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Showing words for HYPERTHYMIA using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Hyperthymia


8 Letter Words for Hyperthymia

hyphemia, teraphim, typhemia

7 Letter Words for Hyperthymia

aphrite, empathy, ephraim, epimyth, haytime, hetairy, hyphema, mythier, primate, rhythmi, therapy, thymier

6 Letter Words for Hyperthymia

ampery, armpit, athymy, earthy, empair, empart, empiry, ephyra, epitra, hamite, hamper, hearth, hearty, heathy, hermai, hermit, hertha, heyrat, hither, hypate, hyphae, hyrate, imaret, impart, impery, maitre, mariet, mather, matier, maythe, mehari, mehtar, meriah, meryta, metaph, metria, mirate, mither, mithra, pariet, parity, partie, partim, permit, petary, pirate, piraty, pratey, pratie, premia, premit, pteria, pyemia, pyrite, pythia, rhaphe, rhythm, rimate, rimaye, tamper, tapery, tempra, tepary, tephra, teraph, thairm, therap, thiram, thraep, threip, thrimp, thymey, trampy, tripey, typhia, typier, yearth

5 Letter Words for Hyperthymia

aiery, aimer, airth, amire, amity, amper, amphi, amrit, apert, apery, apter, arite, arith, armet, armit, atimy, atrip, atypy, ayrie, earth, empty, ephah, ermit, etiam, etyma, haire, hairy, haith, harem, harim, harpy, hater, hathi, hayer, hayey, hayti, heapy, heart, heath, hempy, hepar, herma, hermi, hiate, hiera, hiper, hithe, hyper, hypha, hythe, ihram, impar, imper, irate, itemy, ither, iyyar, maire, marie, mater, matey, mathe, matie, meath, meaty, meith, merit, metra, mirth, miter, mitra, mpret, mtier, mythi, mythy, pahmi, paire, pairt, pamhy, parte, parti, party, pathy, payer, peart, peaty, perai, perit, perth, perty, petar, petri, phaet, phare, pharm, phyma, piert, pieta, piety, pithy, prahm, prate, praty, premy, preta, priam, prima, prime, primy, ramet, ramie, raphe, rathe, reamy, remap, remit, repay, retia, retip, rhema, rhime, rhyme, rhymy, rhyta, rimae, rithe, tamer, taper, tapir, tarie, tayer, tayir, teary, terai, terap, terma, thaim, tharm, theah, theia, their, thema, therm, thrae, thram, thrap, thrip, thyme, thymy, timar, timer, tirma, trame, tramp, trape, tripe, tripy, tryma, trypa, typer, typey, typha, yamph, yarth, yerth, yirth, yrapt

4 Letter Words for Hyperthymia

ahem, ahey, aire, airt, airy, aith, amie, amit, aper, aret, army, arte, arty, atip, atry, ayme, ayre, eath, eira, eiry, emir, emit, empt, epha, epit, erat, eria, erth, etym, eyah, eyra, hair, hait, hame, hami, hare, harm, harp, hart, hate, hath, haye, heap, hear, heat, heir, hemp, hept, hera, herm, herp, hert, hery, heth, himp, hipe, hipt, hire, hiya, hype, hypt, hyte, iare, impy, irpe, item, iter, iyar, mair, mare, mari, mart, mary, mate, math, maty, mear, meat, meri, meta, meth, miae, mire, miry, mite, mity, myrt, myth, pahi, pair, pare, pari, part, pate, path, paty, paye, payt, peai, pear, peat, perh, peri, perm, pert, peta, phar, phat, phit, pier, piet, pima, pita, pith, pity, pram, prat, pray, prem, pret, prey, prie, prim, ptah, pyat, pyet, pyre, rait, rame, rami, ramp, rape, rapt, rate, rath, ream, reap, reim, reit, rept, rhea, rhet, riem, rima, rime, rimy, ripa, ripe, ript, rita, rite, ryme, rype, tahr, tame, tamp, tape, tare, tari, tarp, team, teap, tear, tehr, temp, tepa, tera, term, terp, thae, thai, thar, thea, them, they, thir, tiar, tier, time, tipe, tire, trah, tram, trap, tray, trey, trie, trim, trip, trye, tryp, tyer, tymp, type, typy, yahi, yair, yamp, yare, yarm, yate, yati, yeah, year, yeat, yeta, yeth, yeti, yipe, yirm, yite, ymir, ympe, ympt

3 Letter Words for Hyperthymia

aer, ahh, ahi, aim, air, ait, ame, ami, amp, amt, amy, ape, aph, apr, apt, are, arm, art, ary, ate, atm, atp, aye, ayr, eam, ear, eat, eir, emp, epa, epi, era, ert, eta, eth, ety, eyr, hae, ham, hap, hat, hay, heh, hei, hem, hep, her, het, hey, hia, hie, him, hip, hir, hit, hye, hyp, ihp, imp, iph, ipm, ipr, ira, ire, ita, mae, map, mar, mat, may, mea, meh, mei, mer, met, mia, mir, mit, mph, mri, mya, pah, pam, par, pat, pay, pea, peh, per, pet, phi, phr, pht, pia, pie, pir, pit, pmt, pre, pry, pta, pte, pty, pya, pye, pyr, rah, rai, ram, rap, rat, ray, rea, reh, rei, rem, rep, rha, rhe, rhy, ria, rie, rim, rip, rit, rpm, rpt, rte, rti, rya, rye, tai, tam, tap, tar, tay, tea, tem, ter, tha, the, thm, thy, tie, tim, tip, tmh, tph, tpi, tpm, tra, tri, trm, trp, try, tye, typ, tyr, yah, yam, yap, yar, yat, yay, yea, yeh, yep, yer, yet, yip

Definitions for Hyperthymia

[1] a condition characterized by extreme overactivity.
[2] exaggerated emotionalism.
[3] excessive emotionalism

Words nearby Hyperthymia

hyperthelia, hyperthermalgesia, hyperthermia, hyperthermophile, hyperthrombinemia, hyperthymia, hyperthymism, hyperthyroid, hyperthyroidism, hyperthyroxinemia, hypertonia

Origin of Hyperthymia

hyper- + -thymia

Word origin for Hyperthymia

C20: from hyper- + Greek thymos spirit