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Showing words for IMPALE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Impale
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Definitions for Impale
[1] to fasten, stick, or fix upon a sharpened stake or the like.
[2] to pierce with a sharpened stake thrust up through the body, as for torture or punishment.
[3] to fix upon, or pierce through with, anything pointed.
[4] to make helpless as if pierced through.
[5] Archaic . to enclose with or as if with pales or stakes; fence in; hem in.
[6] Heraldry . to marshal (two coats of arms, as the family arms of a husband and wife) on an escutcheon party per pale. (of a coat of arms) to be combined with (another coat of arms) in this way.
[7] (often foll by on, upon, or with ) to pierce with a sharp instrument they impaled his severed head on a spear
[8] archaic to enclose with pales or fencing; fence in
[9] heraldry to charge (a shield) with two coats of arms placed side by side
Words related to Impale
prick, transfix, lance, pierce, spear, punch, stick, puncture, spike, skewer, perforate, skiver
Words nearby Impale
impactive, impair, impaired, impairment, impala, impale, impalpable, impanation, impanel, impar, imparadise
Origin of Impale
1545–55; < Medieval Latin impālāre, equivalent to Latin im- im-1 + pāl(us ) pale2 + -ā- thematic vowel + -re infinitive ending
Other words from Impale
im·pal·er , noun
im·pale·ment , noun
Word origin for Impale
C16: from Medieval Latin impālāre, from Latin im- (in) + pālus pale ²
Synonyms for Impale
prick, transfix, lance, perforate, pierce, punch, puncture, skewer, spear, spike, stick, run through, skiver