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Showing words for HUNG using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Hung
[1] simple past tense and past participle of hang.
[2] Slang : Vulgar . (of a male) having very large genitals.
[3] hung over , Informal . suffering the effects of a hangover: On New Year's Day the houseguests were all hung over. Also hungover.
[4] hung up , Informal . detained unavoidably. stymied or baffled by a problem. Baseball , Softball . (of a base runner) trapped between bases and in danger of being tagged out.
[5] hung up on , Slang . obsessed by: a clerk hung up on petty details. infatuated with.
[6] to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top; suspend.
[7] to attach or suspend so as to allow free movement: to hang a pendulum.
[8] to place in position or fasten so as to allow easy or ready movement.
[9] to put to death by suspending by the neck from a gallows, gibbet, yardarm, or the like.
[10] to suspend (oneself) by the neck until dead: He hanged himself from a beam in the attic.
[11] to fasten to a cross; crucify.
[12] to furnish or decorate with something suspended: to hang a room with pictures.
[13] to fasten into position; fix at a proper angle: to hang a scythe.
[14] to fasten or attach (wallpaper, pictures, etc.) to a wall: to hang pictures in a room.
[15] to suspend (something) in front of anything: to hang curtains on a window.
[16] Fine Arts . to exhibit (a painting or group of paintings): The gallery hung his paintings in a small corner. to put the paintings of (an art exhibition) on the wall of a gallery: They hung the show that morning.
[17] to attach or annex as an addition: to hang a rider on a bill.
[18] to attach (a door or the like) to its frame by means of hinges.
[19] to make (an idea, form, etc.) dependent on a situation, structure, concept, or the like, usually derived from another source: He hung the meaning of his puns on the current political scene.
[20] (of a juror) to keep (a jury) from rendering a verdict by refusing to agree with the others.
[21] Informal . to cause (a nickname, epithet, etc.) to become associated with a person: Friends hung that nickname on him.
[22] Slang . to hit with (a fist, blow, punch, etc.): He hung a left on his opponent's jaw.
[23] Baseball . to throw (a pitch) so that it fails to break, as a curve.
[24] Nautical . to steady (a boat) in one place against a wind or current by thrusting a pole or the like into the bottom under the boat and allowing the wind or current to push the boat side-on against the pole.
[25] (used in mild curses and emphatic expressions, often as a euphemism for damn ): I'll be hanged if I do. Hang it all!
[26] to be suspended; dangle.
[27] to swing freely, as on a hinge.
[28] to incline downward, jut out, or lean over or forward: The tree hung over the edge of the lake.
[29] to be suspended by the neck, as from a gallows, and suffer death in this way.
[30] to be crucified.
[31] to be conditioned or contingent; be dependent: His future hangs on the outcome of their discussion.
[32] to be doubtful or undecided; waver or hesitate: He hung between staying and going.
[33] to remain unfinished or undecided; be delayed: Let that matter hang until our next meeting.
[34] to linger, remain, or persist: He hung by her side, unwilling to leave.
[35] to float or hover in the air: Fog hung over the city.
[36] to be oppressive, burdensome, or tedious: guilt that hangs on one's conscience.
[37] to remain in attention or consideration (often followed by on or upon ): They hung on his every word.
[38] to fit or drape in graceful lines: That coat hangs well in back.
[39] Fine Arts . to be exhibited: His works hang in most major museums. to have one's works on display: Rembrandt hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
[40] Informal . to hang out.
[41] the way in which a thing hangs.
[42] Informal . the precise manner of doing, using, etc., something; knack: to get the hang of a tool.
[43] Informal . meaning or thought: to get the hang of a subject.
[44] Nautical . loss of way due to adverse wind or current. a rake, as of a mast.
[45] the least degree of care, concern, etc. (used in mild curses and emphatic expressions as a euphemism for damn ): He doesn't give a hang about those things.
[46] hang around /about , Informal . to spend time in a certain place or in certain company: He hangs around with an older crowd. to linger about; loiter: They had stopped working and were just hanging around to talk.
[47] hang back , to be reluctant to proceed or move forward: The older pupils went straight to the podium, but the younger ones hung back out of shyness. to refrain from taking action; hesitate: A forward pass would have been the best call, but the quarterback hung back because his last pass had been intercepted.
[48] hang in , Slang . to persevere: She has managed to hang in despite years of bad luck. Also hang in there .
[49] hang on , to hold fast; cling to. to continue with effort; persevere: If you can hang on for a month longer, you will be eligible for the bonus. to be sustained to the point of danger, tedium, etc.: coughs that hang on for months. to keep a telephone line open: Hang on, I'll see if she's here. to wait briefly; keep calm.
[50] hang out , to lean or be suspended through an opening. Informal . to frequent a particular place, especially in idling away one's free time: to hang out in a bar. Informal . to loiter in public places: nothing to do on Saturday night but hang out. Informal . to consort or appear in public with: Who's she been hanging out with? Slang . to calm down: Hang out, Mom, I'm OK. to wait, especially briefly: Hang out a minute while I get my backpack. to suspend in open view; display: to hang out the flag.
[51] hang over , to remain to be settled; be postponed: They will probably let the final decision hang over until next year. to be imminent or foreboding; threaten: Economic ruin hangs over the town.
[52] hang up , to suspend by placing on a hook, peg, or hanger. to cause or encounter delay; suspend or slow the progress of: The accident hung up the traffic for several hours. to break a telephone connection by replacing the receiver on the hook: She received an anonymous call, but the party hung up when she threatened to call the police. to cause a hang-up or hang-ups in: The experience hung her up for years.
[53] Hungarian. Also Hung
[54] Hungary.
[55] the usual past tense and past participle of hang
[56] (of a legislative assembly) not having a party with a working majority a hung parliament unable to reach a decision a hung jury (of a situation) unable to be resolved
[57] hung over informal suffering from the effects of a hangover
[58] hung up slang impeded by some difficulty or delay in a state of confusion; emotionally disturbed
[59] hung up on slang obsessively or exclusively interested in he's hung up on modern art these days
[60] Hungarian
[61] Hungary
[62] to fasten or be fastened from above, esp by a cord, chain, etc; suspend the picture hung on the wall ; to hang laundry
[63] to place or be placed in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement around or at the place of suspension to hang a door
[64] (intr sometimes foll by over ) to be suspended or poised; hover a pall of smoke hung over the city
[65] (intr sometimes foll by over ) to be imminent; threaten
[66] (intr) to be or remain doubtful or unresolved (esp in the phrase hang in the balance )
[67] (past tense and past participle hanged ) to suspend or be suspended by the neck until dead
[68] (tr) to fasten, fix, or attach in position or at an appropriate angle to hang a scythe to its handle
[69] (tr) to decorate, furnish, or cover with something suspended or fastened to hang a wall with tapestry
[70] (tr) to fasten to or suspend from a wall to hang wallpaper
[71] to exhibit (a picture or pictures) by (a particular painter, printmaker, etc) or (of a picture or a painter, etc) to be exhibited in an art gallery, etc
[72] to fall or droop or allow to fall or droop to hang one's head in shame
[73] (of cloth, clothing, etc) to drape, fall, or flow, esp in a specified manner her skirt hangs well
[74] (tr) to suspend (game such as pheasant) so that it becomes slightly decomposed and therefore more tender and tasty
[75] (of a jury) to prevent or be prevented from reaching a verdict
[76] (past tense and past participle hanged ) slang to damn or be damned: used in mild curses or interjections I'll be hanged before I'll go out in that storm
[77] (intr) to pass slowly (esp in the phrase time hangs heavily )
[78] hang fire to be delayed to procrastinate See also fire (def. 16)
[79] hang tough See tough (def. 10)
[80] the way in which something hangs
[81] (usually used with a negative) slang a damn I don't care a hang for what you say
[82] get the hang of informal to understand the technique of doing something to perceive the meaning or significance of
Words related to Hung
Words nearby Hung
hundredfold, hundreds and thousands, hundredth, hundredweight, huneker, hung, hung hsiu-ch'uan, hung jury, hung up, hung-up, hung-wu
Origin of Hung
angbefore 900; fusion of 3 verbs: (1) Middle English, Old English hōn to hang (transitive), cognate with Gothic hāhan, orig. *haghan; (2) Middle English hang(i)en, Old English hangian to hang (intransitive), cognate with German hangen; (3) Middle English henge < Old Norse hengja (transitive), cognate with German hängen to hang
Words that may be confused with Hung
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, hanghang, lynch, (see, synonym, study, at, the, current, entry), hanged, hung, (see, usage, note, at, the, current, entry)
Other words from Hung
un·hung , adjective
well-hung , adjective
hang·a·ble , adjective
hang·a·bil·i·ty , noun
re·hang , verb (used with object), re·hung or re·hanged, re·hang·ing.
un·der·hang , verb, un·der·hung, un·der·hang·ing.
un·hanged , adjective
Word origin for Hung
angOld English hangian; related to Old Norse hanga, Old High German hangēn