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Showing words for IMMORTAL using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Immortal
7 Letter Words for Immortal
6 Letter Words for Immortal
5 Letter Words for Immortal
4 Letter Words for Immortal
3 Letter Words for Immortal
Definitions for Immortal
[1] not mortal; not liable or subject to death; undying: our immortal souls.
[2] remembered or celebrated through all time: the immortal words of Lincoln.
[3] not liable to perish or decay; imperishable; everlasting.
[4] perpetual; lasting; constant: an immortal enemy.
[5] of or relating to immortal beings or immortality.
[6] (of a laboratory-cultured cell line) capable of dividing indefinitely.
[7] an immortal being.
[8] a person of enduring fame: Bach, Milton, El Greco, and other immortals.
[9] the Immortals, the 40 members of the French Academy.
[10] (often initial capital letter ) any of the gods of classical mythology.
[11] not subject to death or decay; having perpetual life
[12] having everlasting fame; remembered throughout time
[13] everlasting; perpetual; constant
[14] of or relating to immortal beings or concepts
[15] an immortal being
[16] (often plural) a person who is remembered enduringly, esp an author Dante is one of the immortals
Words related to Immortal
eternal, indestructible, timeless, never-ending, enduring, everlasting, endless, glorious, heroic, evergreen, permanent, constant, perennial, genius, paragon, epic, laureate, abiding, ceaseless, deathless
Words nearby Immortal
immoral, immoralism, immoralist, immorality, immoralize, immortal, immortality, immortalize, immortals, immortelle, immotile
Origin of Immortal
1325–75; Middle English (adj.) < Latin immortālis. See im-2, mortal
Other words from Immortal
im·mor·tal·ly , adverb
qua·si-im·mor·tal , adjective
qua·si-im·mor·tal·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Immortal
endless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, indestructible, never-ending, timeless, constant, evergreen, perennial, permanent, abiding, amaranthine, ceaseless, deathless, incorruptible, indissoluble, interminable, lasting, never-ceasing, perdurable, perpetual, phoenixlike, sempiternal, undying, unfading