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Showing words for HOVER using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Hover
4 Letter Words for Hover
3 Letter Words for Hover
Definitions for Hover
[1] to hang fluttering or suspended in the air: The helicopter hovered over the building.
[2] to keep lingering about; wait near at hand.
[3] to remain in an uncertain or irresolute state; waver: to hover between life and death.
[4] Computers . to place a pointer over an area of a screen without clicking or tapping, as with a mouse or stylus: Hover over the icon to reveal more information.
[5] to cause to hover.
[6] Computers . to place (a pointer) over an area of a screen without clicking or tapping.
[7] the act or state of hovering.
[8] (intr) to remain suspended in one place
[9] (intr) (of certain birds, esp hawks) to remain in one place in the air by rapidly beating the wings
[10] (intr) to linger uncertainly in a nervous or solicitous way
[11] (intr) to be in a state of indecision she was hovering between the two suitors
[12] (tr) computing to hold (the mouse pointer) over a defined area on a web page without clicking, in order to cause a menu, information box, etc to appear
[13] the act of hovering
Words related to Hover
fly, linger, flicker, drift, poise, waver, flutter, dance, flit, flitter
Words nearby Hover
hovawart, hove, hovea, hovel, hoven, hover, hover fly, hovercraft, hovering accent, hovering act, hovering vessel
Origin of Hover
1350–1400; Middle English hoveren, frequentative of hoven to hover, of obscure origin
Other words from Hover
hov·er·er , noun
hov·er·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Hover
C14: hoveren, variant of hoven, of obscure origin
Synonyms for Hover
drift, flicker, flutter, fly, linger, poise, waver, dance, flit, flitter, be suspended, brood over, hang about, wait nearby