patois, patrol, pearls, pearst, pelias, pellar, pellas, pelota, peltas, perais, perils, perish, persia, persio, petals, petars, petrol, petsai, phalli, phares, pharos, phaser, phasor, phiale, phials, philol, philos, pholas, pholis, phoria, photal, phrase, pierst, pietas, pilate, pilers, pillar, pillas, piller, pillet, pilose, pilots, piolet, pirate, pisote, pistle, pistol, pithes, pithos, plaits, plaste, plater, plates, platie, pleats, pliers, ploats, poiser, poisha, polars, poleis, polers, polies, polish, polite, poller, pollet, porail, porite, portal, portas, portia, posher, posier, postal, postea, postel, poster, postie, postil, potail, potash, pother, potsie, praise, prates, pratie, presto, pretil, prials, priest, prills, prisal, prlate, proles, prolia, prolls, prosal, prosit, protea, protei, pteria, pteris, railes, ralish, ralphs, raphes, raphis, rapist, rastle, ratels, ratios, realos, relais, relast, relish, relist, relost, reoils, repast, replot, repoll, repost, repots, resail, resalt, reship, reshot, reslot, resoap, resoil, respot, retail, retial, retill, rhapis, rialto, rilles, rillet, ripest, roates, ropish, roseal, rosita, rostel, sailer, sailor, saithe, salite, sallet, salter, saltie, saphie, sapote, satire, satori, sellar, septal, serail, seraph, serial, seriph, shalli, shalot, shaper, sheila, shelta, sheria, sherpa, shilla, shorea, shrape, shrill, shrite, sillar, siller, sirpea, sirple, sitrep, slarth, slater, sloper, soaper, soapie, soirae, solate, soleil, solera, solert, sollar, soller, sopher, sophia, sophta, sopite, sorell, sorite, sortal, sortie, spalle, sparth, spathe, spatio, sphaer, sphear, spiler, spilth, spirae, spiral, spirea, spirol, spital, splite, sploit, splore, spolia, sporal, sprite, sproat, sproil, staler, staple, stelai, stelar, stella, sterol, stipel, stolae, stoper, strail, striae, strial, stripe, stroil, stroll, tahsil, tailer, taille, tailor, talers, taller, talles, tallis, talose, tapers, tapirs, tarish, tarsel, tashie, teaish, tehsil, telial, tellar, tepals, tephra, terais, teraph, thaler, thalli, thapes, theirs, therap, thills, thiols, thirls, thisll, tholes, tholli, thoral, thoria, thorpe, thorps, thraep, thrail, thrall, thraso, threip, thrill, thrips, throes, thrope, tilers, tiller, tilpah, tiroes, toiler, toiles, tolars, toller, tolsel, topers, tophes, torsel, tosher, trails, trapes, trials, trillo, trills, triole, triols, triops, triose, tripal, tripel, tripes, tripla, triple, tripos, trisha, trolls, tropal, tropes, trophi, tropia
5 Letter Words for Hospitaller
aesir, aholt, aillt, airth, airts, aisle, aleph, alert, alhet, aliet, alish, aliso, alisp, alist, alite, aller, allis, allot, aloes, alose, alter, altos, apers, apert, aphis, apiol, apios, apish, aport, apres, april, apter, arest, arets, ariel, aries, arils, ariot, arise, arish, arist, arite, arith, arles, aroph, arose, arsle, artel, asher, ashet, ashir, ashot, aslop, asper, astel, aster, astir, astor, astre, atelo, athel, atole, atoll, atrip, earls, earsh, earst, earth, elaps, ellas, elops, eoith, eorls, ephas, ephoi, ephor, epist, eplot, epris, erato, estop, estro, ethal, ethos, hails, haire, hairs, haler, hales, halls, halos, halse, halte, halts, haole, haori, hares, harle, harls, haros, harps, harst, harts, haste, hatel, hater, hates, heals, heaps, hears, heart, heast, heats, heils, heirs, heist, helas, helio, helis, hello, hells, helos, helot, helps, hepar, herls, hiate, hiera, hilar, hillo, hills, hilsa, hilts, hiper, hires, hirse, hirst, hoars, hoast, hoers, hoise, hoist, holer, holes, holia, holla, holts, hoper, hopes, hopis, horal, horas, horla, horse, horst, hosea, hosel, hoser, hosta, hotei, hotel, ileal, iller, illth, iotas, irate, ireos, islet, islot, isort, istle, iters, ither, laeti, lairs, laith, lapel, lapis, lapse, lapsi, lares, laris, laser, later, lathe, lathi, laths, latro, leaps, leapt, lears, leash, least, leath, leats, lehrs, leirs, leish, lepal, lepas, lepra, lepta, lerot, lerps, liars, liart, liers, liesh, liest, lilas, liles, lilos, lilts, lipse, lirot, lisle, litas, liter, lites, lithe, litho, liths, litra, loast, loath, loeil, loipe, loire, loirs, loper, lopes, loral, lorel, lores, loris, losel, loser, lotah, lotas, lotes, oater, oaths, ohare, ohias, oiler, ollas, olpes, opahs, opals, opera, ophir, opter, orale, orals, orate, oriel, orles, orlet, orpit, orsel, osela, oshea, osier, ostia, other, pahos, pails, paire, pairs, pairt, paise, paleo, paler, pales, palet, palis, palli, palls, paoli, parel, pareo, pares, paris, parle, parli, parol, parse, parsi, parte, parti, parto, parts, paseo, paste, pasto, patel, pates, paths, patio, peals, pearl, pears, peart, peats, pelas, pells, pelta, pelts, perai, peril, peris, perit, perst, perth, perts, pesah, pesto, petal, petar, petas, petos, petri, petro, phaet, phare, pharo, phase, pheal, phial, phies, phose, phots, piers, piert, piest, pieta, piets, pilar, pilea, piler, piles, pills, pilot, pirls, pirol, pirot, piste, pitas, piths, plait, plash, plast, plate, plato, plats, pleas, pleat, pleis, plesh, plias, plier, plies, ploat, plote, plots, poets, poils, poire, poise, polar, poler, poles, polis, polit, polls, polts, poral, pores, poret, poria, porta, porte, ports, poser, posit, poter, potes, praos, prase, prate, prats, prela, presa, preta, prial, pries, prill, proal, proas, prole, proll, prose, prost, prote, psoae, psoai, psora, raile, rails, raise, raits, rales, ralph, rapes, raphe, ratel, rates, rathe, raths, ratio, ratos, reais, realo, reals, reaps, reast, reist, relap, relot, reoil, repas, repla, repos, repot, resat, resit, retal, retia, retip, rheas, rhies, rhila, rials, riels, riles, rille, rills, riots, ripal, ripes, rites, rithe, roast, roate, roils, roist, roles, rolls, ropes, rosal, rosel, roset, roshi, rosit, rosti, rotal, rotas, rotes, rotis, rotls, saith, salep, salet, salle, salol, salop, salto, sapir, sapit, saple, sapor, sarip, sarpo, selah, selar, sella, seora, sepal, sepia, septa, serai, seral, serio, serta, setal, shale, shall, shalt, shape, share, sharp, sheal, shear, sheat, shela, shell, sheol, shiel, shier, shill, shipt, shire, shirl, shirt, shita, shoal, shoat, shola, shole, shope, shore, shorl, short, shote, shrap, shrip, sieth, siler, siper, sirop, sitao, sitar, sithe, slait, slape, slare, slart, slate, slath, slept, slier, slipe, slipt, slirt, slite, sloat, slope, slorp, slote, sloth, soapi, soare, solah, solar, solea, solei, soler, sophi, sopra, soral, sorel, sorta, sotie, spaer, spahi, spail, spair, spait, spale, spall, spalt, spare, spart, spate, spath, speal, spear, speat, speil, speir, spell, spial, spiel, spier, spile, spill, spira, spire, spiro, spite, splat, splet, split, spoil, spole, spore, sport, sprat, spret, sprit, sprot, stail, staio, stair, stale, stall, staph, stare, steal, stear, steil, stela, stell, steri, stero, stile, still, stipa, stipe, stipo, stire, stirp, stoae, stoai, stoep, stola, stole, stopa, stope, store, strae, strap, strep, stria, strip, strop, tahil, tahrs, tails, taipo, taise, taish, taler, tales, talio, talis, talli, talls, taper, tapes, tapir, tapis, tares, tarie, taros, tarps, tarse, tarsi, taser, teals, tears, tehrs, teils, telar, telia, tells, teloi, telos, tepal, tepas, tepor, terai, terap, teras, tesla, thars, theia, their, theol, theor, theos, thill, thiol, thirl, thole, tholi, thore, thorp, those, thrae, thrap, thrip, throe, tiars, tiers, tiler, tiles, tills, tiple, tires, tirls, tirol, tisar, toeas, toher, toile, toils, toise, tolar, tolas, toles, tolls, topas, toper, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topia, topsl, toral, tores, torse, trail, trape, traps, trash, treas, trial, trias, tries, trill, triol, trios, tripe, tripl, trips, trois, troll, trope
4 Letter Words for Hospitaller
aero, aiel, aile, ails, aire, airs, airt, aith, aits, alep, ales, allo, alls, aloe, alop, alps, also, alto, alts, aoli, aper, apes, apio, apis, apse, apts, ares, aret, aril, aris, arle, arte, arts, asio, asop, asor, astr, ates, atip, atis, atle, atli, atop, earl, ears, east, eath, eats, eila, eira, elhi, elli, ells, elts, eorl, epha, epil, epit, epos, eral, eras, erat, eria, eris, eros, ersh, erst, erth, esop, etas, eths, haes, hail, hair, hait, hale, hall, halo, halp, hals, halt, haps, hare, harl, haro, harp, hart, hasp, hast, hate, hats, heal, heap, hear, heat, heil, heir, hela, heli, hell, helo, help, heps, hept, hera, herl, hero, herp, hers, hert, hesp, hest, hets, hies, hila, hile, hill, hilt, hipe, hips, hipt, hire, hiro, hist, hits, hoar, hoas, hoer, hoes, hoit, hola, hole, holi, holl, holp, hols, holt, hope, hopi, hops, hora, hore, hors, hort, hose, hosp, host, hote, hoti, hots, htel, iare, ilea, ills, ilot, ilth, iota, ipse, ipso, ires, irpe, isle, isth, ital, itas, itel, iter, itll, laer, laet, lahs, lair, lait, lalo, laos, laps, lare, lari, lars, lase, lash, last, late, lath, lati, lats, leal, leap, lear, leas, leat, lehr, leir, leis, leos, lepa, leps, lerp, lest, leto, lets, liar, lias, lier, lies, lila, lile, lilo, lilt, lipa, lipe, lips, lira, lire, lish, lisp, list, lite, lith, lits, ller, loir, loli, lope, lops, lora, lore, lori, lors, lose, losh, lost, lota, lote, loti, lots, oars, oast, oath, oats, ohia, oils, olea, oles, olla, olpe, opah, opai, opal, opes, opts, orae, oral, oras, ores, orle, orth, orts, osar, osha, otis, pahi, paho, pahs, pail, pair, pais, pale, pali, pall, pals, palt, pare, pari, parl, pars, part, pase, pash, pasi, paso, past, pate, path, pato, pats, peai, peal, pear, peas, peat, peho, pehs, pela, pell, pelt, perh, peri, pers, pert, pesa, peso, pest, peta, peto, pets, phar, phat, phil, phis, phit, phos, phot, pial, pias, pier, pies, piet, pila, pile, pill, pirl, pirs, pisa, pise, pish, piso, pist, pita, pith, pits, plat, plea, plia, plie, plot, poas, poet, poha, pohs, poil, pois, pole, poll, pols, polt, pore, port, pose, posh, post, pote, poti, pots, prao, prat, pres, pret, prie, prio, proa, pros, psha, psia, ptah, rahs, rail, rais, rait, rale, rall, rals, rape, raps, rapt, rash, rasp, rast, rate, rath, rato, rats, real, reap, rehs, reit, repl, repo, reps, rept, resp, rest, rets, rhea, rheo, rhet, rhos, rial, rias, riel, ries, rile, rill, riot, ripa, ripe, rips, ript, rise, risp, rist, rita, rite, rits, roes, roil, roit, role, roll, rope, rosa, rose, rost, rota, rote, roti, rotl, rots, sail, saip, sair, sale, sall, salp, salt, sapo, sare, sari, sart, sate, sati, seah, seal, sear, seat, seil, seir, seit, sell, selt, seor, sept, sero, sert, seta, seth, shap, shea, sher, shet, shia, ship, shir, shit, shoe, shop, shor, shot, shpt, shri, sial, sier, sila, sile, sill, silo, silt, siol, sipe, sire, sita, site, sith, slap, slat, slip, slit, sloe, slop, slot, soap, soar, soil, soir, sola, sole, sope, soph, sora, sore, sori, sort, soth, spae, spar, spat, spet, spie, spit, spor, spot, stap, star, step, ster, stie, stir, stoa, stop, stor, stra, stre, tael, tahr, tail, tais, tale, tali, tall, taos, tape, taps, tare, tari, taro, tarp, tars, tash, teal, teap, tear, teas, tehr, teil, tela, teli, tell, tels, tepa, tera, terp, thae, thai, thar, thea, thio, thir, this, thor, thos, thro, tiao, tiar, tier, ties, tile, till, tils, tipe, tips, tire, tirl, toea, toes, toil, tola, tole, toll, tope, toph, topi, tops, tore, tori, tors, tosa, tose, tosh, trah, trap, tres, trie, trio, trip, trop, tshi, tsia
3 Letter Words for Hospitaller
aer, aes, ahi, aho, ahs, ail, air, ais, ait, ale, all, alo, alp, als, alt, aor, ape, aph, apl, apr, apt, are, ars, art, ase, ash, asl, asp, ast, ate, atp, ear, eas, eat, ehs, eir, ela, eli, ell, els, elt, eos, epa, epi, era, ers, ert, esp, esr, est, eta, eth, hae, hao, hap, has, hat, hei, hel, heo, hep, her, hes, het, hia, hie, hip, hir, his, hit, hoa, hoe, hoi, hol, hop, hor, hos, hot, hrs, hts, iao, ihp, ihs, ile, ill, ilo, ios, iph, ipl, ipo, ipr, ips, ira, ire, irs, ise, ish, isl, iso, ist, ita, its, lah, lai, lao, lap, lar, las, lat, lea, lei, leo, lep, ler, les, let, lie, lip, lir, lis, lit, loa, loe, lop, lor, los, lot, lst, ltr, oar, oas, oat, oer, oes, ohs, oie, oil, ois, ola, ole, olp, opa, ope, ops, opt, ora, ore, orl, ors, ort, ose, osi, pah, pal, par, pas, pat, pea, peh, pel, per, pes, pet, phi, pho, phr, pht, pia, pie, pil, pir, pis, pit, pli, poa, poh, poi, pol, por, pos, pot, pre, pro, prs, psi, pst, pta, pte, pts, rah, rai, rap, ras, rat, rea, reh, rei, rel, rep, res, rha, rhe, rho, ria, rie, rio, rip, rit, rle, roe, roi, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rte, rti, sah, sai, sal, sao, sap, sar, sat, sea, sei, sel, sep, ser, set, sha, she, shi, sho, shp, shr, sht, sie, sil, sip, sir, sit, sla, sle, slt, sol, sop, sot, spa, spl, spt, sri, sta, str, tai, tal, tao, tap, tar, tas, tea, tel, ter, tes, tha, the, tho, tie, til, tip, tis, tlo, tlr, toa, toe, toi, tol, top, tor, tos, tph, tpi, tps, tra, tri, trp, trs, tsh, tsi, tsp
Definitions for Hospitaller
[1] a member of the religious and military order (Knights Hospitalers or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem) originating about the time of the first Crusade (1096–99) and taking its name from a hospital at Jerusalem.
[2] (lowercase ) a person, especially a member of a religious order, devoted to the care of the sick or needy in hospitals.
[3] a person, esp a member of certain religious orders, dedicated to hospital work, ambulance services, etc
[4] a member of the order of the Knights Hospitallers
Origin of Hospitaller
Hospitaler1350–1400; hospital + -er1; replacing Middle English hospitalier < Middle French < Medieval Latin hospitālārius; see -ier2
Word origin for Hospitaller
C14: from Old French hospitalier, from Medieval Latin hospitālārius, from hospitāle hospice; see hospital