11 Letter Words for Hyperbolize
9 Letter Words for Hyperbolize
8 Letter Words for Hyperbolize
breezily, pelorize, pyribole, pyrolize
7 Letter Words for Hyperbolize
beerily, boilery, epheboi, epibole, epiboly, epilobe, heroize, hobiler, obelize, preboil
6 Letter Words for Hyperbolize
behelp, belier, belize, bepile, berley, bleery, bleezy, boiler, borele, borize, borley, breezy, eerily, eloper, ephebi, ephori, heirlo, helper, hereby, herile, hirple, holier, lepero, libero, obeyer, obrize, oilery, peerly, pelory, phoebe, pylori, pyrobi, reboil, repile, ribeye, ripely, ropily, yelper, zephyr
5 Letter Words for Hyperbolize
beery, belie, beroe, beryl, bezel, bezil, birle, bizel, bleep, blere, blier, blore, blype, boily, boree, borel, boryl, boyer, breiz, brize, broil, elope, ephoi, ephor, erizo, heezy, heily, heize, helio, herby, heroe, herye, hiper, hiply, hiree, holer, holey, hoper, hoyle, hyper, leery, leper, lepre, lepry, liber, libre, loipe, loire, loper, obeli, obley, oiler, olepy, ophir, oriel, peeoy, peery, peize, peril, perle, pheer, phoby, phyle, piezo, piler, pioye, pirol, plebe, plier, plyer, poire, poler, poley, prize, probe, prole, rebel, rebop, rehoe, relie, reoil, repel, reply, riley, roble, roily, ybore, yipee, zoril
4 Letter Words for Hyperbolize
beep, beer, bely, bere, bhel, bhoy, bier, bile, bilo, biol, birl, biro, bize, blee, bleo, bley, blip, boer, boil, bole, bore, borh, bori, bree, brei, brey, brie, brio, byee, byre, byrl, eboe, ebro, eely, eire, eiry, elbe, elhi, eole, eorl, epil, erie, eyer, eyre, hebe, heel, heep, heer, heil, heir, hele, heli, helo, help, herb, here, herl, hero, herp, hery, hile, hipe, hire, hiro, hoer, hoey, hole, holi, holp, holy, hope, hopi, hore, hory, hyle, hyli, hype, hypo, irpe, izle, leep, leer, lehr, leir, lere, lerp, libr, lier, lipe, lire, lobe, lobi, loir, lope, lore, lori, lory, lyre, obey, obli, oily, olpe, orby, orle, orly, oyer, oyez, peel, peer, peho, pele, pere, perh, peri, phil, phiz, pier, pile, pily, pioy, pirl, pize, pleb, plie, ploy, poil, pole, poly, pore, pory, pree, prey, prez, prie, prio, prob, pyre, pyro, reel, rely, repl, repo, rheo, ribe, riel, rile, ripe, robe, roey, roil, role, rope, ropy, rype, yeel, yelp, yerb, yere, yezo, yipe, yobi, yore, zero, zori
3 Letter Words for Hyperbolize
bee, bel, ber, bey, bez, bhp, bio, biz, blo, boe, boh, bol, bop, bor, boy, bpi, brl, bro, bye, byp, eel, eer, eir, elb, eli, epi, ere, eye, eyl, eyr, ezo, hee, hei, hel, heo, hep, her, hey, hie, hip, hir, hob, hoe, hoi, hol, hop, hor, hoy, hye, hyp, ihp, ile, ilo, iph, ipl, ipo, ipr, ire, iyo, lee, lei, leo, lep, ler, ley, lez, lhb, lib, lie, lip, lir, lob, loe, lop, lor, loy, lye, obe, obi, obl, oer, oie, oil, ole, olp, ope, orb, ore, orl, ory, oye, pee, peh, pel, per, phi, pho, phr, pie, pil, pir, pli, ply, pob, poh, poi, pol, por, poy, poz, pre, pro, pry, pye, pyr, rbi, reb, ree, reh, rei, rel, rep, rez, rhb, rhe, rho, rhy, rib, rie, rio, rip, riz, rle, rly, rob, roe, roi, rye, yee, yeh, yeo, yep, yer, yip, yob, yoe, yoi, yor, zee, zel, zep, zer, zho, zip
Definitions for Hyperbolize
[1] to use hyperbole; exaggerate.
[2] to represent or express with hyperbole or exaggeration.
[3] to express (something) by means of hyperbole
Words related to Hyperbolize
caricature, boast, color, emphasize, enlarge, distort, fabricate, exalt, boost, brag, embroider, heighten, hike, corrupt, inflate, fudge, falsify, expand, amplify, i
Words nearby Hyperbolize
hyperbolic, hyperbolic function, hyperbolic geometry, hyperbolic paraboloid, hyperbolism, hyperbolize, hyperboloid, hyperborean, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, hypercapnia
Origin of Hyperbolize
First recorded in 1590–1600; hyperbole + -ize
Other words from Hyperbolize
out·hy·per·bo·lize , verb (used with object), out·hy·per·bo·lized, out·hy·per·bo·liz·ing.
Synonyms for Hyperbolize
amplify, boast, boost, brag, caricature, color, corrupt, distort, embroider, emphasize, enlarge, exalt, expand, fabricate, falsify, fudge, heighten, hike, inflate, blow out of proportion, blow up out of proportion, build up, cook up, go to extremes, i