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Showing words for HUMIDIFY using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Humidify
6 Letter Words for Humidify
5 Letter Words for Humidify
fumid, humid
4 Letter Words for Humidify
duim, fumy, hidy, humf, imid, midi, muid
3 Letter Words for Humidify
dhu, dif, dim, duh, dui, dum, fid, fud, fum, hid, him, hud, hui, hum, hyd, ihi, imf, imi, imu, iud, mfd, mid, mud, uhf, yid, yuh, yum
Definitions for Humidify
[1] to make humid.
[2] (tr) to make (air) humid or damp
Words related to Humidify
drench, sprinkle, dampen, soak, saturate, wash, wet, squirt, steam, rinse, bathe, moisten, hose, dip, damp, spray, splash, douse, steep, irrigate
Words nearby Humidify
humicole, humicolous, humid, humidex, humidifier, humidify, humidistat, humidity, humidor, humification, humified
Origin of Humidify
First recorded in 1880–85; humid + -ify
Other words from Humidify
hu·mid·i·fi·ca·tion , noun
un·hu·mid·i·fied , adjective
un·hu·mid·i·fy·ing , adjective
Synonyms for Humidify
dampen, drench, rinse, saturate, soak, sprinkle, squirt, steam, wash, wet, bathe, bedew, dip, lick, mist, moisturize, shower, sop, splash, splatter, spray, steep, water, rain on, sog, water down, waterlog