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Showing words for ILLEGITIMATELY using the English dictionary

14 Letter Words for Illegitimately


12 Letter Words for Illegitimately

illegitimate, legitimately

10 Letter Words for Illegitimately

illegality, illimitate, legitimate, legitimity, melilitite, metalleity

9 Letter Words for Illegitimately

mellilita, mellitate, militiate, millettia, tigellate

8 Letter Words for Illegitimately

aiglette, alleyite, gilttail, gleamily, imagilet, imitatee, legality, legitime, limaille, limitate, litigate, melilite, militate, milligal, milltail, mitigate, tagilite, tallitim, teallite, telltale, tilletia, timelily

7 Letter Words for Illegitimately

agilely, agility, ailette, alemite, egalite, egality, elamite, emigate, galette, galilee, galilei, gimlety, illegal, imitate, italite, layette, laytime, legally, legitim, letgame, lettiga, liegely, limelit, limetta, limital, malleli, mateley, mealily, meatily, megilla, mellate, mellita, mellite, meltage, metally, mileage, militia, millage, millile, mitella, mylitta, taillie, teatime, tellima, tigella, tigelle, tilaite, tillage, tillite, timelia, titmall

6 Letter Words for Illegitimately

aiglet, alette, allege, allele, amelet, amitie, eaglet, egally, elegit, eltime, emetia, emilia, eyalet, gaiety, gallet, galley, gamely, gamete, gamily, gelate, gelati, gillet, gillie, gimlet, gleamy, gleety, gletty, illite, imelle, lamely, lately, latite, leally, lealty, legate, legati, leglet, ligate, lilial, limail, limity, little, lyttae, mailie, maille, mallee, mallei, mallet, mately, matily, mattie, mealie, meetly, mellay, mellit, metage, metall, metate, metely, mettle, mielie, migale, millet, mittle, mygale, taglet, taigle, tailet, tailge, taille, tailye, talite, tallet, tallit, tamely, teagle, telega, telial, tillet, tilley, timely, titely, titmal

5 Letter Words for Illegitimately

agete, agile, aglee, aglet, agley, aillt, aleye, aliet, alite, ality, allee, allel, alley, allyl, amity, amlet, ately, atilt, atimy, atlee, attle, aylet, eagle, egall, elate, elayl, elegy, elemi, elite, email, emile, emily, etage, etiam, ettle, etyma, gaily, gaitt, galee, galet, galey, gally, gelly, gemel, gilet, gilia, gilim, gilly, gilty, gimel, gitim, glali, gleam, gleet, gleit, glial, glime, gymel, ileal, ilial, ilima, image, italy, itemy, laeti, lagly, laity, lally, lamel, latte, legal, legit, lemel, leyte, liege, lilly, lilty, limey, limit, limli, litai, lytta, maile, maill, malee, malie, malty, matey, matie, matte, matti, mealy, meaty, meile, melia, melty, metae, metal, metel, milia, milit, milla, mille, milly, milty, mitty, mlitt, myall, tagel, taily, talli, tally, tamil, tatie, teaey, teaty, teety, teleg, telia, tellt, telly, tetel, tilia, tilly, tilty, timet, title, titly, yealm

4 Letter Words for Illegitimately

agee, aget, agit, agly, aiel, aile, alee, alem, alii, ally, alme, amel, amie, amil, amit, amli, amyl, atle, atli, atte, atty, ayme, eale, eely, egal, egma, eila, elem, elle, elli, elmy, emit, etat, etym, gael, gaet, gail, gait, gale, gali, gall, galt, game, gamy, gate, gatt, geal, geat, geet, geit, gell, geta, gila, gile, gill, gilt, gite, glam, glee, glei, gley, glia, glim, glit, gyal, gyle, gyte, ilea, ilia, illy, imit, itai, ital, itel, item, itll, laet, lait, lall, lame, late, lati, leal, leam, leat, leet, lege, leme, lete, lett, lige, lila, lile, lill, lilt, lily, lima, lime, limy, lite, liti, lyam, lyme, lyte, mage, magi, mail, male, mali, mall, malt, mate, maty, meal, meat, meet, mega, mela, mele, mell, melt, meta, mete, mgal, miae, mila, mile, mill, milt, mite, mitt, mity, mtge, myal, myel, tael, taig, tail, tait, tale, tali, tall, tame, tate, teal, team, teat, teel, teem, teet, tega, teil, tela, tele, teli, tell, telt, teme, tete, tige, tile, till, tilt, time, tite, titi, tyee, tyte, yagi, yale, yali, yate, yati, yeat, yeel, yell, yelm, yelt, yeta, yeti, yett, yill, yilt, yite, ylem

3 Letter Words for Illegitimately

age, agt, agy, ail, aim, ait, ale, alg, all, alt, aly, ame, ami, amt, amy, ate, atm, att, aye, eam, eat, eeg, eel, ela, eli, ell, elm, elt, eme, eta, ety, eye, eyl, gal, gam, gat, gay, gee, gel, gem, get, gey, gie, gim, git, glt, gmt, gte, gtt, gye, gym, iii, ile, ill, imi, ita, lag, lai, lam, lat, lay, lea, lee, leg, lei, lem, let, ley, lie, lig, lim, lit, llm, ltm, lye, lym, mae, mag, mal, mat, may, mea, mee, meg, mei, mel, met, mgt, mia, mig, mil, mit, mtg, mya, myg, tag, tai, tal, tam, tat, tay, tea, tee, teg, tel, tem, tet, tgt, tie, tig, til, tim, tit, tty, tye, tyg, tyt, yag, yam, yat, yea, yee, yet

Definitions for Illegitimately

[1] born of parents who are not married to each other; born out of wedlock: an illegitimate child.
[2] not legitimate; not sanctioned by law or custom.
[3] unlawful; illegal: an illegitimate action.
[4] irregular; not in good usage.
[5] Logic . not in accordance with the principles of valid inference.
[6] Obsolete . (formerly, in London) of or relating to stage plays in which musical numbers were inserted because of laws that gave only a few theaters the exclusive right to produce straight dramas. acting in or producing such productions.
[7] a person recognized or looked upon as illegitimate.
[8] to declare illegitimate.
[9] born of parents who were not married to each other at the time of birth; bastard
[10] forbidden by law; illegal; unlawful
[11] contrary to logic; incorrectly reasoned
[12] an illegitimate person; bastard

Words related to Illegitimately

illegitimateunjustly, wrongly, unjustifiably, illicitly

Words nearby Illegitimately

illegitimateillegality, illegalize, illegible, illegit, illegitimacy, illegitimate, illegitimatize, illegitimize, illiberal, illich, illicit

Origin of Illegitimately

First recorded in 1530–40; il-2 + legitimate

Other words from Illegitimately

il·le·git·i·mate·ly , adverb
il·le·git·i·mate·ness , il·le·git·i·ma·tion , noun

Synonyms for Illegitimately

illicitly, unjustifiably, unjustly, wrongly