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Showing words for IMPLEMENT using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Implement
8 Letter Words for Implement
7 Letter Words for Implement
6 Letter Words for Implement
5 Letter Words for Implement
4 Letter Words for Implement
3 Letter Words for Implement
Definitions for Implement
[1] any article used in some activity, especially an instrument, tool, or utensil: agricultural implements.
[2] an article of equipment, as household furniture, clothing, ecclesiastical vestments, or the like.
[3] a means; agent: human beings as an implement of divine plan.
[4] to fulfill; perform; carry out: Once in office, he failed to implement his campaign promises.
[5] to put into effect according to or by means of a definite plan or procedure.
[6] to fill out or supplement.
[7] to provide with implements.
[8] a piece of equipment; tool or utensil gardening implements
[9] something used to achieve a purpose; agent
[10] to carry out; put into action; perform to implement a plan
[11] archaic to complete, satisfy, or fulfil
Words related to Implement
utensil, gadget, appliance, instrument, resolve, complete, enforce, realize, achieve, contraption, apparatus, machine, equipment, contrivance, device, materialize, execute, enable, invoke, perform
Words nearby Implement
implanted suture, implantology, implausible, implead, impleader, implement, implementation, implicate, implication, implicative, implicatory
Origin of Implement
1425–75; late Middle English < Late Latin implēmentum a filling up, equivalent to Latin implē(re ) to fill up (im- im-1 + plēre to fill) + -mentum -ment
Other words from Implement
im·ple·ment·a·ble , adjective
im·ple·men·tal , adjective
im·ple·men·ta·tion , noun
im·ple·ment·er , im·ple·men·tor , noun
non·im·ple·ment , noun
non·im·ple·men·tal , adjective
re·im·ple·ment , verb (used with object)
Word origin for Implement
C17: from Late Latin implēmentum, literally: a filling up, from Latin implēre to fill up, satisfy, fulfil
Synonyms for Implement
appliance, gadget, instrument, utensil, apparatus, contraption, contrivance, device, equipment, machine