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Showing words for IMPASSIVE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Impassive
7 Letter Words for Impassive
6 Letter Words for Impassive
5 Letter Words for Impassive
4 Letter Words for Impassive
3 Letter Words for Impassive
Definitions for Impassive
[1] without emotion; apathetic; unmoved.
[2] calm; serene.
[3] unconscious; insensible.
[4] not subject to suffering.
[5] not revealing or affected by emotion; reserved
[6] calm; serene; imperturbable
[7] rare unconscious or insensible
Words related to Impassive
reticent, matter-of-fact, serene, taciturn, emotionless, unruffled, stoic, unflappable, unemotional, stolid, placid, apathetic, callous, cold, cold-blooded, collected, composed, dispassionate, dry, hardened
Words nearby Impassive
impasse, impassible, impassion, impassionate, impassioned, impassive, impaste, impasto, impatent, impatience, impatiens
Origin of Impassive
First recorded in 1660–70; im-2 + passive
Other words from Impassive
im·pas·sive·ly , adverb
im·pas·sive·ness , im·pas·siv·i·ty [im-pa-siv -i-tee] /ˌɪm pæˈsɪv ɪ ti/ , noun
Synonyms for Impassive
emotionless, matter-of-fact, placid, reticent, serene, stoic, stolid, taciturn, unemotional, unflappable, unruffled, apathetic, callous, cold, cold-blooded, collected, composed, dispassionate, dry, hardened, heartless, imperturbable, indifferent, indurated, inexcitable, inexpressive, inscrutable, insensible, insusceptible, nonchalant, passionless, phlegmatic, poker-faced, reserved, sedate, self-contained, spiritless, stoical, unconcerned, unexcitable, unfeeling, unimpressible, unmoved, wooden