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Showing words for HUSSAR using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Hussar
5 Letter Words for Hussar
4 Letter Words for Hussar
3 Letter Words for Hussar
Definitions for Hussar
[1] (originally) one of a body of Hungarian light cavalry formed during the 15th century.
[2] a member of a class of similar troops, usually with striking or flamboyant uniforms, in European armies.
[3] a member of any of various light cavalry regiments in European armies, renowned for their elegant dress (pl; cap when part of a name ) the Queen's own Hussars
[4] a Hungarian horseman of the 15th century
Words related to Hussar
squadron, horse, army, lancers, bowlegs, dragoons
Words nearby Hussar
husking bee, huskisson, husky, huss, hussain, hussar, hussein, hussein i, hussein, saddam, husserl, hussite
Origin of Hussar
1525–35; < Hungarian huszár < Serbo-Croatian hȕsār brigand, pirate < Medieval Latin cursārius corsair
Word origin for Hussar
C15: from Hungarian huszár hussar, formerly freebooter, from Old Serbian husar, from Old Italian corsaro corsair
Synonyms for Hussar
squadron, Mounties, army, bowlegs, cuirassiers, dragoons, horse, lancers, rangers, chasseurs, horse soldiers, mounted troops, uhlans