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Showing words for IMAGINARY using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Imaginary
7 Letter Words for Imaginary
6 Letter Words for Imaginary
5 Letter Words for Imaginary
4 Letter Words for Imaginary
3 Letter Words for Imaginary
Definitions for Imaginary
[1] existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied: an imaginary illness; the imaginary animals in the stories of Dr. Seuss.
[2] Mathematics . imaginary number.
[3] existing in the imagination; unreal; illusory
[4] maths involving or containing imaginary numbers. The imaginary part of a complex number, z, is usually written Im z
Words related to Imaginary
whimsical, fantastic, abstract, fictional, unreal, fanciful, hypothetical, theoretical, ideal, visionary, apocryphal, assumed, chimerical, deceptive, delusive, dreamy, fabulous, hallucinatory, illusive, illusory
Words nearby Imaginary
imager, imagery, imagesetter, imaginable, imaginal, imaginary, imaginary axis, imaginary number, imaginary part, imaginary unit, imagination
Origin of Imaginary
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin imāginārius, equivalent to imāgin-, (stem of imāgō ) image + -ārius -ary
Words that may be confused with Imaginary
Other words from Imaginary
im·ag·i·nar·i·ly , adverb
im·ag·i·nar·i·ness , noun
non·im·ag·i·nar·i·ly , adverb
non·im·ag·i·nar·i·ly·ness , noun
non·im·ag·i·nar·i·ness , noun
non·im·ag·i·nar·y , adjective
pre·im·ag·i·nar·y , adjective
un·im·ag·i·nar·y , adjective
Synonyms for Imaginary
abstract, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, hypothetical, imagined, theoretical, unreal, whimsical, ideal, visionary, apocryphal, apparitional, assumed, chimerical, deceptive, delusive, dreamed-up, dreamlike, dreamy, fabulous, fancied, figmental, fool's paradise, hallucinatory, illusive, illusory, imaginative, legendary, made-up, mythological, nonexistent, notional, phantasmal, phantasmic, quixotic, shadowy, spectral, supposed, supposititious, trumped up, unsubstantial