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Showing words for IMBUEMENT using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Imbuement
7 Letter Words for Imbuement
6 Letter Words for Imbuement
5 Letter Words for Imbuement
4 Letter Words for Imbuement
3 Letter Words for Imbuement
Definitions for Imbuement
[1] to impregnate or inspire, as with feelings, opinions, etc.: The new political leader was imbued with the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.
[2] to saturate or impregnate with moisture, color, etc.
[3] to imbrue.
[4] to instil or inspire (with ideals, principles, etc) his sermons were imbued with the spirit of the Reformation
[5] rare to soak, esp with moisture, dye, etc
Words related to Imbuement
imbuecomplexion, shading, variegation, quality, intinction
Words nearby Imbuement
imbueimbroglio, imbros, imbrown, imbrue, imbrute, imbue, imco, imeche, imena, imf, imho
Origin of Imbuement
First recorded in 1545–55, imbue is from the Latin word imbuere to wet, drench
Words that may be confused with Imbuement
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, imbueimbrue, imbue
Other words from Imbuement
im·bue·ment , noun
pre·im·bue , verb (used with object), pre·im·bued, pre·im·bu·ing.
un·im·bued , adjective
Word origin for Imbuement
C16: from Latin imbuere to stain, accustom
Synonyms for Imbuement
complexion, shading, dyeing, quality, staining, tinting, variegation, intinction, tinction