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Showing words for HURL using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Hurl
3 Letter Words for Hurl
Definitions for Hurl
[1] to throw or fling with great force or vigor.
[2] to throw or cast down.
[3] to utter with vehemence: to hurl insults at the umpire.
[4] to throw a missile.
[5] Baseball . to pitch a ball.
[6] a forcible or violent throw; fling.
[7] (tr) to throw or propel with great force
[8] (tr) to utter with force; yell to hurl insults
[9] (hʌrl ) Scot to transport or be transported in a driven vehicle
[10] the act or an instance of hurling
[11] (hʌrl ) Scot a ride in a driven vehicle
Words related to Hurl
lob, fire, heave, sling, fling, propel, launch, toss, chunk, gun, send, chuck, project, cast, pitch, peg, bung
Words nearby Hurl
hurdies, hurdle, hurdle rate, hurds, hurdy-gurdy, hurl, hurler's syndrome, hurley, hurling, hurloid facies, hurly
Origin of Hurl
1175–1225; Middle English hurlen, equivalent to hur- (perhaps akin to hurry) + -len -le; akin to Low German hurreln to toss, Frisian hurreln to roar (said of the wind), dialectal German hurlen to roll, rumble (said of thunder)
Words that may be confused with Hurl
Other words from Hurl
hurl·er , noun
out·hurl , verb (used with object)
un·hurled , adjective
Word origin for Hurl
C13: probably of imitative origin
Synonyms for Hurl
fire, fling, heave, lob, sling, bung, cast, chuck, chunk, gun, launch, peg, pitch, project, propel, send, toss, let fly