9 Letter Words for Impedance
8 Letter Words for Impedance
encamped, mancipee, medicean, pandemic, pedimane
7 Letter Words for Impedance
adience, demaine, diceman, endemic, menaced, nepidae, pacemen
6 Letter Words for Impedance
aedine, aidmen, amende, amened, amiced, anemic, apemen, apiece, apneic, camden, camped, candie, cinema, cnidae, daimen, damine, dampen, dampne, decamp, decane, decani, decima, decime, decine, demain, demean, dempne, dename, dimane, edemic, edenic, encamp, epacme, iceman, icemen, idence, impane, impede, impend, incamp, incede, madnep, maiden, mained, meaned, meanie, mediae, median, medica, medina, medine, meined, menace, minced, neaped, pained, panime, peaced, peaned, peneid, penide, picene, pieced, piecen, pieman, piemen
5 Letter Words for Impedance
acned, adeem, adeep, admen, admin, aimed, ainee, ameed, ameen, amend, amene, amice, amide, amine, amnic, amped, anime, cadee, cadie, campi, caned, canid, caped, cnida, daine, damie, dance, danic, decan, decap, decem, deice, deman, demic, denim, diane, diene, eaned, edema, emane, emden, emend, enami, encia, endia, eneid, enema, eniac, enpia, imped, impen, maced, maine, mande, mandi, maned, manei, manic, manid, manie, meane, medea, media, medic, mened, minae, mince, mined, named, necia, nicad, niece, niepa, paced, paine, pance, paned, panic, panim, peace, pecan, peine, pence, penda, pened, penie, picea, pidan, piece, piend, piman, pinda, pined
4 Letter Words for Impedance
aced, acid, acme, acne, aden, admi, aide, aine, amen, amic, amid, amie, amin, ance, anim, aped, cade, cadi, caid, cain, came, cami, camp, cand, cane, cape, capi, cede, cedi, cene, cepa, cepe, cide, cima, cine, dace, dain, dame, damn, damp, dane, dean, deem, deen, deep, deia, deme, demi, dene, deni, depa, depe, diam, dian, dice, diem, dime, dine, eadi, ecad, edam, edea, eden, eide, eine, emda, emic, enam, ende, ened, epic, iced, idea, idee, idem, iman, inca, inde, mace, made, maed, maid, main, mand, mane, mani, mead, mean, mede, meed, mein, mend, mene, miae, mian, mica, mice, mide, midn, mien, mind, mine, nace, naid, name, nape, neap, need, neem, neep, nema, nepa, nice, nide, nied, nipa, pace, padi, paid, pain, pand, pane, peai, pean, peda, peed, peen, pend, pene, peni, pian, pica, pice, pied, pien, pima, pina, pind, pine, pnce
3 Letter Words for Impedance
ace, adc, ade, adm, adp, aid, aim, ain, ame, ami, amp, anc, and, ane, apc, ape, cad, cai, cam, can, cap, cee, cen, cep, cia, cid, cie, cmd, cpa, cpd, cpi, cpm, dae, dam, dan, dap, dca, dea, dec, dee, dei, dem, den, dep, dia, die, dim, din, dip, dna, dpi, ead, eam, ean, ecm, edp, eec, een, eme, emp, enc, end, ene, epa, epi, ice, ida, ide, idp, imp, inc, ind, ipm, mac, mad, mae, man, map, mea, med, mee, mei, men, mia, mic, mid, min, mna, nad, nae, nam, nap, nea, ned, nee, nei, nep, nid, nie, nim, nip, pac, pad, pam, pan, pci, pcm, pdn, pea, pec, ped, pee, pen, pia, pic, pid, pie, pin
Definitions for Impedance
[1] Electricity . the total opposition to alternating current by an electric circuit, equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the resistance and reactance of the circuit and usually expressed in ohms. Symbol : Z
[2] Also called mechanical impedance. Physics . the ratio of the force on a system undergoing simple harmonic motion to the velocity of the particles in the system.
[3] something that impedes; an obstacle or hindrance.
[4] a measure of the opposition to the flow of an alternating current equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the resistance and the reactance, expressed in ohms Symbol: Z
[5] a component that offers impedance
[6] Also called: acoustic impedance the ratio of the sound pressure in a medium to the rate of alternating flow of the medium through a specified surface due to the sound wave Symbol: Z a
[7] Also called: mechanical impedance the ratio of the mechanical force, acting in the direction of motion, to the velocity of the resulting vibration Symbol: Z m
Words related to Impedance
intransigence, support, refusal, fight, protection, struggle, defiance, battle, discontent, disharmony, discord, hostility, antagonism, resistance, dissension, resentment, trouble, strife, hassle, animosity
Words nearby Impedance
impeachment, impearl, impeccable, impeccant, impecunious, impedance, impedance matching, impede, impediment, impedimenta, impedor
Origin of Impedance
1886; impede + -ance; term introduced by O. Heaviside
Other words from Impedance
self-im·ped·ance , noun
Synonyms for Impedance
battle, defiance, fight, intransigence, protection, refusal, struggle, support, blocking, check, combat, contention, counteraction, cover, detention, friction, hindrance, holding, impediment, obstruction, rebuff, retardation, safeguard, screen, shield, stand, watch, halting, impeding, parrying, protecting, striking back, warding off, withstanding