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Showing words for IGNORED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Ignored
6 Letter Words for Ignored
5 Letter Words for Ignored
4 Letter Words for Ignored
3 Letter Words for Ignored
Definitions for Ignored
[1] to refrain from noticing or recognizing: to ignore insulting remarks.
[2] Law . (of a grand jury) to reject (a bill of indictment), as on the grounds of insufficient evidence.
[3] to fail or refuse to notice; disregard
[4] Australian informal disregard to treat someone with ignore
Words related to Ignored
ignoreforget, avoid, overlook, discount, reject, fail, scorn, neglect, disdain, omit, slight, blink, wink, evade, pooh-pooh, cold-shoulder, overpass
Words nearby Ignored
ignoreignoramus, ignorance, ignorance is bliss, ignorant, ignoratio elenchi, ignore, ignotum per ignotius, igorot, igraine, iguana, iguanid
Origin of Ignored
1605–15; < Latin ignōrāre to not know, disregard, verbal derivative of ignārus ignorant, unaware (with -ō- perhaps from ignōtus unknown), equivalent to in- in-3 + gnārus knowing, acquainted (with); akin to (g)nōscere to know1
Other words from Ignored
ig·nor·a·ble , adjective
ig·nor·er , noun
un·ig·nor·a·ble , adjective
un·ig·nor·a·bly , adverb
un·ig·nored , adjective
un·ig·nor·ing , adjective
well-ig·nored , adjective
Word origin for Ignored
C17: from Latin ignōrāre not to know, from ignārus ignorant of, from i- in- 1 + gnārus knowing; related to Latin noscere to know
Synonyms for Ignored
avoid, discount, fail, forget, neglect, overlook, reject, scorn, blink, cold-shoulder, disdain, evade, omit, pooh-pooh, slight, wink, be oblivious to, brush off, bury one's head in sand, let it go, look the other way, overpass, pass over, pay no attention to, pay no mind, shut eyes to, take no notice, tune out, turn back on, turn blind eye, turn deaf ear